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Frustration aggression or irritable aggression is aggression directed towards an available target induced by some sort of frustration (e.g. schedule-induced aggression). This may or may not be part of displacement activity. When the object attacked is not the cause of frustration the aggression is is said to be displaced.
Theories of the link between frustration and aggression[]
- Frustration-aggression hypothesis
- Relative Deprivation Theory of aggression
- Cue-arousal Theory of aggression
See also[]
References & Bibliography[]
Key texts[]
- Buss, A. (1963) Physical aggression in relation to different frustrations. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, 1-7.
- Berkowitz, L. (1978) Whatever happened to the frustration-aggression hypothesis? American Behavioural Scientist 21: 691-708.
- Berkowitz, L. (1983) Aversively stimulated aggression, American Psychologist, 38, 11 3 5-41. Berkowitz, L. (1984) Some effects of thoughts on anti- and prosocial influences of media events: a cognitive-neoassociation analysis, Psychological Bulletin. 95, 410-27. *Berkowitz, I.. (1989) Frustration-aggression hypothesis: examination and reformulation,
Psychological Bulletin, 106. 59-71.