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Grounding is a form of punishment given to older children, preadolescents or adolescents by their parents (or teachers or headmasters in a school setting) for bad behavior and poor performance in school or other duties. In the terms of behavioral psychology, grounding is a negative punishment because it means one is forbidden to leave their place of residence except for required activities such as school, work, meals, church etc.

Every now and then, a young person who is grounded is banned or is taking a break (depending how long) from leaving home or their room to go anywhere other than to attend required activities such as school, meals, church, music practice, etc. Grounding does not necessarily mean people are unable to come over. Only going out is prohibited.

Grounding is commonly combined with the withdrawal of privileges such as computer use (except for school work), mobile phone, television, video games, using the Internet (i.e. social media), snacks or could be sent to bed early (this punishment usually only applies in the United States) [citation needed]

Some groundings can last from as short as a day or two, to as long as a month or year, while some last an indefinite amount of time. The uncertainty makes it difficult for the individual to cope.


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The term most likely originated in the aviation community. When an aviator is restricted from flying due to misconduct, illness, or other reasons they are said to be "grounded."

See also[]


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