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Personality: Self concept · Personality testing · Theories · Mind-body problem
Emotional stability is the capacity to maintain ones emotional balance under stressful circumstances. It is the opposite of emotional instability and neuroticism
Individuals who score low in neuroticism are more emotionally stable and less reactive to stress. They tend to be calm, even-tempered, and less likely to feel tense or rattled. Although they are low in negative emotion, they are not necessarily high on positive emotion. Being high on positive emotion is an element of the independent trait of extraversion. Neurotic extraverts, for example, would experience high levels of both positive and negative emotional states, a kind of "emotional roller coaster". Individuals who score low on neuroticism (particularly those who are also high on extraversion) generally report more happiness and satisfaction with their lives.[1]
See also[]
- ↑ (2009) Psychology: the science of mind and behaviour, McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Further reading[]
- Angleitner, A., Kohnstamm, G. A., Slotboom, A.-M., & Besevegis, E. (1998). Emotional stability: Developmental perspectives from childhood to adulthood. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
- Beck, C. J. A., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Reduced adversarialness and emotional stability of parents. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Lowman, R. L. (2006). Case 6. Personnel Screening for Emotional Stability. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
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