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Behavior change refers to any transformation or modification of human behavior. Such changes can occur intentionally, through psychotherapy, behavior therapy,behavior modification or educational interventions, or occur spontaneously. Substantial behavior change may be related to processes of personal and emotional development or mental illness.


Main article: Behavioral change theories

Behavior change programs tend to focus on a few behavioral change theories which gained ground in the 1980s. These theories share a major commonality in defining individual actions as the locus of change. Behavior change programs that are usually focused on activities that help a person or a community to reflect upon their risk behaviors and change them to reduce their risk and vulnerability are known as interventions. See also "The Transtheoretical (Stages of Change) Model of Behavior Change," "The Theory of Reasoned Action," "The Health Belief Model" and the Health Action Process Approach.


Main article: Behavior change methods

Behavior change programs, which have evolved over time, encompass a broad range of activities and approaches, which focus on the individual, community, and environmental influences on behavior. The term Behavior Change Communication (BCC) specifically refers to community health-seeking behavior, and was first employed in HIV and TB prevention projects. More recently, its ambit has grown to encompass any communication activity whose goal is to help individuals and communities select and practice behavior that will positively impact their health, such as immunization, cervical cancer check up, employing single-use syringes, etc.

Areas of application[]

  • Behavior change (public health)

See also[]

References & Bibliography[]

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