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Professional Psychology: Debating Chamber · Psychology Journals · Psychologists

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The London School is a general view of psychology as a natural science, essentially a branch of biology. Its central concern in variability in human behavior: interspecies, intraspecies and genetic. It is highly quantitative and emphasizes objective measurement, a taxonomy of behavior, and operational definition of latent constructs. Moreover, it is analytical and experimental. Most importantly, however, it is reductionist in that it aims theoretically to explain complex phenomena in terms of simpler, more elemental processes. As such, it does not seek any explanatory principle that does not consist of strictly physical processes. A more elaborate definition is given in Jensen (1998)


The founding of the School is often accredited to Victorian polymath Francis Galton. Additional members are:

Sociology of g[]

Two people are or particular note concerning the sociology of g (general intelligence)


Jensen, A. R. (1998). Jensen on "Jensenism." Intelligence, 26, 181-208.

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