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Biological: Behavioural genetics · Evolutionary psychology · Neuroanatomy · Neurochemistry · Neuroendocrinology · Neuroscience · Psychoneuroimmunology · Physiological Psychology · Psychopharmacology (Index, Outline)
structure of the nervous system (Gray's s183)[]
Gray's page #721[]
Gray's page #722[]
Gray's page #723[]
- Nerve cells
- axis-cylinder process or axon
- protoplasmic processes or dendrons
- cyton
- Nissl's granules
Gray's page #724[]
- Nerve cells
- Nerve fibers
- medullated fibers or white fibers
Gray's page #725[]
- medullated fibers or white fibers
- white substance of Schwann or medullary sheath
- neurolemma, primitive sheath, or nucleated sheath of Schwann
- axis-cylinder
- primitive fibrillae of Schultze
- neurokeratin
Gray's page #726[]
- medullated fibers or white fibers
- medullary sheath, or white matter of Schwann
Gray's page #727[]
- medullated fibers or white fibers
- nodes of Ranvier
- internodal segment
- Ranvier's crosses
- Frommann's lines
- medullary segments, or segments of Lantermann
- neurolemma or primitive sheath
- Wallerian degeneration
Gray's page #728[]
- Non-medullated Fibers
- gray or gelatinous nerve fibers (fibers of Remak)
- Structure of the Peripheral nerves and Ganglia
- cerebrospinal nerves
- funiculus
- fasciculi
- epineurium
- perineurium
- endoneurium
- vasomotor fibers
- spheroidal tactile corpuscles or end bulbs of Krause
- nervi nervorum
- plexus
Gray's page #729[]
- Structure of the Peripheral nerves and Ganglia
- sympathetic nerves
- sensory nerves, or centripetal nerves or afferent nerves
- centrifugal nerves or efferent nerves
- Origins and Terminations of Nerves
Gray's page #730[]
- origins or central terminations; and peripheral terminations
- Origins of nerves
- superficial origin or apparent origin
- deep origin or real origin
- Peripheral terminations of nerves
- Origins of nerves
- Motor nerves
- motor end-plate
- Ganglia
Gray's page #732[]
development of the nervous system (Gray's s184)[]
Medulla spinalis[]
Gray's page #733[]
- Medulla spinalis
- Roof-plate of medulla spinalis
- Floor-plate of medulla spinalis
- layers
- Ependymal layer
- Marginal layer
- Mantle layer
- Spongioblasts
- germinal cells
- Neuroblasts
Gray's page #735[]
- Dorsal lamina (Alar lamina)
- Ventral lamina (Basal lamina)
- Terminal ventricle
- Oval bundle
- filum terminale
spinal nerves[]
Gray's page #735[]
Gray's page #736[]
- ganglion ridge (neural crest)
- spinal nerve
Gray's page #736[]
Gray's page #737[]
- ventral cephalic flexure
- cervical flexure
- pontine flexure
Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon[]
Gray's page #738[]
- Hind-brain
- isthmus rhombencephali
- Metencephalon
- Myelencephalon
Gray's page #739[]
- medulla oblongata
- tractus solitarius
- oval bundle
- rhombic lip
Gray's page #740[]
- Rhombic grooves
- Pons: development of:
- Cerebellum: development of:
- Fissura prima (cerebellum)
- Fissura secunda (cerebellum)
Gray's page #741[]
- Floccular fissure
- post-nodular fissure
- incisura fastigii
Gray's page #741[]
Gray's page #741[]
Gray's page #742[]
- optic vesicles
- optic stalks
- lamina terminalis
- telencephalon
Gray's page #742[]
Gray's page #743[]
- metathalamus
- epithalamus
- posterior commissure
- Pineal recess (recessus pinealis)
- pars mamillaris hypothalami
Gray's page #743[]
Gray's page #744[]
- pars optica hypothalami
- cerebral hemispheres
- rhinencephalon
- Neopallium
- external rhinal fissure
Gray's page #745[]
Gray's page #746[]
- hippocampal fissure
- hippocampus
- Commissures
Gray's page #747[]
- Commissures
- corpus callosum
- fornix
- anterior commissures
Fissures and Sulci[]
Gray's page #747[]
- central sulcus
- intraparietal sulcus
- cingulate sulcus
- lateral cerebral sulcus (Sylvian fissure)
- Sylvian fossa
Gray's page #748[]
- Development of cranial nerves
- tractus solitarius
- oval bundle
the spinal cord or medulla spinalis (Gray's s185)[]
Gray's page #749[]
- medulla spinalis or spinal cord
- conus medullaris
- filum terminale
- dura mater
- epidural cavity
- subdural cavity
- arachnoid
Gray's page #750[]
- subarachnoid cavity
- pia mater
- ligamentum denticulatum
- spinal ganglion
- spinal segments (Neuromeres)
- cauda equina
- filum terminale
- filum terminale internum
- filum terminale externum
Gray's page #751[]
- Enlargements of medulla spinalis
Gray's page #752[]
- Enlargements of medulla spinalis
Fissures and Sulci[]
Gray's page #752[]
- Anterior median fissure (fissura mediana anterior)
- Posterior median sulcus (sulcus medianus posterior)
- posterolateral sulcus
- posterior funiculus
- postero-intermediate sulcus
- fasciculus gracilis (tract of Goll)
- fasciculus cuneatus (tract of Burdach)
Gray's page #753[]
- antero-lateral region
- anterior funiculus
- lateral funiculus
- Internal Structure of the Medulla spinalis
Gray substance[]
Gray's page #753[]
- Gray substance (substantia grisea centralis)
- central canal
- Anterior column (columna anterior; anterior cornu)
- lateral column (columna lateralis; lateral cornu)
- Posterior column (columna posterior; posterior cornu)
- tract of Lissauer
- substantia gelatinosa of Rolando
Gray's page #754[]
- Posterior column (columna posterior; posterior cornu)
- Central canal (canalis centralis)
- anterior gray commissure
- posterior gray commissure
- terminal ventricle
- substantia gelatinosa centralis
Gray's page #755[]
- association neurons or intersegmental neurons
- crossed commissural fibers
Gray's page #756[]
- Nerve cells in the Anterior column
- antero-medial column
Gray's page #757[]
- Nerve cells in the Anterior column
- dorso-medial column
- Nerve cells in the Lateral column
Gray's page #758[]
- Nerve cells in the Lateral column
- Nerve cells in the Posterior column
- dorsal nucleus (nucleus dorsalis; column of Clarke)
- cervical nucleus
- sacral nucleus
- dorsal spinocerebellar fasciculus (direct cerebellar)
- nerve cells in the substantia gelatinosa of Rolando
- Solitary cells
- posterior basal column
White substance[]
Gray's page #758[]
- White substance (substantia alba)
Gray's page #759[]
- Nerve fasciculi
- Wallerian degeneration
- descending degeneration
- ascending degeneration
- Fasciculi in the anterior funiculus
- Descending fasciculi
- anterior cerebrospinal (fasciculus cerebrospinalis anterior; direct pyramidal tract)
- Descending fasciculi
Gray's page #760[]
- Fasciculi in the anterior funiculus
- Descending fasciculi
- vestibulospinal fasciculus
- tectospinal fasciculus
- Ascending fasciculi
- ventral spinothalamic fasciculus
- anterior proper fasciculus (fasciculus anterior proprius; anterior basis bundle)
- Descending fasciculi
- Fasciculi in the lateral funiculus
- Descending fasciculi
- lateral cerebrospinal fasciculus (fasciculus cerebrospinalis lateralis; crossed pyramidal tract)
- Descending fasciculi
Gray's page #761[]
- Fasciculi in the lateral funiculus
- Descending fasciculi
- rubrospinal fasciculus (Monakow) (prepyramidal tract)
- olivospinal fasciculus (Helweg)
- Ascending fasciculi
- dorsal spinocerebellar fasciculus (fasciculus cerebellospinalis; direct cerebellar tract of Flechsig)
- superficial antero-lateral fasciculus (tract of Gowers)
- ventral spinocerebellar fasciculus (Gowers)
- Descending fasciculi
Gray's page #762[]
- Fasciculi in the lateral funiculus
- Ascending fasciculi
- lateral spinothalamic fasciculus
- secondary sensory fasciculus or spinal lemniscus
- spinotectal fasciculus (spino-quadrigeminal system of Mott)
- fasciculus of Lissauer
- lateral proper fasciculus (fasciculus lateralis proprius; lateral basis bundle)
- medial longitudinal fasciculus
- Ascending fasciculi
- Fasciculi in the Posterior funiculus
- fasciculus gracilis (tract of Goll)
Gray's page #763[]
- Fasciculi in the Posterior funiculus
- fasciculus cuneatus (tract of Burdach)
Gray's page #764[]
- Fasciculi in the Posterior funiculus
- Posterior proper fasciculus (Posterior ground bundle, Posterior basis bundle)
- descending fibers occupy different parts at different levels
- Comma-shaped fasciculus
- Dorsal peripheral band
- Oval area of Flechsig
- triangular strand
- Roots of spinal nerves
the brain or encephalon (Gray's s186)[]
Gray's page #766[]
- Brain (Encephalon)
- Brain: divisions of:
- Cerebral aqueduct (Aqueduct of Sylvius )
the hind-brain or rhombencephalon (Gray's s187)[]
Gray's page #767[]
- tentorium cerebelli
- myelencephalon
- metencephalon
- isthmus rhombencephali
Gray's page #767[]
- Medulla oblongata (spinal bulb)
- Anterior median fissure (fissura mediana anterior; ventral or ventromedian fissure)
- foramen cecum
- pyramidal decussation
- anterior external arcuate fibers
- Posterior median fissure (fissura mediana posterior; dorsal or dorsomedian fissure)
Gray's page #768[]
Myelencephalon: anterior district of medulla oblongata[]
Gray's page #768[]
- pyramid of medulla oblongata (pyramis medullæ oblongatæ)
- pyramidal decussation
Gray's page #769[]
Myelencephalon: lateral district[]
Gray's page #769[]
- olive (oliva; olivary body)
Myelencephalon: posterior district of medulla oblongata - lower part[]
Gray's page #774[]
Gray's page #775[]
- tubercle of Rolando (tuber cinereum)
Myelencephalon: posterior district of medulla oblongata - upper part[]
Gray's page #775[]
- inferior peduncle
- restiform bodies
- striæ medullares
Myelencephalon: Cerebrospinal fasciculi[]
Gray's page #775[]
Gray's page #776[]
Gray's page #777[]
- medial nucleus
- lateral nucleus
- lemniscus (fillet)
- decussation of the lemniscus (sensory decussation)
Gray's page #778[]
- locus cæruleus
- dorsal spinocerebellar fasciculus (fasciculus cerebellospinalis; direct cerebellar tract)
- proper fasciculi (basis bundles)
Gray's page #779[]
Myelencephalon: Gray Substance of the Medulla oblongata[]
Gray's page #779[]
- hypoglossal nucleus
- trigonum hypoglossi
- nucleus ambiguus
Gray's page #780[]
- dorsal nucleus
- sensory nucleus
Gray's page #781[]
- dorsal nucleus
- ala cinerea (trigonum vagi)
- nucleus of the cochlear nerve and nucleus of the vestibular nerve
- olivary nuclei
- inferior olivary nucleus
- hilum
- peduncle of the olive
- olivocerebellar fibers
- medial accessory olivary nucleus
Gray's page #782[]
- olivary nuclei
- dorsal accessory olivary nucleus
Myelencephalon: Inferior peduncle (restiform body)[]
Gray's page #782[]
- dorsal spinocerebellar fasciculus
- olivocerebellar fibers
- Internal arcuate fibers
- anterior external arcuate fibers
Gray's page #783[]
Gray's page #784[]
- terminal sensory nuclei
- ventral spinocerebellar fasciculus
- cerebellum
Myelencephalon: Formatio reticularis[]
Gray's page #784[]
- reticularis alba
- reticularis grisea
- inferior central nucleus (nucleus of Roller)
- nucleus lateralis
- lemniscus
- medial longitudinal fasciculus
Gray's page #785[]
Metencephalon - pons[]
Gray's page #785[]
- Pons (pons Varoli)
- tænia pontis
- anterior surface (pars basilaris pontis)
- middle peduncle
- sulcus basilaris
- posterior surface (pars dorsalis pontis)
- basilar part of the pons
- superficial transverse fibers (fibræ pontis superficiales)
- deep transverse fibers (fibræ pontis profundæ)
- longitudinal fasciculi (fasciculi longitudinales)
Gray's page #786[]
- basilar part of the pons
- Tegmental part of pons
Gray's page #787[]
- Tegmental part of pons
- trapezoid body
- trapezoid nucleus
- medial longitudinal fasciculus
- pontine nuclei
- superior olivary nucleus (nucleus olivaris superior)
- nuclei of the trigeminal nerve (nuclei n. trigemini)
- motor nucleus
- mesencephalic root
- sensory nucleus
- nucleus of the abducent nerve (nucleus n. abducentis)
- nucleus of the facial nerve (nucleus n. fascialis)
- colliculus facialis
Gray's page #788[]
- Tegmental part of pons
- pontine nuclei
- nucleus of the cochlear nerve
- lateral cochlear nucleus
- accessory cochlear nucleus
- nuclei of the vestibular nerve
- chief vestibular nucleus
- spinal vestibular nucleus
- nucleus of Deiters
- nucleus of Bechterew
- nucleus of the cochlear nerve
- medial nucleus
- area acustica
- lateral nucleus
- pontine nuclei
Metencephalon - cerebellum[]
Gray's page #788[]
- Cerebellum
- Lobes of the Cerebellum
- vermis
- vallecula cerebelli
- superior vermis
- inferior vermis
- posterior cerebellar notch
- anterior cerebellar notch
Gray's page #789[]
- horizontal sulcus
- upper surface of the cerebellum
- lingula (lingula cerebelli)
- Lobulus Centralis and Alæ
- lobulus centralis
- precentral fissure
- ala lobuli centralis
- Monticulus and Quadrangular lobules
- monticulus
- postcentral fissure
- quadrangular lobule
- preclival fissure
Gray's page #790[]
- Monticulus and Quadrangular lobules
- culmen
- clivus
- lobus culminis
- lobus clivi
- Folium vermis and Superior semilunar lobule
- folium vermis (folium cacuminis; cacuminal lobe)
- superior semilunar lobule (lobulus semilunaris superior; postero-superior lobules)
- horizontal sulcus
- lobus semilunaris
- under surface of the cerebellum
- Nodule and Flocculus
- nodule (nodulus vermis; nodular lobe)
Gray's page #791[]
- Nodule and Flocculus
- posterior medullary velum
- flocculus
- lobus noduli
- Uvula and Tonsilla
- uvula (uvula vermis; uvular lobe)
- sulcus valleculæ
- furrowed band
- tonsilla (tonsilla cerebelli; amygdaline nucleus)
- bird's nest (nidus avis)
- lobus uvulæ
- lobus pyramidis
- biventral lobule
- Tuber vermis (tuber valvulæ)
- Inferior semilunar lobule (lobulus semilunaris inferior; postero-superior lobule)
- lobus tuberus (tuberæ lobe)
- White substance
- dentate nucleus
- arbor vitæ
- projection fibers
Gray's page #792[]
- projection fibers
- superior cerebellar peduncles (brachia conjunctiva)
Gray's page #793[]
- projection fibers
- ventral spinocerebellar fasciculus
- middle cerebellar peduncles (brachia pontis)
- superior fasciculus
- inferior fasciculus
- deep fasciculus
- inferior cerebellar peduncles (restiform bodies)
- anterior medullary velum (velum medullare anterius; valve of Vieussens; superior medullary velum)
Gray's page #794[]
- projection fibers
- posterior medullary velum (velum medullare posterius; inferior medullary velum)
- Fibrae propriae
- commissural fibers
- arcuate fibers (association fibers)
- Gray substance
- gray substance of the cortex
- Microscopic Appearance of the Cortex
- cells of Purkinje
- external gray layer
- basket cells
Gray's page #795[]
- Microscopic Appearance of the Cortex
- internal rust-colored layer (nuclear layer)
Gray's page #796[]
- Microscopic Appearance of the Cortex
- moss fibers
- tendril fibers
- independent centers of gray substance
Fourth ventricle[]
Gray's page #797[]
- Fourth ventricle (ventriculus quartus)
- Roof or Dorsal Wall
- superior peduncle
- anterior medullary velum
- posterior medullary velum
- taeniae of the fourth ventricle (ligulae)
- obex
- epithelial lining of the ventricle
- tela chorioidea of the fourth ventricle
- taeniae of the fourth ventricle (taenia ventriculi quarti; ligula)
Gray's page #798[]
- Roof or Dorsal Wall
- Cornucopia of Bochdalek
- obex
- tela chorioidea of the fourth ventricle
- Choroid plexuses
- Openings in the Roof
- medial aperture (foramen Majendii)
- lateral apertures (foramina of Luschka)
- Rhomboid fossa (fossa rhomboidea; "floor" of the fourth ventricle)
Gray's page #799[]
- Rhomboid fossa (fossa rhomboidea; "floor" of the fourth ventricle)
- calamus scriptorius
- median sulcus
- medial eminence
- sulcus limitans
- colliculus facialis
- trigonum hypoglossi
- nucleus intercalatus
- sulcus limitans
Gray's page #800[]
- Rhomboid fossa (fossa rhomboidea; "floor" of the fourth ventricle)
- locus cæruleus
- substantia ferruginea
- superior fovea
- inferior fovea
- area acustica
- tuberculum acusticum
- striae medullares
- ala cinerea
- funiculus separans
- area postrema
the mid-brain or mesencephalon (Gray's s188)[]
Mesencephalon (midbrain) |
cerebral peduncle: midbrain tegmentum (periaqueductal gray, ventral tegmentum, nucleus raphe dorsalis), pretectum, substantia nigra, red nucleus, pedunculopontine nucleus, medial longitudinal fasciculus, medial lemniscus, rubrospinal tract, lateral lemniscus tectum: corpora quadrigemina, inferior colliculi, superior colliculi cerebral aqueduct: oculomotor nucleus, trochlear nucleus, Edinger-Westphal nucleus |
Cerebral peduncles[]
Gray's page #800[]
- cerebral peduncles (pedunculus cerebri; crus cerebri)
- interpeduncular fossa
- posterior perforated substance
- interpeduncular ganglion
Gray's page #801[]
- cerebral peduncles
- Oculomotor sulcus
- lateral sulcus
Gray's page #802[]
- base (basis pedunculi; crusta or pes)
- cerebrospinal fibers
- frontopontine fibers
- temporopontine fibers
- substantia nigra (intercalatum)
- tegmentum
- gray substance
- red nucleus
- interpeduncular ganglion
Gray's page #803[]
- white substance
- medial longitudinal fasciculus
- Deiters's nucleus (lateral vestibular nucleus)
- vestibulospinal fasciculus
- ventral longitudinal bundle
- tectospinal fasciculus
- medial lemniscus
Gray's page #804[]
- central tract of the cranial nerves
Gray's page #805[]
- thalamic tract of the cranial nerves
- central tract of the trigeminal nerve
- rubrospinal tract (bundle of Monakow)
- lateral lemniscus (lemniscus lateralis)
Corpora quadrigemina[]
Gray's page #805[]
- corpora quadrigemina
- pulvinar
- pineal body
- frenulum veli
- brachium
- superior brachium
Gray's page #806[]
- brachium
- lateral geniculate body
- inferior brachium
- medial geniculate body
- inferior colliculus (colliculus inferior; inferior quadrigeminal body; postgemina)
- superior colliculus (colliculus superior; superior quadrigeminal body; pregemina)
- stratum zonale
- stratum cinereum
- stratum opticum
- stratum lemnisci
- gray-white layers
- fountain decussation of Meynert
Cerebral aqueduct[]
Gray's page #806[]
- cerebral aqueduct (aqueductus cerebri; aqueduct of Sylvius)
- ventricle of the mid-brain
- central gray stratum
Gray's page #807[]
- nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
- nucleus of the oculomotor nerve
- nucleus of the trochlear nerve
the fore-brain or prosencephalon (Gray's s189)[]
Telencephalon (cerebrum, cerebral cortex, cerebral hemispheres) - edit |
primary sulci/fissures: medial longitudinal, lateral, central, parietoöccipital, calcarine, cingulate frontal lobe: precentral gyrus (primary motor cortex, 4), precentral sulcus, superior frontal gyrus (6, 8), middle frontal gyrus (46), inferior frontal gyrus (Broca's area, 44-pars opercularis, 45-pars triangularis), prefrontal cortex (orbitofrontal cortex, 9, 10, 11, 12, 47) parietal lobe: postcentral sulcus, postcentral gyrus (1, 2, 3, 43), superior parietal lobule (5), inferior parietal lobule (39-angular gyrus, 40), precuneus (7), intraparietal sulcus occipital lobe: primary visual cortex (17), cuneus, lingual gyrus, 18, 19 (18 and 19 span whole lobe) temporal lobe: transverse temporal gyrus (41-42-primary auditory cortex), superior temporal gyrus (38, 22-Wernicke's area), middle temporal gyrus (21), inferior temporal gyrus (20), fusiform gyrus (36, 37) limbic lobe/fornicate gyrus: cingulate cortex/cingulate gyrus, anterior cingulate (24, 32, 33), posterior cingulate (23, 31), subcortical/insular cortex: rhinencephalon, olfactory bulb, corpus callosum, lateral ventricles, septum pellucidum, ependyma, internal capsule, corona radiata, external capsule hippocampal formation: dentate gyrus, hippocampus, subiculum basal ganglia: striatum (caudate nucleus, putamen), lentiform nucleus (putamen, globus pallidus), claustrum, extreme capsule, amygdala, nucleus accumbens Some categorizations are approximations, and some Brodmann areas span gyri. |
Gray's page #807[]
Gray's page #808[]
- Thalamencephalon
Diencephalon/Thalamencephalon - Thalamus[]
Gray's page #808[]
- Thalami (optic thalamus)
- extremities
- anterior extremity
- posterior extremity
- superior surface
- stratum zonale
- stria terminalis
Gray's page #809[]
- superior surface
- taenia thalami
- sulcus habenulae
- trigonum habenulae
- inferior surface
- subthalamic tegmental region
- substantia innominata of Meynert
- medial surface
- lateral surface
Gray's page #810[]
- structure of thalamus
- stratum zonale
- lateral medullary lamina
- medial medullary lamina
- connections of thalamus
- thalamomammillary fasciculus (bundle of Vicq d’Azyr)
Gray's page #811[]
- Thalami: stalks of
- anterior stalk
- posterior stalk
- inferior stalk
- parietal stalk
Diencephalon/Thalamencephalon - Metathalamus[]
Gray's page #811[]
- Metathalamus
- geniculate bodies
- medial geniculate body (corpus geniculatum mediale; internal geniculate body; postgeniculatum)
- lateral geniculate body (corpus geniculatum laterale; external geniculate body; pregeniculatum)
Gray's page #812[]
- Metathalamus
- lower visual centers
Diencephalon/Thalamencephalon - Epithalamus[]
Gray's page #812[]
- Epithalamus (see also Habenula and Habenular nuclei)
- trigonum habenulæ
- ganglion habenulæ
- habenular commissure
- fasciculus retroflexus
- pineal body (corpus pineale; epiphysis)
- stalk of the pineal body
- posterior commissure
- nucleus of the posterior commissure (nucleus of Darkschewitsch)
- trigonum habenulæ
Diencephalon/Thalamencephalon - Hypothalamus[]
Gray's page #812[]
- Hypothalamus
- subthalamic tegmental region
- stratum dorsale
- zona incerta
- corpus subthalamicum (nucleus of Luys)
Gray's page #813[]
- greater part of the floor of the third ventricle
- corpora mammillaria (corpus albicantia)
- thalamomammillary fasciculus (bundle of Vicq d'Azyr)
- tuber cinereum
- basal optic nucleus of Meynert
- eminentia saccularis
- corpora mammillaria (corpus albicantia)
Gray's page #814[]
- greater part of the floor of the third ventricle
- hypophysis (pituitary body)
- diaphragma sella
- hypophysis (pituitary body)
- Optic chiasma (chiasma opticum; optic commissure)
- commissure of Gudden
Gray's page #814[]
- Optic tracts
- lower visual centers
- optic radiations
- higher visual center (cortical visual center)
Gray's page #815[]
- Third ventricle (ventriculus tertius)
- roof
- choroid plexuses of the third ventricle
- floor
- roof
Gray's page #816[]
- Third ventricle (ventriculus tertius)
- floor
- recessus infundibuli
- anterior boundary
- posterior boundary
- recessus pinealis
- recessus suprapinealis
- lateral wall
- sulcus of Monro
- massa intermedia
- floor
- Interpeduncular fossa
Gray's page #817[]
Gray's page #818[]
- longitudinal cerebral fissure (Fissura longitudinalis)
- falx cerebri
- corpus callosum
- splenium
- genu
- rostrum
- fornix
- Cerebral hemispheres: surfaces of:
- supero-medial border
- infero-lateral border
- superciliary border
- medial occipital border
- medial orbital border
- Poles of cerebral hemispheres
- frontal pole
- occipital pole
- temporal pole
- preoccipital notch
Gray's page #819[]
- gyri
- Sulci and fissures of cerebral hemisphere
- Lateral cerebral fissure (fissura cerebri lateralis; fissure of Sylvius)
- Central sulcus (sulcus centralis; fissure of Rolando; central fissure)
Gray's page #820[]
- Parietoöccipital fissure (fissura parietoöccipitalis)
- Calcarine fissure (fissura calcarina)
- Cingulate sulcus (sulcus cinguli; callosomarginal fissure)
- Collateral fissure (fissura collateralis)
Gray's page #821[]
- Sulcus circularis (circuminsular fissure)
- Lobes: of cerebral hemisphere
Telencephalon - Frontal lobe[]
Gray's page #821[]
- Frontal lobe (lobus frontalis)
- precentral sulcus
- superior frontal sulcus and inferior frontal sulcus
- anterior central gyrus (gyrus centralis anterior; ascending frontal convolution; precentral gyre)
- superior frontal gyrus (gyrus frontalis superior; superfrontal gyre)
Gray's page #822[]
- superior frontal gyrus
- paramedial sulcus
- middle frontal gyrus (gyrus frontalis medius; medifrontal gyre)
- medial frontal sulcus
- inferior frontal gyrus (gyrus frontalis inferior; subfrontal gyre)
- orbital part
- triangular part (cap of Broca)
- basilar part
- gyrus of Broca
- inferior surface or orbital surface
- orbital sulcus
- medial gyrus
- anterior gyrus
- lateral gyrus
- posterior orbital gyrus
- olfactory sulcus
- straight gyrus
- orbital sulcus
- medial surface
- marginal gyrus
- paracentral lobule
Telencephalon - Parietal lobe[]
Gray's page #822[]
- Parietal lobe (lobus parietalis)
- intraparietal sulcus of Turner
- postcentral sulcus
Gray's page #823[]
- occipital ramus
- transverse occipital sulcus
- superior parietal lobule
- inferior parietal lobule
- posterior central gyrus (gyrus centralis posterior; ascending parietal convolution; postcentral gyre)
- superior parietal lobule (lobulus parietalis superior)
- arcus parietoöccipitalis
- inferior parietal lobule (lobulus parietalis inferior; subparietal district or lobule)
- subparietal sulcus
- precuneus (quadrate lobe)
Telencephalon - Occipital lobe[]
Gray's page #823[]
- Occipital lobe (lobus occipitalis)
- transverse occipital sulcus
- lateral occipital sulcus
- lingual gyrus
- fusiform gyrus (occipitotemporal convolution)
Telencephalon - Temporal lobe[]
Gray's page #823[]
- Temporal lobe (lobus temporalis)
Gray's page #824[]
- transverse temporal gyri
- superior temporal sulcus
- parallel sulcus
- middle temporal sulcus
- superior temporal gyrus
- middle temporal gyrus
- inferior temporal gyrus
- inferior temporal sulcus
- fusiform gyrus
Gray's page #825[]
- Insula (island of Reil; central lobe)
- opercula of the insula
- orbital operculum
- circular sulcus
Telencephalon - Limbic lobe[]
Gray's page #825[]
- Limbic lobe
- cingulate gyrus (gyrus cinguli; callosal convolution)
- callosal fissure
- Isthmus: of limbic lobe
Gray's page #826[]
- hippocampal gyrus (gyrus hippocampi)
- cingulum
- uncus
- incisura temporalis
- Hippocampal fissure (fissura hippocampi; dentate fissure)
Telencephalon - Rhinencephalon[]
Gray's page #826[]
- Rhinencephalon
- Olfactory lobe (lobus olfactorius)
- olfactory bulb (bulbus olfactorius)
- olfactory tract (tractus olfactorius)
- lateral stria
Gray's page #827[]
- Olfactory lobe (lobus olfactorius)
- olfactory tract (tractus olfactorius)
- medial stria
- intermediate stria
- olfactory trigone (trigonum olfactorium)
- parolfactory area of Broca (area parolfactoria)
- anterior perforated substance (substantia perforata anterior)
- fissure prima
- olfactory tract (tractus olfactorius)
- Uncus
- subcallosal gyrus (gyrus subcallosus; peduncle of the corpus callosum)
- supracallosal gyrus (indusium griseum; gyrus epicallosus)
- fasciola cinerea
- fascia dentata hippocampi (gyrus dentatus)
- fimbriodentate fissure
- band of Giacomini
Telencephalon - Interior of the Cerebral Hemispheres[]
Gray's page #827[]
- centrum ovale minus
- puncta vasculosa
- corpus callosum
- labia cerebri
Gray's page #828[]
- callosal fissure
- centrum ovale majus
- corpus callosum
- Genu of corpus callosum
- Rostrum of corpus callosum
- Splenium of corpus callosum
Gray's page #829[]
- corpus callosum
- supracallosal gyrus
- forceps anterior
- forceps posterior
- tapetum
- Ventricles
- Lateral ventricles (ventriculus lateralis)
- septum pellucidum
- interventricular foramen
- ependyma
- cornua
- central part (pars centralis ventriculi lateralis; cella)
Gray's page #830[]
- Ventricles
- anterior cornu (cornu anterius; anterior horn; precornu)
Gray's page #831[]
- Ventricles
- rostrum
- posterior cornu (cornu posterius; postcornu)
- calcar avis (hippocampus minor)
- bulb of the posterior cornu
- inferior cornu (cornu inferior; descending horn; middle horn; medicornu)
Gray's page #832[]
- hippocampus (hippocampus major)
Gray's page #833[]
- hippocampus (hippocampus major)
- pes hippocampi
- alveus
- collateral eminence (eminentia collateralis)
- trigonum collaterale
- corpus striatum
- caudate nucleus (nucleus caudatus; caudatum)
Gray's page #834[]
- lentiform nucleus (nucleus lentiformis; lenticular nucleus; lenticula)
- medullary laminæ
Gray's page #835[]
- globus pallidus
- corticostriate fibers
- ansa lentiformis
- claustrum
- capsula extrema (band of Baillarger)
- nucleus amygdalæ (amygdala)
Gray's page #836[]
- internal capsule (capsula interna)
- genu
- geniculate fibers
- cerebrospinal fibers
Gray's page #837[]
- internal capsule (capsula interna)
- external capsule (capsula externa)
- substantia innominata of Meynert
- stria terminalis (tænia semicircularis)
Gray's page #838[]
- terminal vein (vein of the corpus striatum)
- lamina affixa
- Fornix
- Columns of fornix
- crura
- body (corpus fornicis)
- psalterium (lyra)
- hippocampal commissure
- ventricle of the fornix (ventricle of Verga)
- columns (columna fornicis; anterior pillars; fornicolumns)
Gray's page #839[]
- thalamomammillary fasciculus (bundle of Vicq d’Azyr)
Gray's page #840[]
- olfactory fasciculus
- crura (crus fornicis; posterior pillars)
- alveus
- fimbria hippocampi
- fascia dentata hippocampi (dentate gyrus)
- fimbriodentate fissure
- Interventricular foramen (foramen of Monro)
- Anterior commissure (precommissure)
- cavity of the septum pellucidum (cavum septi pellucidi; pseudocele; fifth ventricle)
- Choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle (plexus chorioideus ventriculus lateralis; paraplexus)
Gray's page #841[]
- tela chorioidea of the third ventricle
- choroidal fissure
- tela chorioidea of the third ventricle (tela chorioidea ventriculi tertii; velum interpositum)
Gray's page #842[]
- transverse fissure of the brain
- internal cerebral veins (venæ Galeni)
- great cerebral vein (vena magna Galeni)
Telencephalon - Structure of the Cerebral Hemispheres[]
Gray's page #842[]
Gray's page #843[]
- white substance
- Projection fibers
- Transverse fibers or commissural fibers
- Association fibers
- short association fibers
- long association fibers
Gray's page #844[]
- white substance
- Association fibers
- long association fibers
- superior longitudinal fasciculus
- inferior longitudinal fasciculus
- perpendicular fasciculus
- occipitofrontal fasciculus
- long association fibers
- Association fibers
Gray's page #845[]
- white substance
- Association fibers
- long association fibers
- Association fibers
- gray substance of the hemisphere
- Structure of the Cerebral Cortex
- outer band of Baillarger or band of Gennari
- inner band of Baillarger
- Nerve cells
- giant cells of Betz
- cells of Golgi
- cells of Martinotti
- Structure of the Cerebral Cortex
Gray's page #846[]
- Nerve Fibers
- Tangential fibers of cerebral cortex
- plexus of Exner
- Band of Bechterew
- Band of Gennari
- Radial fibers of cerebral cortex
- Tangential fibers of cerebral cortex
Gray's page #847[]
- Special Types of Cerebral Cortex
- Visual area of cerebral cortex
- Visuosensory area
- Visuopsychic area
- Motor areas of cerebral cortex
- Visual area of cerebral cortex
Gray's page #848[]
- Special Types of Cerebral Cortex
composition and central connections of the spinal nerves (Gray's s190)[]
Gray's page #849[]
- typical spinal nerve
- somatic sensory fibers
- sympathetic afferent fibers or sensory fibers
- somatic motor fibers
- sympathetic efferent fibers or preganglionic fibers
Gray's page #850[]
- Intrinsic spinal reflex paths
Gray's page #851[]
- Sensory pathways from the Spinal cord to the Brain
- conscious muscle sense
- unconscious muscle sense
Gray's page #853[]
- Sensory pathways from the Spinal cord to the Brain
- impulses of pain
- impulses of temperature
Gray's page #854[]
- Sensory pathways from the Spinal cord to the Brain
- tactile discrimination
- touch fibers
- ventral spinothalamic fasciculus
- superficial antero-lateral fasciculus (tract of Gowers)
- spinotectal fasciculus
- spino-olivary fasciculus (olivospinal; bulbospinal, Helweg's bundle)
- Sympathetic afferent fibers (visceral afferent; viscero-sensory; splanchnic afferent)
- Sympathetic efferent fibers (splanchnic motor; viscero-motor; preganglionic fibers)
composition and central connections of the cranial nerves (Gray's s191)[]
Gray's page #855[]
- Hypoglossal nerve (XII cranial)
- Accessory nerve (XI cranial)
- Vagus nerve (X cranial)
- somatic sensory fibers
Gray's page #856[]
- Vagus nerve (X cranial)
- sympathetic afferent fibers
- Taste fibers
- Somatic motor fibers
- Sympathetic efferent fibers
- Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX cranial)
- somatic sensory fibers
Gray's page #857[]
- Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX cranial)
- Sympathetic afferent fibers
- Taste fibers
- Somatic motor fibers
- Sympathetic efferent fibers (motor and secretory fibers)
- Acoustic nerve (VIII cranial)
- Cochlear nerve
- cochlear nucleus
- striæ medullares
Gray's page #858[]
- Acoustic nerve (VIII cranial)
- trapezoid body
- cochlear nucleus
- acoustic tubercle
- superior olivary nucleus
- nucleus of the trapezoid body
Gray's page #859[]
- Acoustic nerve (VIII cranial)
- lateral preolivary nucleus or semilunar nucleus
- mesial preolivary nucleus
- lateral lemniscus (lateral fillet)
- fillet of Reil
- lower and upper nuclei of the lateral lemniscus
- inferior colliculi (lower or posterior quadrigeminal bodies)
- medial geniculate body
- commissure of Gudden
Gray's page #860[]
- Vestibular nerve (vestibular root, VIII cranial)
- dorsal vestibular nucleus (medial or principal nucleus)
- inferior vestibular nucleus
- lateral vestibular nucleus (Deiters's nucleus)
Gray's page #861[]
- Vestibular nerve (vestibular root, VIII cranial)
- superior vestibular nucleus (Bechterew's nucleus)
- Facial nerve (VII cranial)
- somatic sensory fibers
- sympathetic afferent fibers
- Taste fibers
- Somatic motor fibers
- Sympathetic efferent fibers (preganglionic fibers)
- superior salivatory nucleus
- Abducens nerve (VI cranial)
Gray's page #862[]
- Abducens nerve (VI cranial)
- Trigeminal nerve (V cranial)
- motor nucleus
- terminal sensory nucleus
- main sensory nucleus
- nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve
- main sensory nucleus
- tractus spinalis
- nucleus of the tractus spinalis
Gray's page #863[]
- Trigeminal nerve (V cranial)
- central path of the trigeminal (trigeminothalamic tract)
- mesencephalic root (descending root of the trigeminal)
- Trochlear nerve (IV cranial)
- Oculomotor nerve (III cranial)
Gray's page #864[]
- Optic nerve or Nerve of Sight (II cranial)
Gray's page #865[]
- Optic nerve or Nerve of Sight (II cranial)
- primary visual centers
- lateral geniculate body
- superior colliculus
- stratum zonale
- stratum cinereum
Gray's page #866[]
- Optic nerve or Nerve of Sight (II cranial)
- stratum opticum
- lateral lemniscus
- tectospinal fasciculus
- Olfactory nerves (I cranial) or nerves of smell
Gray's page #867[]
- Olfactory nerves (I cranial) or nerves of smell
- lateral olfactory striæ
- medial olfactory striæ
- pars olfactoria
- intermediate olfactory striæ
- tractus olfactomesencephalicus (basal olfactory bundle of Wallenburg)
- fasciculus mammillo-tegmentalis (mammillo-tegmental bundle of Gudden)
Gray's page #868[]
- fasciculus retroflexus of Meynert
- interpeduncular ganglion
- tegmental bundle of Gudden
- cingulum
- dentate gyrus
- indusium
- medial longitudinal striæ (nerves of Lancisi)
- lateral longitudinal striæ
- gyrus subcallosus and the anterior perforated substance (diagonal band of Broca)
Gray's page #869[]
- olfactory projection fibers
- alveus
- fornix
- hippocampal commissure (ventral psalterium or lyre)
- bundle of Vicq d'Azyr (mammillo-thalamic fasciculus)
- amygdaloid nucleus and the tænia semicircularis (stria terminalis)
pathways from the brain to the spinal cord (Gray's s192)[]
Gray's page #870[]
- Motor tract
- geniculate fibers
- cerebrospinal fibers
- decussation of the pyramids
- lateral cerebrospinal fasciculus (crossed pyramidal tract)
- anterior cerebrospinal fasciculus (direct pyramidal tract)
- upper motor neurons
- lower motor neurons
- rubrospinal fasciculus
Gray's page #871[]
- Tectospinal fasciculus
Gray's page #872[]
- vestibulospinal fasciculus (part of the anterior marginal fasciculus or Loewenthal's tract)
- pontospinal fasciculus (Bechterew)
the meninges of the brain and medulla spinalis (Gray's s193)[]
Meninges of the brain and medulla spinalis |
Dura mater - Falx cerebri - Tentorium cerebelli - Falx cerebelli - Arachnoid mater - Subarachnoid space - Cistern - Cisterna magna - Median aperture - Cerebrospinal fluid - Arachnoid granulation - Pia mater |
Gray's page #872[]
- dura mater
- cranial dura mater (dura mater encephali; dura of the brain)
Gray's page #873[]
Gray's page #874[]
- processes of dura mater
- Tentorium cerebelli
- Incisura tentorii
- Falx cerebelli
- Diaphragma sellae
- Tentorium cerebelli
Gray's page #875[]
- Structure
- Endosteal layer of dura mater
- Meningeal layer of dura mater
- arteries of Dura mater
- veins of Dura mater
- nerves of Dura mater
- spinal dura mater (dura mater spinalis; spinal dura)
- Subdural cavity
- Epidural space
Gray's page #876[]
- spinal dura mater (dura mater spinalis; spinal dura)
- Structure
- Dura mater: structure of:
- Arachnoid (Arachnoid membrane)
- Cranial arachnoid (Arachnoidea encephali)
- Spinal arachnoid (Arachnoidea spinalis)
- structure of Arachnoid
- Subarachnoid cavity (Cavum subarachnoideale, Subarachnoid space)
- Subarachnoid cisternæ (Cisternæ subarachnoidales)
- Cisterna cerebellomedullaris (Cisterna magna)
- Cisterna pontis
- Cisterna interpeduncularis (Cisterna basalis)
Gray's page #877[]
- Subarachnoid cisternæ (Cisternæ subarachnoidales)
- Cisterna chiasmatis
- Cisterna fossae cerebri lateralis
- Cisterna venae magnae cerebri
- openings
- Foramina of Majendie
- Foramina of Luschka
- Subarachnoid septum
- Ligamentum denticulatum
- Cerebrospinal fluid
Gray's page #878[]
- Arachnoid villi (Granulationes arachnoideales, Arachnoid granulations, Glandulæ Pacchioni, Pacchionian glands )
- Pia mater
Gray's page #879[]
- Pia mater
- Cranial pia mater
- Spinal pia mater
- Linea splendens
- Ligamentum denticulatum
- Filum terminale
- Central ligament of medulla spinalis
Gray's page #880[]
- ligamentum denticulatum (dentate ligament)
the cerebrospinal fluid (Gray's s194)[]
Gray's page #880[]
the cranial nerves (Gray's s195)[]
Major nerves (also see Peripheral nervous system) | |
Cranial nerves: I olfactory | II optic | III oculomotor | IV trochlear | V trigeminal | V1 ophthalmic (lacrimal, frontal, supratrochlear, supraorbital, nasociliary, ciliary ganglion) | V2 maxillary (sphenopalatine ganglion) | V3 mandibular (buccal - auriculotemporal - lingual - inferior alveolar - otic ganglion) | VI abducens | VII facial (chorda tympani, nervus intermedius) | VIII vestibulocochlear (cochlear, vestibular) | IX glossopharyngeal | X vagus (recurrent laryngeal, Alderman's nerve) | XI accessory | XII hypoglossal Posterior spinal nerves: greater occipital C1-C4 - Cervical plexus: lesser occipital | greater auricular | lesser auricular | phrenic | ansa cervicalis C5-C8, T1 - Brachial plexus: supraclavicular branches (dorsal scapular, suprascapular, long thoracic) | lateral cord (musculocutaneous, lateral antibrachial cutaneous, lateral head of median nerve) | medial cord (ulnar, medial head of median nerve, medial antibrachial cutaneous, medial brachial cutaneous) | posterior cord (axillary, radial) T2-T11: intercostal T12, L1-L5 - Lumbar plexus: iliohypogastric | ilioinguinal | genitofemoral | lateral femoral cutaneous | femoral | obturator S1-S4 - Sacral plexus: gluteal | posterior femoral cutaneous | tibial | sciatic | sural | common peroneal S2-S5 - Pudendal plexus: perforating cutaneous | pudendal | visceral | muscular | anococcygeal |
- Cranial nerves (Nervi cerebrales, Cerebral nerves)
- Nuclei: of origin of motor nerves
the olfactory nerves (Gray's s196)[]
Gray's page #881[]
- Olfactory nerves (Nervi olfactorii, first nerve)
the optic nerve (Gray's s197)[]
Gray's page #882[]
- Optic nerve (Nervus opticus, Second nerve)
- Visual center
Gray's page #883[]
- Optic chiasma
- Decussation of optic nerves
- Commissure of Gudden
Gray's page #884[]
the oculomotor nerve (Gray's s198)[]
Gray's page #884[]
- Oculomotor nerve (Nervus oculomotorius, Third nerve )
- Nucleus of oculomotor nerve
the trochlear nerve (Gray's s199)[]
Gray's page #885[]
- Trochlear nerve (Nervus trochlearis, Fourth nerve)
the trigeminal nerve (Gray's s200)[]
Gray's page #886[]
- Trigeminal nerve (Nervus trigeminus, Trifacial nerve, Fifth nerve)
- Semilunar ganglion (ganglion semilunare, Gasserian ganglion)
- Cavum Meckelii
Ophthalmic nerve[]
Gray's page #887[]
- Ophthalmic nerve (Nervus ophthalmicus)
- Lacrimal nerve (Nervus lacrimalis)
- Frontal nerve (Nervus frontalis)
Gray's page #888[]
- Frontal nerve
- Supratrochlear nerve (Nervus supratrochlearis)
- Supraorbital nerve (Nervus supraorbitalis)
- Nasociliary nerve (Nervus nasociliaris, Nasal nerve)
- Long root of ciliary ganglion (Radix longa ganglii ciliaris)
- Long ciliary nerves (Nervi ciliares longi)
- Infratrochlear nerve (Nervus infratrochlearis)
- Ethmoidal branches (Nervi ethmoidales)
- Ciliary ganglion (ophthalmic ganglion or lenticular ganglion)
- Ciliary nerves
Gray's page #889[]
Maxillary nerve[]
Gray's page #889[]
- Maxillary nerve (Nervus maxillaris, superior maxillary nerve)
- In the Cranium
- Middle meningeal nerve (Nervus meningeus medius, meningeal branch, dural branch)
- In the Pterygopalatine Fossa
- Zygomatic nerve (Nervus zygomaticus; Temporomalar nerve; Orbital nerve)
Gray's page #890[]
- In the Pterygopalatine fossa
- Zygomatic nerve (Nervus zygomaticus; Temporomalar nerve; Orbital nerve)
- Sphenopalatine nerves (Nervi sphenopalatini)
- Posterior superior alveolar branches (Nervus rami alveolares superiores posteriores, posterior superior dental branches)
Gray's page #891[]
- In the Infraorbital canal
- Middle superior alveolar branch (ramus alveolaris superior medius; middle superior dental branch)
- Anterior superior alveolar branch (ramus alveolaris superior anteriores; Nervus ramus alveolaris superior anteriores, anterior superior dental branch, Anterior superior dental nerve )
- nasal branch
- On the Face
- Inferior palpebral branches (rami palpebrales inferiores; palpebral branches)
- External nasal branches (rami nasales externi, Nervus nasales externi)
- Superior labial branches (rami labiales superiores, Nervus labialis superiores, labial branches)
- Sphenopalatine ganglion (ganglion of Meckel)
Gray's page #892[]
- Sphenopalatine ganglion (ganglion of Meckel)
- Greater superficial petrosal nerve (Nervus petrosus superficialis major, Large superficial petrosal nerve)
- Deep petrosal nerve (Nervus petrosus profundus, Large deep petrosal nerve)
- Nerve of pterygoid canal (Nervus canalis pterygoidei, Vidian nerve)
Gray's page #893[]
- Branches of Distribution
- orbital branches (rami orbitales; ascending branches)
- palatine nerves (nn. palatini; descending branches)
- anterior palatine nerve (n. palatinus anterior)
- middle palatine nerve (n. palatinus medius)
- posterior palatine nerve (n. palatinus posterior)
- posterior superior nasal branches (rami nasales posteriores superiores)
- pharyngeal nerve (pterygopalatine nerve)
Mandibular nerve[]
Gray's page #893[]
- mandibular nerve (n. mandibularis; inferior maxillary nerve)
Gray's page #894[]
- Nervus spinosus
- Internal pterygoid nerve (n. pterygoideus internus)
- anterior and smaller division of the mandibular nerve
- Masseteric nerve (Nervus massetericus)
Gray's page #895[]
- anterior and smaller division of the mandibular nerve
- Deep temporal nerves (nn. temporales profundi)
- Buccinator nerve (n. buccinatorus; long buccal nerve)
- External pterygoid nerve (n. pterygoideus externus)
- posterior and larger division of the mandibular nerve
- Auriculotemporal nerve (n. auriculotemporalis)
- anterior auricular branches (nn. auriculares anteriores)
- branches to the external acoustic meatus (n. meatus auditorii externi)
- articular branches
- parotid branches (rami parotidei)
- superficial temporal branches (rami temporales superficiales)
- Lingual nerve (n. lingualis)
- Auriculotemporal nerve (n. auriculotemporalis)
Gray's page #896[]
- posterior and larger division of the mandibular nerve
- Inferior alveolar nerve (n. alveolaris inferior; inferior dental nerve)
- Mylohyoid nerve (n. mylohyoideus)
- Inferior alveolar nerve (n. alveolaris inferior; inferior dental nerve)
Gray's page #897[]
- posterior and larger division of the mandibular nerve
- Inferior alveolar nerve (n. alveolaris inferior; inferior dental nerve)
- dental branches
- inferior dental plexus
- incisive branch
- mental nerve (n. mentalis)
- dental branches
- Inferior alveolar nerve (n. alveolaris inferior; inferior dental nerve)
- Otic ganglion (ganglion oticum)
Gray's page #898[]
- Submaxillary ganglion (ganglion submaxillare)
the abducent nerve (Gray's s201)[]
Gray's page #899[]
- Abducent nerve (Nervus abducens, Sixth nerve)
Gray's page #900[]
the facial nerve (Gray's s202)[]
Gray's page #901[]
- Facial nerve (Nervus facialis, Seventh nerve)
- nervus intermedius (pars intermedii of Wrisberg)
Gray's page #902[]
- motor root
- sensory root
- Geniculum of facial nerve
- Genicular ganglion of facial nerve
- Parotid plexus
Gray's page #903[]
- greater superficial petrosal nerve (large superficial petrosal nerve)
Gray's page #904[]
- With the facial canal
- Nerve to the stapedius (n. stapedius; tympanic branch)
- Chorda tympani nerve
- iter chordae posterius
- iter chordae anterius
Gray's page #905[]
- At its exit from the stylomastoid foramen
- Posterior auricular nerve (n. auricularis posterior)
- auricular branch
- occipital branch
- Digastric branch (ramus digastricus)
- Stylohyoid branch (ramus stylohyoideus)
- Posterior auricular nerve (n. auricularis posterior)
- On the face
- Temporal branches (rami temporales)
- Zygomatic branches (rami zygomatici; malar branches)
- Buccal branches (rami buccales; infraorbital branches)
- superficial branches
- deep branches
- infraorbital plexus
- Mandibular branch (ramus marginalis mandibulæ)
- Cervical branch (ramus colli)
the acoustic nerve (Gray's s203)[]
Gray's page #905[]
- acoustic nerve (Eighth nerve)
Gray's page #906[]
- Cochlear nerve
- accessory nucleus
- tuberculum acusticum
- striæ medullares (striæ acusticæ)
- lateral lemniscus
- nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
- Vestibular nerve
- ganglion of Scarpa
the glossopharyngeal nerve (Gray's s204)[]
Gray's page #906[]
- Glossopharyngeal nerve (Nervus glossopharyngeus, Ninth nerve)
Gray's page #907[]
- sensory fibers
- taste fibers
- Fasciculus solitarius
- somatic sensory fibers
- somatic motor fibers
- sympathetic efferent fibers
Gray's page #908[]
- Ganglia
- Superior ganglion (ganglion superius; jugular ganglion)
- Petrous ganglion (ganglion petrosum; inferior ganglion)
Gray's page #909[]
- Branches of Distribution
- Tympanic nerve (n. tympanicus; nerve of Jacobson)
- Carotid branches (n. caroticotympanicus superior and n. caroticotympanicus inferior)
- Pharyngeal branches (rami pharyngei)
- Muscular branch (ramus stylopharyngeus)
- Tonsillar branches (rami tonsillares)
- Lingual branches (rami linguales)
the vagus nerve (Gray's s205)[]
Gray's page #910[]
- Vagus nerve (Nervus vagus, Tenth nerve; Pneumogastric nerve )
- Jugular ganglion (ganglion of the root)
- Ganglion nodosum (ganglion of the trunk)
- Posterior pulmonary plexus
- Esophageal plexus
Gray's page #911[]
- Ganglion nodosum (ganglion of the trunk; inferior ganglion)
- In the Jugular fossa
- Meningeal branch (ramus meningeus; dural branch)
- Auricular branch (ramus auricularis; nerve of Arnold)
- In the Neck
- Pharyngeal branch (ramus pharyngeus)
Gray's page #912[]
- In the Neck
- Pharyngeal branch (ramus pharyngeus)
- Superior laryngeal nerve (n. laryngeus superior)
- external branch (ramus externus) - external laryngeal nerve
- internal branch (ramus internus) - internal laryngeal nerve
- Recurrent nerve (n. recurrens; inferior or recurrent laryngeal nerve)
- Superior cardiac branches (rami cardiaci superiores; cervical cardiac branches)
- upper branches
- lower branch
- In the Thorax
- Inferior cardiac branches (rami cardiaci inferiores; thoracic cardiac branches)
Gray's page #913[]
- In the Thorax
- Anterior bronchial branches (rami bronchiales anteriores; anterior or ventral pulmonary branches)
- Anterior pulmonary plexus
- Posterior bronchial branches (rami bronchiales posteriores; posterior or dorsal pulmonary branches)
- posterior pulmonary plexus
- Esophageal branches (rami æsophagei)
- Anterior bronchial branches (rami bronchiales anteriores; anterior or ventral pulmonary branches)
- In the Abdomen
- Gastric branches (rami gastrici)
- posterior gastric plexus
- anterior gastric plexus
- Celiac branches (rami cæliaci)
- Hepatic branches (rami hepatici)
- Gastric branches (rami gastrici)
the accessory nerve (Gray's s206)[]
Gray's page #913[]
- accessory nerve (Nervus accessorius, Eleventh nerve; Spinal accessory nerve )
- Cranial Part (ramus internus; accessory portion)
- Spinal Part (ramus externus; spinal portion)
the hypoglossal nerve (Gray's s207)[]
Gray's page #914[]
- Hypoglossal nerve (Nervus hypoglossus, Twelfth nerve)
Gray's page #916[]
- Meningeal branches (dural branches)
- Descending ramus (ramus descendens; descendens hypoglossi)
- ansa hypoglossi
- Thyrohyoid branch (ramus thyreohyoideus)
- Muscular branches
Gray's page #916[]
- Nervus ramus descendens
- Nervus thyreohyoideus
the spinal nerves (Gray's s208)[]
Gray's page #916[]
- spinal nerves (Nervi spinales)
- first cervical nerve (suboccipital nerve)
- Nerve roots
- Anterior root (radix anterior; ventral root)
- Posterior root (radix posterior; dorsal root)
Gray's page #917[]
- Spinal ganglia (ganglion spinale)
Gray's page #919[]
Gray's page #920[]
- spinal nerve
- gray ramus communicans
- white ramus communicans
- somatic fibers
- sympathetic fibers (splanchnic fibers)
Gray's page #921[]
- cells of Dogiel
- meningeal branch
the posterior divisions (Gray's s209)[]
Gray's page #921[]
- posterior divisions (Rami Posteriores)
- Cervical nerves (Nn. Cervicales)
Gray's page #923[]
- Cervical nerves (Nn. Cervicales)
- posterior division of the second cervical nerve
- medial branch (ramus medialis; internal branch)
- greater occipital nerve (n. occipitalis major; great occipital nerve)
- lateral branch (ramus lateralis; external branch)
- medial branch (ramus medialis; internal branch)
- posterior division of the third cervical nerve
- medial branch
- lateral branch
- posterior cervical plexus
- posterior divisions of the lower five cervical nerves
- medial branches
- lateral branches
- posterior division of the second cervical nerve
- Thoracic nerves (Nn. Thoracales)
- medial branches (ramus medialis; internal branch)
- upper six thoracic nerves
- lower six thoracic nerves
- lateral branches (ramus lateralis; external branch)
- medial branches (ramus medialis; internal branch)
Gray's page #924[]
- Lumbar nerves (Nn. Lumbales)
- medial branches
- lateral branches
- Sacral nerves (Nn. Sacrales)
- upper three sacral nerves
- medial branches
- lateral branches
- lower two sacral nerves
- upper three sacral nerves
Gray's page #925[]
- Coccygeal nerve (N. Coccygeus)
the anterior divisions (Gray's s210)[]
Gray's page #925[]
- anterior divisions (Rami Anteriores)
- Cervical nerves (Nn. Cervicales)
- anterior division of the first (suboccipital nerve)
- upper four cervical nerves
- cervical plexus (plexus cervicalis)
Superficial Branches of the Cervical plexus[]
Gray's page #926[]
- Smaller occipital nerve (n. occipitalïs minor; small occipital nerve)
- auricular branch
- Great auricular nerve (n. auricularis magnus)
Gray's page #927[]
- Great auricular nerve
- anterior branch (ramus anterior; facial branch)
- posterior branch (ramus posterior; mastoid branch)
- Cutaneous cervical (n. cutaneus colli; superficial or transverse cervical nerve)
- ascending branches (rami superiores)
Gray's page #928[]
- Cutaneous cervical
- descending branches (rami inferiores)
- Supraclavicular nerves (nn. supraclaviculares; descending branches)
- anterior supraclavicular nerves (nn. supraclaviculares anteriores; suprasternal nerves)
- middle supraclavicular nerves (nn. supraclaviculares medii; supraclavicular nerves)
- posterior supraclavicular nerves (nn. supraclaviculares posteriores; supra-acromial nerves)
Deep Branches of the Cervical plexus. INTERNAL SERIES[]
Gray's page #928[]
- Communicating branches
- Muscular branches
- Communicantes cervicales (communicantes hypoglossi)
- descendens cervicalis
- ansa hypoglossi
- Phrenic nerve (n. phrenicus; internal respiratory nerve of Bell)
Gray's page #929[]
- phrenic ganglion
Deep Branches of the Cervical plexus. EXTERNAL SERIES[]
Gray's page #930[]
- Communicating branches
- Muscular branches
brachial plexus[]
Gray's page #930[]
- Branchial plexus (plexus brachialis)
Gray's page #931[]
Supraclavicular Branches[]
Gray's page #932[]
- Dorsal scapular nerve (n. dorsalis scapulæ; nerve to the Rhomboidei; posterior scapular nerve)
- Suprascapular nerve (n. suprascapularis)
Gray's page #933[]
- Nerve to the subclavius (n. subclavius)
- Long thoracic nerve (n. thoracalis longus; external respiratory nerve of Bell; posterior thoracic nerve)
Infraclavicular branches[]
Gray's page #933[]
- Lateral cord: Musculocutaneous (5, 6, 7 C), Lateral anterior thoracic (5, 6, 7 C), Lateral head of median (6, 7 C)
- Medial cord: Medial anterior thoracic (8 C, 1 T), Medial antibrachial cutaneous, Medial brachial cutaneous, Ulnar, Medial head of median, Upper subscapular (5, 6 C), Lower subscapular (5, 6 C.)
- Posterior cord: Thoracodorsal (5, 6, 7 C.), Axillary (5, 6 C.), Radial (6, 7, 8 C, 1 T.)
- Anterior thoracic nerves (nn. thoracales anteriores)
- lateral anterior thoracic (fasciculus lateralis)
- medial anterior thoracic (fasciculus medialis)
- Subscapular nerves (nn. subscapulares)
Gray's page #934[]
- Subscapular nerves
- upper subscapular (short subscapular)
- lower subscapular
- Thoracodorsal nerve (n. thoracodorsalis; middle or long subscapular nerve)
- Axillary nerve (n. axillaris; circumflex nerve)
- anterior branch of axillary nerve (upper branch)
- posterior branch of axillary nerve (lower branch)
Gray's page #935[]
- Musculocutaneous nerve (n. musculocutaneus)
Gray's page #936[]
- lateral antibrachial cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus antibrachii cutaneous lateralis; branch of musculocutaneous nerve)
Gray's page #937[]
- Medial antibrachial cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus antibrachii medialis; internal cutaneous nerve)
- Medial brachial cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus brachii medialis; lesser internal cutaneous nerve; nerve of Wrisberg)
Median nerve[]
Gray's page #938[]
- Median nerve (n. medianus)
Ulnar nerve[]
Gray's page #939[]
- Ulnar nerve (n. ulnaris)
Gray's page #942[]
- articular branches to the elbow-joint
- muscular branches of ulnar nerve (rami musculares)
- palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve
- dorsal branch of ulnar nerve (ramus dorsalis manus)
- volar branch of ulnar nerve (ramus volaris manus)
- superficial branch of ulnar nerve (ramus superficialis [n. ulnaris])
Gray's page #943[]
- deep branch of ulnar nerve (ramus profundus)
Radial nerve[]
Gray's page #943[]
- Radial nerve (n. radialis; musculospiral nerve)
- Muscular branches of the radial nerve (rami musculares)
- ulnar collateral nerve
- Cutaneous branches of the radial nerve
- posterior brachial cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus brachii posterior; internal cutaneous branch of musculospiral)
- Muscular branches of the radial nerve (rami musculares)
Gray's page #944[]
- Radial nerve
- Cutaneous branches of the radial nerve
- dorsal antibrachial cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus antibrachii dorsalis; external cutaneous branch of musculospiral)
- Superficial branch of the radial nerve (ramus superficialis radial nerve)
- Deep branch of the radial nerve (n. interosseus dorsalis; dorsal or posterior interosseous nerve)
- dorsal interosseous nerve
- Cutaneous branches of the radial nerve
the thoracic nerves (Gray's s211)[]
Gray's page #944[]
- anterior divisions of the thoracic nerves (rami anteriores; ventral divisions)
Gray's page #945[]
- First thoracic nerve
- first intercostal nerve
- Upper thoracic nerves (nn. intercostales)
- thoracic intercostal nerves
- Lateral cutaneous branches (rami cutanei laterales)
Gray's page #946[]
Gray's page #948[]
- Lower thoracic nerves
- thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves
- anterior cutaneous branches
- lateral cutaneous branches
- twelfth thoracic nerve
- lateral cutaneous branch
the lumbosacral plexus (Gray's s212)[]
Gray's page #948[]
- lumbosacral plexus (Plexus Lumbosacralis)
- Lumbar nerves (Nn. Lumbales)
- anterior divisions of the lumbar nerves (rami anteriores)
- lumbosacral trunk
Gray's page #949[]
- Furcal nerve (Nervus furcalis)
lumbar plexus[]
Gray's page #949[]
Gray's page #950[]
- Iliohypogastric nerve (n. iliohypogastricus)
Gray's page #951[]
- Iliohypogastric nerve (n. iliohypogastricus)
- lateral cutaneous branch (ramus cutaneus lateralis; iliac branch)
- anterior cutaneous branch (ramus cutaneus anterior; hypogastric branch)
Gray's page #952[]
- Ilioinguinal nerve (n. ilioinguinalis)
Gray's page #953[]
- Genitofemoral nerve (n. genitofemoralis; genitocrural nerve)
- external spermatic nerve (n. spermaticus externus; genital branch of genitofemoral)
- lumboinguinal nerve (n. lumboinguinalis; femoral or crural branch of genitofemoral)
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus femoralis lateralis; external cutaneous nerve)
- Obturator nerve (n. obturatorius)
Gray's page #954[]
- Obturator nerve (n. obturatorius)
- anterior branch (ramus anterior)
- posterior branch (ramus posterior)
Gray's page #955[]
- Obturator nerve (n. obturatorius)
- articular branch for the knee-joint
- Accessory obturator nerve (n. obturatorius accessorius)
- Femoral nerve (n. femoralis; anterior crural nerve)
- intermediate cutaneous nerve (ramus cutaneus anterior; middle cutaneous nerve)
- medial cutaneous nerve (ramus cutaneus anterior; internal cutaneous nerve)
Gray's page #956[]
- Femoral nerve (n. femoralis; anterior crural nerve)
- medial cutaneous nerve (ramus cutaneus anterior; internal cutaneous nerve)
- subsartorial plexus
- Muscular branches (rami musculares)
- nerve to the Pectineus
- nerve to the Sartorius
- Saphenous nerve (n. saphenus; long or internal saphenous nerve)
- infrapatellar branch
- plexus patellæ
- articular branch to the hip-joint
- articular branches to the knee-joint
the sacral and coccygeal nerves (Gray's s213)[]
Gray's page #957[]
- Sacral plexus (plexus sacralis)
- Nerve to the Quadratus femoris and Gemellus inferior
Gray's page #958[]
- Nerve to the Obturator internus and Gemellus superior
Gray's page #959[]
- Nerve to the Piriformis
- Superior gluteal nerve (n. glutæus superior)
- Inferior gluteal nerve (n. glutæus inferior)
- Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus femoralis posterior; small sciatic nerve)
Gray's page #960[]
- Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus femoralis posterior; small sciatic nerve)
- gluteal branches (nn. clunium inferiores)
- perineal branches (rami perineales)
- inferior pudendal (long scrotal nerve)
- branches to the back of the thigh and leg
- Sciatic nerve (n. ischiadicus; great sciatic nerve)
Tibial nerve[]
Gray's page #960[]
- Tibial nerve (n. tibialis; internal popliteal nerve)
Gray's page #962[]
- Tibial nerve (n. tibialis; internal popliteal nerve)
- Articular branches (rami articulares)
- Muscular branches (rami musculares)
- medial sural cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus suræ medialis; n. communicans tibialis)
Gray's page #963[]
- Tibial nerve (n. tibialis; internal popliteal nerve)
- sural nerve (n. suralis; short saphenous nerve)
- lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve
- medial calcaneal branches (rami calcanei mediales; internal calcaneal branches)
- medial plantar nerve (n. plantaris medialis; internal plantar nerve)
- cutaneous branches
- muscular branches
- articular branches
- proper digital nerve of the great toe (nn. digitales plantares proprii; plantar digital branches)
- three common digital nerves (nn. digitales plantares communes)
- Lateral plantar nerve (n. plantaris lateralis; external plantar nerve)
- sural nerve (n. suralis; short saphenous nerve)
Common peroneal nerve[]
Gray's page #964[]
- Common peroneal nerve (n. peronæus communis; external popliteal nerve; peroneal nerve)
- lateral sural cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus suræ lateralis; lateral cutaneous branch)
- peroneal anastomotic (n. communicans fibularis)
Gray's page #965[]
- Deep peroneal nerve (n. peronæus profundus; anterior tibial nerve)
- muscular branches
- articular branch
- lateral terminal branch (external or tarsal branch)
- interosseous branches
- medial terminal branch (internal branch)
- dorsal digital nerves (nn. digitales dorsales hallucis lateralis et digiti secundi medialis)
- interosseous branch
Gray's page #966[]
- Superficial peroneal nerve (n. peronæus superficialis; musculocutaneous nerve)
- medial dorsal cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus dorsalis medialis; internal dorsal cutaneous branch)
- intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus dorsalis intermedius; external dorsal cutaneous branch)
- dorsal digital branches
Pudendal plexus[]
Gray's page #966[]
- Pudendal plexus (plexus pudendus)
Gray's page #967[]
- Perforating cutaneous nerve (n. clunium inferior medialis)
- Pudendal nerve (n. pudendus; internal pudic nerve)
Gray's page #968[]
- Alcock’s canal
- dorsal nerve of the penis or clitoris
- inferior hemorrhoidal nerve (n. hæmorrhoidalis inferior)
- perineal nerve (n. perinei)
- posterior scrotal branches (or labial) (nn. scrotales (or labiales) posteriores
- muscular branches
- nerve to the bulb
- dorsal nerve of the penis (n. dorsalis penis)
- Anococcygeal nerves (nn. anococcygei)
the sympathetic nerves (Gray's s214)[]
Gray's page #968[]
Gray's page #969[]
Gray's page #970[]
- cranial sympathetics
- Sympathetic efferent fibers of the Oculomotor nerve
- Sympathetic efferent fibers of the Facial nerve
Gray's page #972[]
- cranial sympathetics
- Sympathetic afferent fibers of the Glossopharyngeal nerve
- Sympathetic efferent fibers of the Vagus nerve
Gray's page #973[]
- cranial sympathetics
- Sympathetic afferent fibers of the Vagus
- Sacral sympathetics
- Sacral sympathetic efferent fibers
Gray's page #974[]
- Sacral sympathetics
- Afferent sympathetic fibers
- Thoracolumbar sympathetics
- thoracolumbar sympathetic fibers
- vasoconstrictor fibers
Gray's page #976[]
- Thoracolumbar sympathetics
- central ganglia
- prevertebral plexuses
- sympathetic trunks (truncus sympathicus; gangliated cord)
- ganglion impar
- Connections with the Spinal nerves
- gray and white rami communicantes
- central ganglia
Gray's page #977[]
- Thoracolumbar sympathetics
- three great gangliated plexuses (collateral ganglia)
- cardiac plexus
- solar plexus or epigastric plexus
- hypogastric plexus
- three great gangliated plexuses (collateral ganglia)
the cephalic portion of the sympathetic system (Gray's s215)[]
Gray's page #977[]
- internal carotid nerve
- internal carotid plexus (plexus caroticus internus; carotid plexus)
- carotid ganglion
- deep petrosal
Gray's page #978[]
- caroticotympanic
- cavernous plexus (plexus cavernosus)
- filaments of connection
- terminal filaments
the cervical portion of the sympathetic system (Gray's s216)[]
Gray's page #978[]
- superior cervical ganglion (ganglion cervicale superius)
- Inferior branch
- Lateral branches (external branches)
- Medial branches (internal branches)
- laryngopharyngeal branches (rami laryngopharyngei)
Gray's page #979[]
- superior cervical ganglion (ganglion cervicale superius)
- pharyngeal plexus
- superior cardiac nerve (n. cardiacus superior)
- Anterior branches (nn. carotici externi)
- external petrosal nerve
- middle cervical ganglion (ganglion cervicale medium)
- Middle cardiac nerve (n. cardiacus medius; great cardiac nerve)
Gray's page #980[]
- inferior cervical ganglion (ganglion cervicale inferius)
Gray's page #981[]
- inferior cervical ganglion (ganglion cervicale inferius)
- ansa subclavia (Vieussenii)
- inferior cardiac nerve (n. cardiacus inferior)
- offsets to bloodvessels
the thoracic portion of the sympathetic system (Gray's s217)[]
Gray's page #981[]
- branches from the upper five ganglia
- branches from the lower seven ganglia
- greater splanchnic nerve (n. splanchnicus major; great splanchnic nerve)
- ganglion splanchnicum
- lesser splanchnic nerve (n. splanchnicus minor)
- lowest splanchnic nerve (n. splanchnicus imus; least splanchnic nerve)
the abdominal portion of the sympathetic system (Gray's s218)[]
Gray's page #982[]
- Pars Abdominalis S. Sympathici; Lumbar portion of Gangliated cord
the pelvic portion of the sympathetic system (Gray's s219)[]
Gray's page #984[]
- ganglion impar
- branches of distribution
- glomus coccygeum (coccygeal body)
the great plexuses of the sympathetic system (Gray's s220)[]
Gray's page #984[]
- Cardiac plexus (Plexus Cardiacus)
- superficial part of the cardiac plexus
- cardiac ganglion of Wrisberg
- deep part of the cardiac plexus
Gray's page #985[]
- Cardiac plexus (Plexus Cardiacus)
- Posterior coronary plexus (plexus coronarius posterior; left coronary plexus)
- Anterior coronary plexus (plexus coronarius anterior; right coronary plexus)
- Celiac plexus (Plexus Cœliacus; Solar plexus)
- Celiac ganglia (ganglia cæliaca; semilunar ganglia)
- aorticorenal ganglion
- phrenic plexus (plexus phrenicus)
Gray's page #986[]
- Celiac plexus (Plexus Cœliacus; Solar plexus)
- ganglion phrenicum
- hepatic plexus (plexus hepaticus)
- inferior gastric plexus
- lienal plexus (plexus lienalis; splenic plexus)
Gray's page #987[]
- Celiac plexus (Plexus Cœliacus; Solar plexus)
- superior gastric plexus (plexus gastricus superior; gastric plexus or coronary plexus)
- suprarenal plexus (plexus suprarenalis)
- renal plexus (plexus renalis)
- spermatic plexus (plexus spermaticus) / ovarian plexus (plexus arteriæ ovaricæ)
- superior mesenteric plexus (plexus mesentericus superior)
- ganglion mesentericum superius
- abdominal aortic plexus (plexus aorticus abdominalis; aortic plexus)
- inferior mesenteric plexus (plexus mesentericus inferior)
- left colic
- sigmoid plexuses
- superior hemorrhoidal plexus
- Hypogastric plexus (Plexus Hypogastricus)
- Pelvic plexuses
Gray's page #988[]
- Hypogastric plexus (Plexus Hypogastricus)
- Middle hemorrhoidal plexus (plexus hæmorrhoidalis medius)
- Vesical plexus (plexus vesicalis)
- Prostatic plexus (plexus prostaticus)
Gray's page #989[]
- Hypogastric plexus (Plexus Hypogastricus)
- lesser cavernous nerves (nn. cavernosi penis minores; small cavernous nerves)
- greater cavernous nerve (n. cavernosus penis major; large cavernous plexus)
- Vaginal plexus
- Uterine plexus
See also[]
- List of images and subjects in Gray's Anatomy
- List of images in Gray's Anatomy: IX. Neurology
- Gray's Anatomy
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