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Transpersonal Psychology: Integral · Esoteric · Meditation

Integral Theory
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This article is about integral theory in philosophy, psychology, and society. It is unrelated to the concept of an integral in calculus.

Integral theory is a term often used to describe the intellectual teachings and work of the American philosopher Ken Wilber. It may refer to Wilber's theories in general, or to specific aspects thereof, whether theoretical or in practical application.

Integral Theory[]

Integral theory refers to the systematic holistic philosophy that Ken Wilber put together, building on extensive work of previous integral thinkers like Sri Aurobindo, James Mark Baldwin, Jürgen Habermas and Jean Gebser, but also contains many new elements. Wilber intends to break away from metaphysics to develop a theory of spiritual evolution that is acceptable to the modern secular world. Integral theory is the philosophy that the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) is based upon. It is also discussed on the Integral Naked website, and constitutes the syllabus of Integral University, which offers courses and degrees in conjunction with several other academic institutions.

Applications of Integral Theory[]

Wilber's theories in general, or specific aspects such as the Four Quadrants or Wilber and Beck's Integral Spiral Dynamics, have been applied in the world of business and business leadership (Cacioppe and Edwards, 2005; Landrum and Gardner 2005), International development (Hochachka 2005), and even marine ecology (Tissot 2005). Intersections between critical theory and integral theory have also been explored (Anderson 2006).

Other movements[]

Integral yoga refers to the work of the Hindu guru Sri Aurobindo.

Integral thought may refer variously not only to Wilber's own teachings or those that have adopted them, but also to authors that were influenced by Aurobindo but not Wilber (e.g. Indra Sen, Haridas Chaudhuri), have been influenced by both but don't necessarily follow Wilber's position, or Wilber's position only, or have broken with Wilber but retain certain elements of Integral theory.

See also[]


External links[]

de:Integrale Theorie es:Enfoque integral th:ทฤษฎีบูรณาการ

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