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#redirect[[Obsessive-compulsive disorder]]
'''Compulsive behavior''' is behavior which a person does "compulsively", i.e., not because they enjoy it but because they feels they "have to". The two most common forms are:
#[[obsessive-compulsive disorder]] - obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions which attempt to neutralize the obsessions
#[[drug addiction]] - a condition where a person takes a drug compulsively, despite potential harm to themselves, or their desire to stop
Compulsive behavior generally arises out of obsessional thoughts, and is driven by a sense of discomfort, which may be described as unease, [[anxiety]], or [[guilt]].<ref>S. Rachman/P. De Silva, ''Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder'' (2009) p. 17-9</ref>
When guilt feelings are to the fore, it is generally a severe, unyielding, archaic conscience that is in question.<ref>Humberto Nagera, ''Obsessional Neurosis'' (1993) p. 205</ref> Sometimes behavior is obviously following such a conscience, as with the exaggerated repetition of the parental command to 'go and wash' in guilt-driven compulsive washing; sometimes it may represent both obedience to conscience and its defiance in successive actions, as when a stone is removed from a road, and then put back, or when a gas tap is first turned on and then turned off again;<ref>Otto Fenichel, ''The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis'' (1946) p. 270 and p. 153</ref> sometimes obedience and defiance are combined in one single act.<ref>E. Skynner/J. Cleese, ''Families and how to survive them'' (1994) p. 220</ref>
==Three types==
[[Judith L. Rapoport]] proposed that there were three main types of compulsive behaviors - ''checkers'', ''exacters'', and ''washers''.<ref>Stephen Juan, ''The Odd Brain'' (2011) p. 159</ref> Checkers are obliged over and over again to make sure they have not left the lights on, or doors and windows unlocked; exacters to create symmetry in anything from shoe laces to eyebrows; washers to endlessly clean themselves or the articles around them.
A debate exists about certain quasi-compulsive behaviors, such as [[gambling]], as to whether they are pleasurable addictions, or [[Ego-syntonic|egodystonic]] compulsions, i.e., actions which the subject attempts to resist and finds alien to themselves.<ref>J. Halliday/P. Fuller, ''The Psychology of Gambling'' (1974) p. 30-1</ref>
[[Otto Fenichel]] suggested that there was a transition between ego-alien compulsions and pleasurable impulses in the form of compulsive games or hobbies,<ref>Fenichel, p. 383</ref> such as reading atlases, doing mathematics, or making up languages - the latter an area where (in Tolkien's words) "as you are master your whim is law, and you for ever ''niggling'', altering, refining, wavering, according to your linguistic mood".<ref>Quoted in T. A Shippey, ''The Road to Middle Earth'' (1992) p. 258</ref>
==See also==
* [[Compulsive repetition]]
* [[Functional autonomy]]
* [[Impulse control disorders]]
* [[Obsessions]]
* [[Obsessive compulsive personality disorder]]
* [[Perfectionism]]
* [[Problem gambling]]
* [[Psychological addiction]] => [[addiction]] - the repeated use of substances or behaviors despite clear evidence of morbidity secondary to such use.
* [[Physical addiction]] => [[physical dependence]]
* [[Cocaine addiction]] => [[cocaine]]
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Compulsive behavior is behavior which a person does "compulsively", i.e., not because they enjoy it but because they feels they "have to". The two most common forms are:

  1. obsessive-compulsive disorder - obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and related compulsions which attempt to neutralize the obsessions
  2. drug addiction - a condition where a person takes a drug compulsively, despite potential harm to themselves, or their desire to stop


Compulsive behavior generally arises out of obsessional thoughts, and is driven by a sense of discomfort, which may be described as unease, anxiety, or guilt.[1]

When guilt feelings are to the fore, it is generally a severe, unyielding, archaic conscience that is in question.[2] Sometimes behavior is obviously following such a conscience, as with the exaggerated repetition of the parental command to 'go and wash' in guilt-driven compulsive washing; sometimes it may represent both obedience to conscience and its defiance in successive actions, as when a stone is removed from a road, and then put back, or when a gas tap is first turned on and then turned off again;[3] sometimes obedience and defiance are combined in one single act.[4]

Three types

Judith L. Rapoport proposed that there were three main types of compulsive behaviors - checkers, exacters, and washers.[5] Checkers are obliged over and over again to make sure they have not left the lights on, or doors and windows unlocked; exacters to create symmetry in anything from shoe laces to eyebrows; washers to endlessly clean themselves or the articles around them.


A debate exists about certain quasi-compulsive behaviors, such as gambling, as to whether they are pleasurable addictions, or egodystonic compulsions, i.e., actions which the subject attempts to resist and finds alien to themselves.[6]

Otto Fenichel suggested that there was a transition between ego-alien compulsions and pleasurable impulses in the form of compulsive games or hobbies,[7] such as reading atlases, doing mathematics, or making up languages - the latter an area where (in Tolkien's words) "as you are master your whim is law, and you for ever niggling, altering, refining, wavering, according to your linguistic mood".[8]

See also


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  1. S. Rachman/P. De Silva, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (2009) p. 17-9
  2. Humberto Nagera, Obsessional Neurosis (1993) p. 205
  3. Otto Fenichel, The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis (1946) p. 270 and p. 153
  4. E. Skynner/J. Cleese, Families and how to survive them (1994) p. 220
  5. Stephen Juan, The Odd Brain (2011) p. 159
  6. J. Halliday/P. Fuller, The Psychology of Gambling (1974) p. 30-1
  7. Fenichel, p. 383
  8. Quoted in T. A Shippey, The Road to Middle Earth (1992) p. 258