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Codependence (or codependency) is a popular psychology concept popularized by Twelve-Step program advocates. A "codependent" is loosely defined as someone who exhibits too much, and often inappropriate, caring for persons who depend on him or her. A "codependent" is one side of a relationship between mutually needy people. The dependent, or obviously needy party(s) may have emotional, physical, financial difficulties, or addictions they seemingly are unable to surmount. The "codependent" party exhibits behaviour which controls, makes excuses for, pities, and takes other actions to perpetuate the obviously needy party's condition, because of their desire to be needed and fear of doing anything that would change the relationship.


Symptoms of codependence are controlling behavior, distrust, perfectionism, avoidance of feelings, problems with intimacy, excessive caretaking, hypervigilance or physical illness related to stress. Codependence is often accompanied by clinical depression, as the codependent person succumbs to feelings of frustration or sadness over an inability to improve the situation.

Codependence can also be a set of maladaptive, compulsive behaviors learned by family members in order to survive in a family which is experiencing great emotional pain and stress caused, for example, by a family member's alcoholism or other addiction, sexual or other abuse within the family, a family member's chronic illness, or forces external to the family, such as poverty.

Codependency advocates claim that a codependent may feel shame about, or try to change, private thoughts and feelings if they conflict with those of another person. An example would be a wife making excuses for her husband's excessive drinking and perhaps running interference for him by calling in sick for him when he is hung over. Such behaviors, which may well lessen conflict and ease tension within the family in the short term, are counterproductive in the long term, since, in this case, the wife is actually supporting ("enabling") the husband's drinking behavior. So, sometimes, the codependent is referred to as an "enabler." It is also worth noting that since the wife in this case is dependent on the husband's alcoholic behavior, she may actually feel disturbed, disoriented or threatened if she sees clearly that he is emerging from his dependence; the threat to her position as a confidante and needed loved one might lead her unconsciously to resist the husband's steps towards recovery. Similarly, a codependent parent might resist a child's steps toward independence; whether early or late in life.

Codependent people have a greater tendency to enter into relationships with people who are emotionally unavailable or needy. The codependent tries to control a relationship without directly identifying and addressing their own needs and desires. This invariably means that codependents set themselves up for continued unfulfillment. Codependents always feel that they are acting in another person's best interest, making it difficult for them to see the controlling nature of their own behavior.


Individuals who are suffering from codependence may seek assistance through various therapies, sometimes accompanied by chemical therapy for accompanying depression.

In addition, there exist support groups for codependency; some of these are Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) and Al-Anon/Alateen, Celebrate Recovery, and Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACoA), which are based on the 12-Step model of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Many books have been written on the subject of codependence. Melody Beattie was one of the first to describe such behaviors. She is the author of Codependent No More among many other volumes.


  • Caring for an individual with a physical addiction is not synonymous with pathology. To name the caregiver as a co-alcoholic responsible for the endurance of their partner's alcoholism for example, pathologises caring behaviour. The caregiver may only require assertiveness training skills and the addict accountability in taking responsibility for managing their addiction, or not[1] [2].
  • Not all mental health professionals agree about codependence or its standard methods of treatment [3]. It is not listed in the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic manual. Stan Katz & Liu, in "The Codependency Conspiracy: How to Break the Recovery Habit and Take Charge of Your Life," feel that codependence is over-diagnosed, and that many people who could be helped with shorter-term treatments instead become dependent on long-term self-help programs.
  • Some believe that codependency is not a negative trait, and does not need to be treated, as it is more likely a healthy personality trait taken to excess. Codependency in nonclinical populations has some links with favorable characteristics of family functioning [4].
  • The language of symptoms of and treatment for codependence derive from the medical model suggesting a disease process underlies the behaviour. There is no evidence that codependence is caused by a disease process, communicable or otherwise.
  • Not everything promoted by recovery agencies is a demonstrable scientific fact, some of it is based on fashion and faith alone [5] [6].
  • People who have experienced natural disasters, life threatening illness or accident, and personal and community tragedy have been found to perceive a benefit from the ordeal such as positive personality changes, changes in priorities and enhanced family relationships [7]. Caring for survivors serves a worthwhile ethic of empowerment—both for the caregiver and the survivors.

See also[]


  1. Affleck, G., Tennan, H., Croog, S., & Levine, S. (1987) "Causal Attribution, perceived benefits, and morbidity following a heart attack". Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55, 29–35.
  2. Moos, R.H., Finney, J.W., & Cronkite, R.C. (1990) Alcoholism treatment: Process and outcome. New York: Oxford University Press.
  3. Gomberg, E.L. (1989). "On terms used and abused: The concept of codependecy". Drugs and Society, 3, 113–132.
  4. Layne A. Prest, Mark J. Benson, Howard O. Protinsky, "Family of Origin and Current Relationship Influences on Codependency", Family Process Volume 37, Issue 4 (December 1998), page 513–528.
  5. Gordon, J.R., Barrett, K.(1993) "The Codependency Movement: Issues of Context and Differentiation". In Baer, J.S, Marlatt, A. & McMahon, R.J. (eds.) Addictive Behaviors Across the Life Span. Newburry Park: Sage.
  6. Kaminer, W. (1992). I'm Dysfunctional, You're Dysfunctional: The Recovery Movement and other Self- Help Fashions. New York: Vintage.
  7. Affleck, G., Tennen, H. & Rowe, J. (1991) Infants in crisis: How parents cope with newborn intensive care and its aftermath. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • "A Brief History of Codependence and a Look at the Psychological Literature", in: P. Mellody e.a., Facing Codependence, New York etc.: HarperSanFrancisco, 1989, ISBN 0-06-250589-0, 207–217 (= Appendix).
  • "Cluster C Personality Disorders", in: Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV, Washington: American Psychiatric Association, 4th ed. 1994, ISBN 0-89042-062-9, 662–673.
  • "Codependence", in: Benjamin J. Sadock & Virginia A. Sadock (eds), Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry on CD, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 7th ed. 2000, ISBN 0-7817-2141-5, 20703–20707.
  • Co-Dependents Anonymous, Phoenix: Co-Dependents Anonymous, 1st ed. 1999, ISBN 0-9647105-0-1, 3–6.
  • Confusing Love with Obsession, 2006, Moore, J. 3rd ed. Hazelden, ISBN 1592853560

Further reading[]

  • Aday, J. B., Jr. (1995). An analysis of codependency in adult males: A comparison of adult males from chemically dependent families with adult males from nonchemically dependent families. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Aguilar, M. A., DiNitto, D. M., Franklin, C., & Lopez-Pilkinton, B. (1991). Mexican-American families: A psychoeducational approach for addressing chemical dependency and codependency: Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal Vol 8(4) Aug 1991, 309-326.
  • Allen, W. A. (1994). Recovery from narcissistic collusion: The breaking of the glass. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Allison, S. (2004). Nurse Codependency: Instrument Development and Validation: Journal of Nursing Measurement Vol 12(1) Spr-Sum 2004, 63-75.
  • Allison, S. K. (2002). A path model using codependency and binge eating as mediating variables with selected biographic correlates to explain body mass index in a nursing sample. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Anderson, S. C. (1994). A critical analysis of the concept of codependency: Social Work Vol 39(6) Nov 1994, 677-685.
  • Angelletta, M. (1995). A psychological exploration of rage and immobilization among codependents. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Antze, P. (2002). Review of Codependent Forevermore: The Invention of Self in a Twelve Step Group: Transcultural Psychiatry Vol 39(3) Sep 2002, 399-401.
  • Arkesteyn, D. L. (1995). The relationship between codependency and Kohlberg's stages of moral development. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Arnaldi, J. A. (1993). A discriminant analysis of help-seeking spouses of chemically addicted and non-addicted persons on five measures of codependency: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Asher, R., & Brissett, D. (1995). Codependency: A view from women married to alcoholics. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
  • Asher, R. M. (1992). Women with alcoholic husbands: Ambivalence and the trap of codependency. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
  • Askew-Kidd, D. (1992). Dysfunctional attachment, co-dependency and wives of alcoholics: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Atkinson, S. J. (1995). The mediating and moderating effects of codependency. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Atkinson, S. J., & Fischer, J. L. (1996). Factors affecting codependent's support group attendance: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly Vol 14(1) 1996, 11-20.
  • Babcock, M. (1995). Critiques of codependency: History and background issues. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
  • Babcock, M., & McKay, M. C. (1995). Challenging codependency: Feminist critiques. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
  • Bagheri, P. (2005). Predictors of codependency among European American and Mexican American college females. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Bailey, M. A. (1993). The relationship among co-dependency, burnout and work motivation in certified therapeutic recreation specialists: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Baker, D. A. (1997). Substance abuse among college students with disabilities: The relationship between adult children of alcoholics and codependency. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Baker, R. L. (1999). A qualitative study of the dysfunctional managerial practices of the codependent supervisor. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Ballou, M. (1997). Collected Codependency Challenges: PsycCRITIQUES Vol 42 (10), Oct, 1997.
  • Barnett, K. H. (1991). The relationship of codependence to career choice: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Bayer, G. F. (1992). Working with the black and white of codependency: Pratt Institute Creative Arts Therapy Review Vol 13 1992, 41-45.
  • Bell, J. (1995). "Co-dependency: A critical review": Comment: Drug and Alcohol Review Vol 14(2) 1995, 240-241.
  • Benenson, A. K. (1993). Healing codependency through hypnoanalysis: Medical Hypnoanalysis Journal Vol 8(3) Sep 1993, 93-105.
  • Bensch, M. C. (1997). Spouses of alcoholics in treatment: Predictors of codependence. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Bergeron, J. S. (1993). Codependency issues in selected contemporary American plays: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Biddy, K. D. (1994). A comparative study of the aspects of adjustment among adult children of alcoholics and adult children of nonalcoholics in the form of personality characteristics and its relationship to the description of codependent behavior. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Bird, H. P. (1996). The relationship between co-dependence and Borderline Personality Disorder. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Blanchard, K. A. (1999). A moderational model of alcohol treatment outcome: The relationship between motivation and cognitive deficits. (substance abuse). Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Boorhem, H. (1994). The development of a definition, diagnostic criteria, and treatment guidelines for co-dependence: A delphi study. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Bornstein, R. F. (2006). The Complex Relationship Between Dependency and Domestic Violence: Converging Psychological Factors and Social Forces: American Psychologist Vol 61(6) Sep 2006, 595-606.
  • Bornstein, R. F. (2007). On integrating variables and separating facts in the complex relationship between dependency and domestic violence: American Psychologist Vol 62(7) Oct 2007, 709-711.
  • Borovoy, A. (2000). Recovering from codependence in Japan: American Ethnologist Vol 28(1) Feb 2000, 94-118.
  • Borovoy, A. (2001). Recovering from codependence in Japan: American Ethnologist Vol 28(1) Feb 2001, 94-118.
  • Brewer, L. G., Zawadski, M. L., & Lincoln, R. (1990). Characteristics of alcoholics and codependents who did and did not complete treatment: International Journal of the Addictions Vol 25(6) Jun 1990, 653-663.
  • Brewster, L. S. (1991). Sibling chemical codependence: The struggle for self: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Brinsley, J. R. (1992). Designing educational, preventative and recovery programmes for alcoholics and codependents through the local church: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Brown, H. M., Jr. (1996). God ain't com'n this time: A model of care for the Christian co-dependent. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Browning, S. W., & Rubin, J. E. (1991). Treatment options with co-dependent clients. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press/Professional Resource Exchange.
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  • Burris, C. T. (1999). Stand by your (exploitive) man: Codependency and responses to performance feedback: Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology Vol 18(3) Fal 1999, 277-298.
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  • Calleros, R. (1990). Assessment of factors of codependence in women: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Carson, A. T. (1991). Women and codependency: A study of object relations, depression, and childhood experience: Dissertation Abstracts International.
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  • Cermak, T. L. (1986). Diagnosing and treating co-dependence: A guide for professionals who work with chemical dependents, their spouses and children. Minneapolis, MN: Johnson Institute Books.
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  • Chronister, K. M. (2007). Contextualizing women domestic violence survivors' economic and emotional dependencies: American Psychologist Vol 62(7) Oct 2007, 706-708.
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