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Hysterical vision disturbances are symptoms of a conversion disorder in which people report visual effects or blindness in the absence of any physical cause.
See also[]
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- Forrest, D. W. (1974). Von Senden, Mesmer, and the recovery of sight in the blind: American Journal of Psychology Vol 87(4) Dec 1974, 719-722.
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- Kopf, G. (2005). Hitlers hysterical blindness - history of a medical record: Nervenheilkunde: Zeitschrift fur interdisziplinaere Fortbildung Vol 24(9) 2005, 783-790.
- Leaverton, D. R., Rupp, J. W., & Poff, M. G. (1977). Brief therapy for monocular hysterical blindness in childhood: Child Psychiatry & Human Development Vol 7(4) Sum 1977, 254-263.
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- Myers, W. A. (1977). Micropsia and testicular retractions: Psychoanalytic Quarterly Vol 46(4) Oct 1977, 580-604.
- Natsoulas, T. (2003). Freud and Consciousness: XIII. Seeing in the Unconscious!? : Psychoanalysis & Contemporary Thought Vol 26(4) Fal 2003, 517-564.
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- Okuyama, N., Kawakatsu, S., Wada, T., Komatani, A., & Otani, K. (2002). Occipital hypoperfusion in a patient with psychogenic visual disturbance: Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Vol 114(3) Jul 2002, 163-168.
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- Rangaswami, K. (1985). Hysterical blindness in childhood: A case report: Child Psychiatry Quarterly Vol 18(1) Jan-Mar 1985, 6-8.
- Roden, R. G. (1979). Psychoanalytically oriented hypnotic treatment of autoerythrocytic sensitization and blindness: American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis Vol 21(4) Apr 1979, 278-281.
- Sackeim, H. A., Nordlie, J. W., & Gur, R. C. (1979). A model of hysterical and hypnotic blindness: Cognition, motivation, and awareness: Journal of Abnormal Psychology Vol 88(5) Oct 1979, 474-489.
- Smith, S. D., Most, S. B., Newsome, L. A., & Zald, D. H. (2006). An emotion-induced attentional blink elicited by aversively conditioned stimuli: Emotion Vol 6(3) Aug 2006, 523-527.
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- Yokoyama, N., Takayama, T., & Nagase, M. (1997). Functional visual disturbance in children: From our experiences of 20 years in an ophthalmologic clinic: Seishin Igaku (Clinical Psychiatry) Vol 39(2) Feb 1997, 181-188.