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Personality: Self concept · Personality testing · Theories · Mind-body problem
Curiosity is any natural inquisitive behaviour, evident by observation in many animal species, and is the emotional aspect of living beings that engenders exploration, investigation and learning.
In essence, "curiosity" is a term that describes an unknown number of behavioural and psychological mechanisms, which have the effect of impelling beings to seek information and interaction with their environment and with other beings in their vicinity.
Who is Affected?[]
Curiosity is common to human beings at all ages; from infancy to old age, and is easy to observe in many other animal species. These include apes, cats, fish, reptiles, and insects; as well as many others. Many aspects of exploration are shared among all beings, as all known terrestrial beings share similar aspects: limited size, and a need to seek out food sources.
Many famous historical figures where affected strongly by curiosity, to explore and conquer, for example, Colombus, Balboa, Magellan, etc. .
Assessment of curiosity[]
Curiosity in clinical psychology[]
Curiosity in the education[]
Abstract Curiosity[]
Though humans are sometimes considered particularly very curious, they sometimes seem to miss the obvious when compared to other animals. What seems to happen is that human curiosity combined with the ability to think in an abstract way, lead to mimesis, fantasy and imagination - eventually leading to an especially human way of thinking ("human reason"), which is abstract and self aware, or conscious. This in turn allows most adult humans to rely heavily upon beliefs which they have learnt long before, but which might only be imagined to be correct. See Francis Bacon concerning "idols".
Epistemic curiosity[]
Morbid Curiosity[]
A morbid curiosity is a compulsion, fixed with excitement and fear, to know about macabre topics, such as death and violence.
In a milder form, however, this can be understood as a cathartic form of behaviour or as something instinctive within humans. According to Aristotle, in his Poetics Ch 4 we even “enjoy contemplating the most precise images of things whose sight is painful to us”.
Sexual curiosity[]
Social curiosity[]
Curiosity in children[]
See also[]
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