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Educational Psychology: Assessment · Issues · Theory & research · Techniques · Techniques X subject · Special Ed. · Pastoral
Dental students are in dental education training to be dentists.
Personality characteristics of dental students[]
Attitudes of dental students[]
Ergonomics of dentistry[]
Predicting the performance of dental students[]
Stress amongst dental students[]
Even in training dental students exhibit difficulties in dealing with the occupational stress of dentisttry, which reflects the stress amongst dentists later in their career
See also[]
References & Bibliography[]
Key texts[]
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Additional material[]
- Abou-Rass, M. (1973). Effects of method of sequencing and amount of training on the acquisition and performance of psychomotor skills in preclinical endodontics: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Arnold, C. T. (1979). An investigation of instructional treatment and psychomotor aptitude on dental student skill learning: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Berman, M. (1977). The relationship of dental student self-esteem, verbal influence patterns during nutritional counseling and changes in patient eating and oral health care habits: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Blitz, A. N. (1973). An investigation of the ways in which personality characteristics affect performance on computer-assisted instruction and programmed text: Dissertation Abstracts International Vol.
- Brand, A. A. (1980). Change of attitude towards dentistry shown by dental students after graduation: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Cooper, M. L. (1987). The role of supportive transactions and perceived functional support as stress buffers: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Galaif, T. N. (1980). A cross-sectional developmental study of empathy levels of dental students as they progress through the four year dental school program: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Gershen, J. A. (1977). An evaluation of two small group instructional methods for teaching behavioral sciences in the dental curriculum: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Goldstein, M. B. (1978). Stress, support and coping among first year dental students: A correlational analysis: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Green, T. G. (1980). Moral thinking in dental students: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Grimaudo, N. J. (2008). Students' and patients' perspectives of clinical teaching at a dental school. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Gross, A. J. (1996). Dental education: Through the students' eyes. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Hechter, F. J. (1997). Influences on the academic achievement of undergraduate dental students. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
- Hoyle, J. D. (1980). Psychosocial sources of stress in dental education: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Kaplan, A. L. (1976). Predicting general or specialty dental practice from admissions data: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Kolosowski-Gager, P. E. (1989). Stress and the spouses of dental students: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Lee, M. M. (1980). The development and testing of self-instructional programs in nutrition for dental students: Dissertation Abstracts International
- Rettie, L. L. (1982). A comparison of the effects of open-ended and consensus seeking group discussion processes on the moral judgment of dental hygiene students: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Richards, V. K. (1982). Perceived psychological stress and personality profiles in dental students: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Shub, J. L. (1978). The influence of social structure on behavior: A study of the dental student-patient relationship: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Soble, R. K. (1977). Student value change and congruency with faculty values in professional education related to reference group theory: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Spisak, F. A. (1992). Acquiring professional communication competence in a dental hygiene program: An ethnographic study: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Sun, C. H.-H. (1998). Congruence and perceived respect: An investigation of job satisfaction and job involvement among dentists and dental students. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
- Taft, T. B. (1978). The effects of alternative instructional modes on the attitudes and achievement of dental students with different cognitive preferences: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Tervit, S. L. (2002). An examination of perfectionism, stress, and self-esteem as predictors of clinical performance for dental students. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
- Turek, J. K. (1990). Stress reduction in dental students: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Vann, W. F. (1980). Teaching the acquisition of psychomotor skills in dentistry: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Victoroff, K. Z. (2007). An examination of the relationship between emotional intelligence and dental student clinical performance. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
- Ware, N. C. (1981). Paradox, gender and professional life: A case study of women in dental school: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Wurster, C. A. (1978). Communication patterns in dental student-child interaction: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- You, D. (2008). Interrelationships and gender differences among components of morality for dental students. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.