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Adjustment disorders
ICD-10 F432
ICD-9 309
OMIM [1]
DiseasesDB 33765
MedlinePlus [2]
eMedicine med/3348
MeSH {{{MeshNumber}}}

In psychology, adjustment disorder refers to a psychological disturbance that develops in response to a stressor. Adjustment disorders are caused by specific sources of stress, such as severe personal crisis (divorce, death of loved one, recent abuse, recent job changes) or major unexpected negative events (tornado or fire destroys a person's home). The usual symptoms mimic depression, anxiety, or sleep disorder; however the disturbance disorder is short-term and can usually be treated with counselling or mild short-term medication. If the problem persists more than six months after removal of the stressor, the person may have a more permanent problem, such as a chronic mood or sleep disorder. For related DSM codes see DSM IV Adjustment_Disorders

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