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Flexible modular scheduling is a type of academic scheduling where a day is broken into many 10-20 minute modules or "mods". The technique resembles some common college scheduling schemes.[How to reference and link to summary or text]

One such example of high school modular scheduling is utilized at the Bergen County Academies in New Jersey. At this school, the day is broken down into 24 separate 20 minute modules. Classes vary in size, from a small class of 2 mods to a larger class of 3 mods. Labs, projects, and certain electives can even run for as long as 9 mods. Student schedules often change between different weekdays (i.e. one could have Literature one day for 3 mods, then 2 mods on the next day - or not at all). This type of scheduling allows for many free periods during the day as well as the possibility for more classes. These "free mods" can go from 20 minutes to as long as 180 minutes of continuous free time without classes. This time could be utilized for lunch, study, or socializing. Due to the latter, students are advised to spend most of their free time in study halls so that such time is not misused. An additional bonus is the ability for students to have more than 2 elective classes (according to free time), whereas in the traditional period scheduling, students are limited to 1-2 electives.

See also[]

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