The following events in the history of psychology took place in 1950.
- Robert Bales introduces the Interactional Process Analysis
- The Mexican Society of Psychology was established
- The Institute of Psychology was established at the Central University of Ecuador
- The Israel Psychological Association is established
- J. P. Guilford elected APA President
- Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswick, Levinson & Sanford publish The Authoritarian Personality
- Erik Erikson publishes 'Childhood and Society,'
- George C. Homans publishes The Human Group
- Konrad Lorenz wrote The Comparative Method in Studying Innate Behaviour Patterns
- Theodore Newcomb publishes Social Psychology
- Alan Turing publishes Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Timeline: 1945 - 1946 - 1947 - 1948 - 1949 - 1950 - 1951 - 1952 - 1953 - 1954 - 1955 |