Assessment |
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Professional items |
World psychology |
Social Processes: Methodology · Types of test
Computer assisted testing (CAT) is the use of computers as an aid in the administration, scoring and interpretation of psychological measures.
Various terms are used to describe the use of a computer for assessment purposes. These include:
- Computer-Assisted Assessment or Computer-Aided Assessment (CAA)
- Computer-Mediated Assessment (CMA)
- Computer-Based Assessment (CBA)
- online assessment.
Although these terms are commonly used interchangeably, they have distinct meanings.
Computer Assisted/Mediated Assessment refers to any application of computers within the assessment process; the role of the computer may be extrinsic or intrinsic. It is, therefore, a synonym for e-assessment which also describes a wide range of computer-related activities. Within this definition the computer often plays no part in the actual assessment of responses but merely facilitates the capture and transfer of responses between candidate and human assessor.
Computer-Based Assessment refers to assessment which is built around the use of a computer; the use of a computer is always intrinsic to this type of assessment. This can relate to assessment of IT practical skills or more commonly the on screen presentation of knowledge tests. The defining factor is that the computer is marking or assessing the responses provided from candidates.
Online assessment refers to assessment activity which requires the use of the internet. In reality few high stakes assessment sessions are actually conducted online in real time but the transfer of data prior to and after the assessment session is conducted via the internet. There are many examples of practice and diagnostic tests being run real time over the internet.
Computer-Based Assessment[]
A Computer-Based Assessment (CBA), also known as Computer-Based Testing (CBT), e-assessment, computerized testing and computer-administered testing, is a method of administering tests in which the responses are electronically recorded, assessed, or both. As the name implies, Computer-Based Assessment makes use of a computer or an equivalent electronic device such as a cell phone or PDA. CBA systems enable educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams.[1] Computer-Based Assessment may be a stand-alone system or a part of a virtual learning environment, possibly accessed via the World Wide Web.
General advantages of CBA systems over traditional paper-and-pencil testing (PPT) have been demonstrated in several comparative works and include: increased delivery, administration and scoring efficiency; reduced costs for many elements of the testing lifecycle; improved test security resulting from electronic transmission and encryption; consistency and reliability; faster and more controlled test revision process with shorter response time; faster decision-making as the result of immediate scoring and reporting; unbiased test administration and scoring; fewer response entry and recognition errors; fewer comprehension errors caused by the testing process; improved translation and localization with universal availability of content; new advanced and flexible item types; increased candidate acceptance and satisfaction; evolutionary step toward future testing methodologies.[2]
In addition to traditional testing approaches carried out in a PPT mode, there are a variety of aspects needed to be taken into account when CBA is deployed, such as software quality, secure delivery, reliable network (if Internet-based), capacities, support, maintenance, software costs for development and test delivery, including licenses. Any of the delivery modes, whether Paper-Pencil and/or computer-based, comprises advantages and challenges which can hardly be compared, especially in relation to estimated costs. The use of CBA includes additional benefits which can be achieved from an organisational, psychological, analytical and pedagogical perspective. Many experts agree on the overall added value and advantages of e-testing in large scale assessments.[3]
It is also envisaged that computer-based formative assessment, in particular, will play an increasingly important role in learning,[4] with the increased use of banks of question items for the construction and delivery of dynamic, on-demand assessments. This can be witnessed by current pioneering projects such as the SQA's SOLAR Project.[5]
See also[]
- Adaptive testing
- Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery
- Computer-adaptive test
- CDR Computerized Assessment System
- Computer assisted diagnosis
- Computerized classification test
- E-assessment
- E-learning
- Asuni, Nicola TCExam :: Computer-Based Assessment. URL accessed on 2008-07-15.
- Gomersall, Bob (2005-12-10). "Practical implementation of e-testing on a large scale, and implications for future eassessment and e-learning". {{{booktitle}}}. Retrieved on 2007-10-01.
- Scheuermann, Friedrich; Ângela Guimarães Pereira (2008-04-01). "Towards A Research Agenda On Computer-Based Assessment". {{{booktitle}}}. Retrieved on 2008-07-15.
- Scheuermann, Friedrich; Julius Björnsson (2008-04-01). "The Transition to Computer-Based Assessment - New Approaches to Skills Assessment and Implications for Large-scale Testing". {{{booktitle}}}. Retrieved on 2009-04-02.
- Scottish Qualifications Authority SOLAR White Paper. URL accessed on 2008-02-15.
Further reading=[]
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- Aguinis, H., Bommer, W. H., & Pierce, C. A. (1996). Improving the estimation of moderating effects by using computer-administered questionnaires: Educational and Psychological Measurement Vol 56(6) Dec 1996, 1043-1047.
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- Albiero, P., Di Stefano, G., Visentini, P., & Passalacqua, C. (1996). Planning skills in children: Preliminary data from two new computerized planning tasks. Padova, Italy: Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Universita di Padova.
- Aldenkamp, A. P., Blennow, G., Sandstedt, P., Alpherts, W. C. J., Elmqvist, D., Heijbel, J., et al. (1994). Computerized assessment of cognitive function and quality of life. New York, NY: Raven Press.
- Alderton, D. L., & Larson, G. E. (1994). Dimensions of ability: Diminishing returns? Hillsdale, NJ, England: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
- Allen, C. C., Ellinwood, E. H., & Logue, P. E. (1993). Construct validity of a new computer-assisted cognitive neuromotor assessment battery in normal and inpatient psychiatric samples: Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol 49(6) Nov 1993, 874-882.
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- Almond, R. G., & Mislevy, R. J. (1999). Graphical models and computerized adaptive testing: Applied Psychological Measurement Vol 23(3) Sep 1999, 223-237.
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- Anderson, J. L. (1987). Computerized MAST for college health service: Journal of American College Health Vol 36(2) Sep 1987, 83-88.
- Andres, P. L., Black-Schaffer, R. M., Ni, P., & Haley, S. M. (2004). Computer Adaptive Testing: A Strategy for Monitoring Stroke Rehabilitation Across Settings: Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation Vol 11(2) Sum 2004, 33-39.
- Andresen, E. M., Vahle, V. J., & Lollar, D. (2001). Proxy reliability: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measures for people with disability: Quality of Life Research: An International Journal of Quality of Life Aspects of Treatment, Care & Rehabilitation Vol 10(7) 2001, 609-619.
- Andrewes, D. G., & Maude, D. (1990). A computerised clinical test of forgetting based on the ACT model of memory retrieval: International Journal of Man-Machine Studies Vol 32(2) Feb 1990, 233-244.
- Andrews, M. W., & Rosenblum, L. A. (2001). New methodology applied to bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) to address some contradictory evidence on manual asymmetries in old world monkeys: Journal of Comparative Psychology Vol 115(4) Dec 2001, 418-422.
- Anger, W. K., Rohlman, D. S., & Sizemore, O. J. (1994). A comparison of instruction formats for administering a computerized behavioral test: Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers Vol 26(2) May 1994, 209-212.
- Aojula, H., Barber, J., Cullen, R., & Andrews, J. (2006). Computer-based, online summative assessment in undergraduate pharmacy teaching: The Manchester experience: Pharmacy Education Vol 6(4) Dec 2006, 229-236.
- Applegate, B. (1993). Construction of geometric analogy problems by young children in a computer-based test: Journal of Educational Computing Research Vol 9(1) 1993, 61-77.
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External links[]
- Using computers for assessment in medicine
- CAT Central, a comprehensive resource on computerized testing
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