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Industrial & Organisational : Introduction : Personnel : Organizational psychology : Occupations: Work environment: Index : Outline
Job applicant attitudes, the attitudes of job applicants are an important element in the personnel recruitment process.
Factor in job search[]
Job applicants with poor attitudes toward work and motivation will usually underperform in job search tasks.
Job advertising[]
On element in job advertising is to attract applications from people with the appropriate attitudes.
Interview selection aims[]
Relationship to interview performance[]
Attitudes to the interview process pre interview[]
Attitudes to the interview process post interview[]
Attitude towards appointment[]
Attitudes toward rejection[]
See also[]
References & Bibliography[]
Key texts[]
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Additional material[]
- Saks, A. M. (2005). Job Search Success: A Review and Integration of the Predictors, Behaviors, and Outcomes. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
- Stevens, N. D. (1986). Dynamics of job-seeking behavior. Springfield, IL, England: Charles C Thomas, Publisher.
There have been a large number of dissertations published in this area and they are listed seperately for convenience. See Job applicant attitudes - Dissertations