Brodmann area 7 is a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined parietal region of cerebral cortex in the guenon. It occupies most of the parietal lobe excluding the postcentral gyrus and superior parietal lobule. Brodmann-1909 considered it topologically homologous to the combined superior parietal area 7, the supramarginal area 40 (H) and the angular area 39 (H) of the human. Cytoarchitecurally he regarded it as "a still undifferentiated precursor zone for all parietal areas (apart from area 5)" (Garey-1999). Distinctive features (Brodmann-1905): in area 7 compared to Brodmann area 5-1909, large ganglion cells are absent from the internal pyramidal layer (V); the pyramidal cells of the external pyramidal layer (III) sublayer 3b are, on average, larger; the multiform layer (VI) is denser and narrower and more sharply bounded by subcortical white matter.