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Interviewers are the people who conduct interviews using the methods of interviewing which may include interview schedules

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  • Almerigogna, J., Ost, J., Akehurst, L., & Fluck, M. (2008). How interviewers' nonverbal behaviors can affect children's perceptions and suggestibility. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 100(1), 17-39.
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  • Alterman, A. I., Mulvaney, F. D., Cacciola, J. S., Cnaan, A., McDermott, P. A., & Brown, L. S., Jr. (2001). The validity of the interviewer severity ratings in groups of ASI interviewers with varying training. Addiction, 96(9), 1297-1305.
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  • Biesanz, J. C., Neuberg, S. L., Judice, T. N., & Smith, D. M. (1999). When interviewers desire accurate impressions: The effects of notetaking on the influence of expectations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29(12), 2529-2549.
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  • Cartwright, A., Hyams, G., & Spratley, T. (1996). Is the interviewer's therapeutic commitment an important factor in determining whether alcoholic clients engage in treatment? Addiction Research, 4(3), 215-230.
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