The APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology is an award of the American Psychological Association that " honors psychologists who have made distinguished theoretical or empirical contributions to basic research in psychology."<
20th Century[]
- 1956 Wolfgang Köhler, Carl R. Rogers, Kenneth W. Spence
- 1957 Carl I. Hovland, Curt P. Richter, Edward C. Tolman
- 1958 Frank A. Beach, Paul E. Meehl, B. F. Skinner
- 1959 Leon Festinger, Donald B. Lindsley, Neal E. Miller
- 1960 Harry F. Harlow, Charles E. Osgood, S. Smith Stevens
- 1961 James J. Gibson, Donald O. Hebb, Henry A. Murray
- 1962 Jerome S. Bruner, William K. Estes, Harry Helson
- 1963 Roger G. Barker, George A. Miller, Carl Pfaffmann
- 1964 Gordon W. Allport, Wendell R. Garner, J. P. Guilford
- 1965 Floyd Allport, Fritz Heider, Paul Thomas Young
- 1966 Nancy Bayley, Clarence H. Graham, Richard L. Solomon
- 1967 Solomon E. Asch, Ernest R. Hilgard, James Olds
- 1968 James E. Birren, Eleanor J. Gibson, Muzafer Sherif
- 1969 Jean Piaget, Stanley Schachter, Herbert A. Simon
- 1970 Donald T. Campbell, David Krech, R. Duncan Luce
- 1971 Roger William Brown, Harold H. Kelley, Roger Wolcott Sperry
- 1972 Edwin E. Ghiselli, Dorothea Jameson, Leo Hurvich, Patrick Suppes
- 1973 Lee J. Cronbach, Brenda Milner, Benton J. Underwood
- 1974 Angus Campbell, Lorrin A. Riggs, Richard F. Thompson
- 1975 Donald E. Broadbent, Robert R. Sears, David Shakow
- 1976 Beatrice C. Lacey, John I. Lacey, Theodore M. Newcombe, Roger N. Shepard
- 1977 Richard C. Atkinson, Russell L. De Valois, Edward E. Jones
- 1978 Julian Hochberg, Philip Teitelbaum, Robert B. Zajonc
- 1979 John W. Atkinson, Gordon H. Bower, John Garcia
- 1980 Albert Bandura, Alvin M. Liberman, Michael I. Posner
- 1981 David M. Green, Irving L. Janis, James L. McGaugh
- 1982 Daniel Kahneman, Amos Tversky, Walter Mischel, Mark R. Rosenzweig
- 1983 John W. Thibaut, Endel Tulving, Hans Wallach
- 1984 Noam Chomsky, John H. Flavell, Floyd Ratliff
- 1985 Clyde Coombs, Mortimer Mishkin, Allen Newell
- 1986 Robert P. Abelson, Gunnar Johansson, Robert A. Rescorla
- 1987 Morton Deutsch, Jerome Kagan, David C. McClelland, Saul Sternberg, Niko Tinbergen, Ledyard R. Tucker
- 1988 Irving T. Diamond, Frederic M. Lord, Eleanor E. Maccoby, William J. McGuire, Julian B. Rotter, George Sperling
- 1989 Mary D. Salter Ainsworth, John Bowlby, J. Douglas Carroll, Richard S. Lazarus
- 1990 Frances K. Graham, John A. Swets, Anne Treisman
- 1991 Paul Ekman, Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic, Richard E. Nisbett
- 1992 Ursula Bellugi, Edward S. Klima, Walter Kintsch, K. Warner Schaie
- 1993 Peter J. Lang, Paul Slovic, Larry R. Squire
- 1994 John R. Anderson, Jon Kaas, Neil Schneiderman
- 1995 Rochel Gelman, William A. Mason, Michael L. Rutter
- 1996 Robert W. Goy, James L. McClelland, David E. Rumelhart, Shelley E. Taylor
- 1997 Ellen S. Berscheid, Edward Smith, Robert H. Wurtz
- 1998/1999 Elliot Aronson, William T. Greenough, Allan R. Wagner
- 2000 Richard J. Davidson, E. Tory Higgins, Elizabeth S. Spelke
21st Century[]
- 2001 Alan D. Baddeley, Irving I. Gottesman, Michael M. Merzenich
- 2002 John T. Cacioppo, David E. Meyer, William T. Newsome
- 2003 Lila R. Gleitman, Bruce S. McEwen, Claude M. Steele
- 2004 Sheldon Cohen, E. Mavis Hetherington, Richard M. Shiffrin
- 2005 Charles G. Gross, Douglas L. Medin, Robert S. Siegler
- 2006 Michael Davis, Marcia K. Johnson, Martin E. P. Seligman
- 2007 Marilynn B. Brewer, Jean M. Mandler, Paul Rozin
- 2008 Michael S. Gazzaniga, Janellen Huttenlocher, Hazel R. Markus
- 2009 Susan E. Carey, Alice H. Eagly, Steven F. Maier
- 2010 Jonathan D. Cohen, Susan T. Fiske, Joseph E. LeDoux
- 2011 Barry J. Everitt, Trevor W. Robbins, Carol S. Dweck, Daniel M. Wegner
- 2012 Edward F. Diener, Michael Meaney, Daniel L. Schacter
- 2013 Ian H. Gotlib, Robert M. Sapolsky, Linda B. Smith
See also[]
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