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Dual disorder or dual diagnosis in psychiatry refers to the presence of two distinct illnesses occurring simultaneously. It used almost exclusively to refer to the presence of a substance use disorder such as alcoholism occurring simultaneously with another primary psychiatric illness such as major depression.[1]
Among people who are diagnosed with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, almost one in three also struggles with drug or alcohol addiction.[2]
Substance use disorders can be confused with other psychiatric disease. There are diagnoses for substance-induced mood disorders and substance-induced anxiety disorders and thus such overlap can be complicated. For this reason, the DSM-IV advises that diagnoses of primary psychiatric disorders not be made during a period of sobriety (of duration sufficient to allow for any substance-induced symptoms to dissipate).
It can be very difficult to find appropriate treatment opportunities for these people.[3] Most substance-abuse centers do not accept people with serious psychiatric conditions, and many psychiatric centers do not have expertise with substance abuse.
See also[]
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