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Professional Psychology: Debating Chamber · Psychology Journals · Psychologists
Mary Whiton Calkins(1863–1930) was an American psychologist, a pupil of William James at Harvard.

She was the first female President of the American Psychological Association being elected in 1905.
See also[]
Book chapters[]
- Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1930). Autobiography of Mary Whiton Calkins. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 31-62). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. Full text
- Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1892). Experimental Psychology at Wellesley College. American Journal of Psychology, 5, 464-271. Full text
- Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1896a). Association: An essay analytic and experimental. Psychological Review Monographs Supplement, 1 (2). Full text
- Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1896b). Community of ideas of men and women. Psychological Review, 3, 426-430. Reply to Jastrow (1896).Full text
- Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1906). A reconciliation between structural and functional psychology. Psychological Review, 8, 61-81. [Calkins' APA Presidential Address.] Full text
- Calkins, Mary Whiton (1908a). Psychology as science of self. I: Is the self body Or has it body?. Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 5, 12-20. Full text
- Calkins, Mary Whiton (1908b). Psychology as science of self. II: The nature of the self. Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 5, 64-68. Full text
- Calkins, Mary Whiton (1908c). Psychology as science of self. III: The Description of Consciousness. Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 5, 113-122. Full text
- Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1915). The self in scientific psychology. American Journal of Psychology, 26, 495-524.Full text
Further reading[]
External links[]