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Psychology: Debates · Journals · Psychologists
Etiological factors[]
In etiology,Factors or factor, a Latin word meaning 'who/which acts'. Etiological factors (or causal factors) in psychological outcomes may refer to:
- Cognitive factors
- Demographic variables
- Ecological factors
- Environmental factors
- Personality factors
- Physical factors
- Psychological factors
- Risk factors
- Sociocultural factors
Interaction of factors[]
It is important to understand that individual factors from these somewhat arbitrary groupings can act in a dynamic relationship over time in an individuals life history, playing causal roles in mental disorders, poor occupational and educational performanceetc, which themselves can become causal factors in peoples lives.
- Conscious (personality factor)
- Five factor personality model
- Psychoanalytic personality factors
- Personality factors
- Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire
- Unconscious (personality factor)
- Corticotropin releasing factor
- Growth factor
- Immunologic factors
- Nerve growth factor
- Release factor
- Thermal factors
- Transcription factor
- Tumor necrosis factor