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Creativity techniques are heuristic methods to facilitate creativity in a person or a group of people.

Generally, most creativity techniques use associations between the goal (or the problem), the current state (which may be an imperfect solution to the problem), and some stimulus (possibly selected randomly). There is an analogy between many creativity techniques and methods of evolutionary computation.

In problem-solving contexts, the random word creativity technique is perhaps the simplest such method. A person confronted with a problem is presented with a randomly generated word, in the hopes of a solution arising from any associations between the word and the problem. A random image, sound, or article can be used instead of a random word as a kind of creativity goad or provocation.


The history of the development of various creative problem-solving techniques extends as far back as antiquity. See Creativity timeline for details.

Inventory of creativity techniques[]

All known creative techniques (as far about 90 !) can be categorized depending on the methods and means utilized:

Summarised in table view:

Osborn’s direction Miles’ direction Altshuller’s direction
Methods of reducing psychological inertia.
Team work.
Methods of collecting and organizing knowledge about a problem and the system.
Functional analysis.
Morphological approach.
(Evolutionary approach).
Knowledge-base approach (Contradiction table, Innovation principles)
TRIZ analytical tools

Some others[]

Random stimulus, Analogy, Brainstorming, Bionics, Lateral thinking, Mind mapping, TRIZ, Problem solving, HBGA, Basadur SIMPLEX, Biomimetics, Creative Aerobics, Thinkertoys, Six Thinking Hats, Object Pairing, Oblique Strategies, IMPROVisation, Project Renaissance CPS, Synectics, Techniques for Creative Thinking, Thinking Maps, Using Metaphors

See also[]

External links[]

Commercial products to facilitate creativity[]

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