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Educational Psychology: Assessment · Issues · Theory & research · Techniques · Techniques X subject · Special Ed. · Pastoral

Discipline is any training intended to produce a specific character or pattern of behaviour, especially training that produces moral or mental development in a particular direction. It is a widely held belief that most people, even those disinclined to harm others or themselves, lack discipline. [cite]

Discipline, while often thought to be a coercive mechanism, can be a collaborative process of building consensus regarding accepted behavior within institutions and society. Ultimately, leaders should model and promote collective rules while allowing for feelings and appropriate outlets to non-conformists.

What is discipline? There are a lot of meanings of discipline.

  1. A method of training to produce obedience and self-control, such as in prisons, schools and the military.
  2. A statement of order and control gained as a result of this training.
  3. Punishment that is intended to produce obedience for breaking rules.
  4. A branch of learning studied at a university like an academic discipline.

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