Assessment |
Biopsychology |
Comparative |
Cognitive |
Developmental |
Language |
Individual differences |
Personality |
Philosophy |
Social |
Methods |
Statistics |
Clinical |
Educational |
Industrial |
Professional items |
World psychology |
Social Processes: Methodology · Types of test
Articles related to psychometrics (measuring intelligence and cognitive traits) include:
Contents |
Achievement measures - Adaptive testing - Aptitude measures - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery - Attitude measurement - Attitude measures Audiometry -
Bannister Repertory Grid - Bayley Scales of Infant Development - Beck Depression Inventory - Behavioral testing - Bem Sex Role Inventory - Bender Gestalt Test - Benton Revised Visual Retention Test - Biographical inventories - Body sway testing - Bone conduction audiometry -
California F Scale - California Psychological Inventory - Child Behavior Check List - Childrens Apperception Test - Childrens Manifest Anxiety Scale - Clinical trials - Cloze testing - Cognitive assessment - College Entrance Examination Board Scholastic Aptitude Test - Comprehension tests - Computer assisted testing - Consistency - Consumer surveys - Content analysis - Criterion referenced tests - Cultural test bias - Culture Fair Intelligence Test - Curriculum based assessment - Cutting scores -
Developmental measures - Differential aptitude measures - Difficulty level - Digit span testing -
Educational measurement - Edwards Personal Preference Schedule - Edwards Social Desirability Scale - Embedded figures testing - Employment tests - Entrance examinations - Essay testing - Evaluation criteria - Eysenck Personality Inventory -
Factor analysis - Factor structure - Fear Survey Schedule - Forced choice - Foreign language translation - Frostig Developmental Test of Visual Perception - Fundamental Interpersonal Relation Orientation Behavior Questionnaire -
General Aptitude Test Battery - General Health Questionnaire - Goodenough Harris Draw A Person Test - Gough Adjective Check List - Graduate Record Examination - Group testing -
Halstead Reitan Neuropsychological Battery - High School Personality Questionnaire - Holtzman Inkblot Technique - Human figures drawing -
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities - Individual testing - Intelligence measures - Interest inventories - Interview schedules - Inventories - Iowa Tests of Basic Skills - Item analysis - Item content - Item response theory -
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children - Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory - Kohs Block Design Test - Kuder Occupational Interest Survey - Kuder Preference Record -
Least Preferred Coworker Scale - Lickert scales - Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery -
Mail surveys - Marlow Crowne Social Desirability Scale - Matching to sample - Measurement - Memory for Designs Test - Metropolitan Readiness Tests - Miller Analogies Test - Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory - Mini Mental State Examination - Minimum competency tests - Minnesota Multiphasic personality Inventory - Mooney Problem Checklist - Multidimensional scaling - Multiple choice - Myers Briggs Type Indicator -
NEO Personality Inventory - Neuropsychological assessment - Neuropsychological measures - Nonprojective personality measure -
Occupational interest measures -
Pain measurement - Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Perceptual measures - Performance tests - Personal Orientation Inventory - Personality measures - Piagetian tasks - Porteus Maze Test - Posttesting - Professional examinations - Profiles - Projective personality measures - Projective techniques - Projective testing techniques - Psychological assessment - Psychological Screening Inventory - Psychometrics - Psychophysical measurement -
Q sort testing technique - Questionnaires -
Rating scales - Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices - Raven Progressive Matrices - Reading measures - Repression Sensitization Scale - Retention measures - Rod and Frame Test - Rokeach Dogmatism Scale - Rorschach Test - Rosenzweig Picture Frustration Study - Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank - Rotter Internal External Locus of Control Scale -
Scaling - Score equating - Scoring - Screening - Screening tests - Selection tests - Semantic differential - Sensation Seeking Scale - Sensorimotor measures - Sentence Completion Tests - Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire - Slasson Intelligence Test - Sociometry - Speech and hearing measures - Standard scores - Standardized tests - Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale - Stanford Achievement Test - State Trait Anxiety Inventory - Statistical validity - Statistical weighting - Subtest - Surveys - Stroop Color Word Test - Symptom checklists - Szondi Test -
Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale - Telephone surveys - Tennessee Self Concept Scale - Test administration - Test anxiety - Test bias - Test construction - Test forms - Test interpretation - Test items - Test norms - Test reliability - Test scores - Test standardization - Test taking - Testing - Testing methods - Testwiseness - Thematic Apperception Test -
Verbal tests - Vineland Social Maturity Scale -
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Wechsler Memory Scale - Wechsler Preschool Primary Scale - Wide Range Achievement Test - Wisconsin Card Sorting Test - Woodcock Johnson Psychoeducational Battery -
Zulliger Z Test - Zungs Self Rating Depression Scale -
Developmental measures
Intelligence measures
Intelligence quotient
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Neuropsychological measures
Nonprojective personality measures
Perceptual measures
Projective personality measures
Scholastic Aptitude Test
Testing methods
See also[]