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Forums: Index > General discussion forum > Wikia Monaco skin

Hi, you may have heard that Wikia is updating its default skin to "Monaco" (skin info, features). This wiki is currently on the old Monobook skin (you may see it differently depending on your preferences). So we would like to switch you over. There are 7 colour schemes to choose from:

Mini_sapphire.png Mini_jade.png Mini_slate.png Mini_smoke.png
Sapphire Jade Slate Smoke
Mini_beach.png Mini_brick.png Mini_gamer.png
Beach Brick Gaming

Alternatively, you can choose to make a custom scheme, like Memory Alpha, Military Wikia, Rappelz or even (if you really want to see what can be done) UK Transport Wikia. For more examples, see here.

Any admin can set the scheme, just go to your preferences, choose the "skin" tab, and scroll down to the admin options section. For a custom scheme you will need to follow the instructions on the help page.

We need to make the switches soon, so if I don't hear from you, I'll change to Monaco Sapphire in a couple of days time. Then you can decide on your ideal scheme later. If you decide on a custom scheme, and need some help, then let me know!

-- sannse (talk) 11:06, 23 October 2008 (UTC)