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Professional Psychology: Debating Chamber · Psychology Journals · Psychologists

David Jayne Hill,(June 10, 1850–March 2, 1932) was an American psychologist, diplomat and historian.

He was the first lecturer in psychology and past president of Bucknell University.

The historian Josef Brozek denoted him as the first person to be named ‘professor of psychology’ in a United States institution, a title taken in 1881. (He was appointed professor of ‘psychology and ethics’.)

He was born in Plainfield, New Jersey, he was educated at Bucknell University from which he graduated in 1874. He served as professor of rhetoric in the institution from 1877 to 1879 and was for the eight years following its president. From 1888 to 1896, he was president of the University of Rochester.

He went on in later years to have a notable career as university administrator and ambassador to several European countries.

After several years spent in Europe in the study of international law and diplomacy, he was appointed Assistant Secretary of State in 1898, serving to 1903. He was appointed United States Minister to Switzerland in the latter year. Two years later he was appointed United States Minister to the Netherlands. From 1908 to 1911 he was Ambassador to Germany. He was an unsuccessful candidate for the United States Senate in 1914. He served for a time as professor of European diplomacy in the School of Comparative Jurisprudence and Diplomacy in Washington D.C. and was a member of the Permanent Administrative Council of The Hague Tribunal. During the progress of World War I and especially after the participation of the United States, he wrote much in criticism of the attitude of the Democratic administration toward the war. In July, 1920 he was chairman of the Republican State Convention in New York. He wrote much on historical and literary subjects. He died in 1932.


  • The Life of William Cullen Bryant (1878)
  • The Science of Rhetoric (1877)
  • Elements of Rhetoric and Composition (1878)
  • The Life of Washington Irving (1879)
  • The Elements of Psychology (1886)
  • The Social Influence of Christianity (1888)
  • Principles and Fallacies of Socialism (1888)
  • Genetic Philosophy (1893)
  • An Honest Dollar the Basis of Prosperity (1900)
  • The Conception and Realization of Neutrality (1902)
  • The Contemporary Development of Diplomacy (1904)
  • History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe, embracing A Struggle for Universal Empire (1905)
  • The Establishment of Territorial Sovereignty (1906)
  • World Organization as Affected by the Nature of the Modern State (1911)
  • The Diplomacy of the Age of Absolutism (1914)
  • The People's Government (1915)
  • Americanism: What It Is (1916)
  • The Rebuilding of Europe (1917)
  • Impressions of the Kaiser (1918)
  • Present Problems in Foreign Policy (1919)
  • American World Policies (1920)

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David Jayne Hill
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