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Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, a non-profit organization located in suburban Philadelphia,[1] is an international Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) training and resource center. It was founded in 1994 by Aaron T. Beck, M.D. and his daughter Judith S. Beck, Ph.D.[2] Beck Institute offers training in CBT in a variety of forms. Its mission is “to encourage the growth and dissemination of CBT throughout the world through leadership in the field and through the provision of professional training, outpatient clinical services and research.”[3]

Dr. Aaron T. Beck is currently Beck Institute’s President Emeritus.[4] He is recognized as the founder of Cognitive Behavior Therapy.[5] His daughter, Dr. Judith Beck is Beck Institute’s current President.[4] Both Drs. Beck are affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Aaron Beck is University Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and continues to do research there.[6] Dr. Judith Beck is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry. Dr. Julie Hergenrather is Beck Institute’s Executive Director.[4]

Among Beck Institute’s training programs are in-house workshops held at the Beck Institute, the Beck Institute Supervision program, and customized workshops in which Beck faculty travel around the world to teach.[7] Beck Institute’s in-house workshops cover a variety of topics including: Depression and Anxiety, Personality Disorders and Challenging Problems, CBT for Children and Adolescents, CBT for PTSD, CBT for Schizophrenia, and a workshop on Depression and Anxiety in Spanish.[8] Beck Institute offers scholarships for therapists working with active duty military and veterans through their Soldier Suicide Prevention initiative[9] and holds an annual scholarship competition for graduate students and faculty.[10]

Beck Institute also runs a clinic at its location in suburban Philadelphia.[11]

External links[]


  1. Joanne Silberner (2006). New Year's Resolutions: If Will Power Isn't Enough. National Public Radio.
  2. includeonly>"Judith S. Beck, Ph.D.".
  3. Mission Statement. Beck Institute.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Leadership. Beck Institute.
  5. includeonly>Carey, Benedict. "Talk Therapy Eases Severe Schizophrenia, Study Shows", 3 October 2011.
  6. Aaron T. Beck, M.D.. Department of Psychiatry Penn Behavioral Health.
  7. Training and Consultation in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Beck Institute.
  8. CBT Scholarships. CBT for Soldiers.
  9. Apply for Scholarship. Soldier Suicide Prevention.
  10. Pretzer, James Scholarships for CBT Training at Beck Institute. Behavior Online.
  11. Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research. Psychology Net.

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