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Professional Psychology: Debating Chamber · Psychology Journals · Psychologists

The Journal of the American Medical Association (or JAMA) is a leading medical journal. Its official name is now JAMA and is referred to by this name in reference lists. It is published weekly by--as its name implies--the American Medical Association.

Originally founded in 1883 and published continuously since then, it publishes original research, reviews, correspondence and ancillary content (such as abstracts of the MMWR). Its impact factor is 24.8 [1].

It present editor is Catherine DeAngelis.

You no longer need to register to access free sections of JAMA & Archives online.

In each current issue of JAMA and the Archives journals you will find selected articles available free without a subscription. After 6 months (JAMA) or 12 months (Archives journals), all original research articles are freely available without a subscription—and without registration. To access most original research before this period still requires a subscription.

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