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General visceral afferent fibers
Scheme showing structure of a typical spinal nerve.
1. Somatic efferent.
2. Somatic afferent.
3,4,5. Sympathetic efferent.
6,7. Sympathetic afferent.
Latin '
Gray's subject #190 849
MeSH [1]

The general visceral afferent fibers (or sympathetic afferent fibers), conduct sensory impulses from the viscera through the rami communicantes and posterior roots to the spinal cord.

They are probably limited to the white rami connected with the spinal nerves in two groups, viz., the first thoracic to the second lumbar and the second sacral to the fourth sacral nerves.

See also[]

This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained herein may be outdated. Please edit the article if this is the case, and feel free to remove this notice when it is no longer relevant.

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