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Mental rotation is the ability to rotate mental representations of two dimensional and three dimensional objects.


Mental rotation usually takes place in the right cerebral hemisphere, in the areas where perception also occurs. It is associated with the rate of spatial processing and intelligence (Johnson 1990, Jones 1982, Hertzog 1991).

Mental rotation can be separated into the following cognitive stages (Johnson 1990):

  • Create a mental image of an object
  • Rotate the object mentally until a comparison can be made
  • Make the comparison
  • Decide if the objects are the same or not
  • Report the decision.

How Mental Rotation Ability is Assessed[]

In a mental rotation test, the subject is asked to compare two 3D objects (or letters) and state if they are the same image or if they are mirror images (enantiomorphs). Commonly, the test will have pairs of images each rotated a specific amount of degrees (eg. 15º or 45º). Some pairs will be the same image rotated, and others will be mirrored. The subject will be shown a set number of the pairs. The subject will be judged on how accurately and rapidly they can distinguish between the mirrored and non-mirrored pairs.

Notable Research[]

Roger Shepard and Metzler (1971) originally discovered this phenomenon. Their research showed that the reaction time for participants to decide if the pair of items matched or not was linearly proportional to the angle of rotation from the original position. That is, the more an object has been rotated from the original, the longer it takes an individual to determine if the 2 images are of the same object or enantiomorphs (Sternberg 247).

In further research, Shepard and Cooper (1982) have proposed the concept of a "Mental Imagery" facility, which is responsible for the ability to mentally rotate visual forms. Additionally, it has been found it does not matter on which axis an object is rotated, but rather the degree to which it is rotated that has the most significant effect on response time. So rotations within the depth plane (i.e., 2D rotations) and rotations in depth (3D rotations) behave similarly. Thus, the matching requires more time as the amount of depth rotation increases, just as for within the depth plane.

In subsequent research, it has been found that response times increase for degraded stimuli and can decrease when participants are allowed to practice mentally rotating imagery (Sternberg 247). This research has been instrumental in showing how people use mental representations to navigate their environments.

Recent breakthroughs have allowed psychologists to discover what parts of the brain correspond to the use of this mental imagery function. Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, psychologists have shown that when participants are performing mental rotation tasks, there is activation in Brodmann's areas 7A and 7B, the middle frontal gyrus, extra-striate cortex, the hand somastosensory cortex, and frontal cortex (Cohen et al.).

See also[]


  • Cohen, M. "Changes in Cortical Activities During Mental Rotation: A mapping study using functional magnetic resonance imaging" 1996 February 12, 2006
  • Hertzog C., and Rypma B. (1991). Age differences in components of mental rotation task performance. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 29(3), 209-212.
  • Johnson A.M. (1990). Speed of mental rotation as a function of problem solving strategies. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 71, 803-806.
  • Jones B., and Anuza T. (1982). Effects of sex, handeness, stimulus and visual field on `mental rotation'. Cortex, 18, 501-514.
  • Mental Rotation Experiment. Feb 20, 2006. <>
  • Shepard, R and Cooper, L. "Mental images and their transformations." Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1982.
  • Shepard, R and Metzler. J. "Mental rotation of three dimensional objects." Science 1971. 171(972):701-3.
  • Sternberg, R.J. (2006).Cognitive Psychology 4th Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson
  • Yule, Peter. "A new spin on mental rotation." 1997 University of London. February 12, 2006 <>.

Further reading[]

Alexander, G. M., & Evardone, M. (2008). Blocks and bodies: Sex differences in a novel version of the Mental Rotations Test: Hormones and Behavior Vol 53(1) Jan 2008, 177-184.

  • Alexander, G. M., & Son, T. (2007). Androgens and eye movements in women and men during a test of mental rotation ability: Hormones and Behavior Vol 52(2) Aug 2007, 197-204.
  • Alington, D. E., Leaf, R. C., & Monaghan, J. R. (1992). Effects of stimulus color, pattern, and practice on sex differences in mental rotations task performance: Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied Vol 126(5) Sep 1992, 539-553.
  • Alivisatos, B. (1992). The role of the frontal cortex in the use of advance information in a mental rotation paradigm: Neuropsychologia Vol 30(2) Feb 1992, 145-159.
  • Alivisatos, B., & Petrides, M. (1997). Functional activation of the human brain during mental rotation: Neuropsychologia Vol 35(2) Feb 1997, 111-118.
  • Amazeen, E. L., & Jarrett, W. D. (2003). The role of rotational inertia in the haptic and haptic + visual size-weight illusions: Ecological Psychology Vol 15(4) Oct 2003, 317-333.
  • Amorim, M.-A., Isableu, B., & Jarraya, M. (2006). Embodied Spatial Transformations: "Body Analogy" for the Mental Rotation of Objects: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General Vol 135(3) Aug 2006, 327-347.
  • Amponsah, B., & Krekling, S. (1994). Directional biases in adults' performance on a multiple-choice water-level task: Perceptual and Motor Skills Vol 79(2) Oct 1994, 899-903.
  • Aretz, A. J., & Wickens, C. D. (1992). The mental rotation of map displays: Human Performance Vol 5(4) 1992, 303-328.
  • Ark, W. S. (2006). Comparing mental rotation and feature matching strategies in adults and children with behavioral and neuroimaging techniques. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Armstrong, C. L., & Cloud, B. (1998). The emergence of spatial rotation deficits in dementia and normal aging: Neuropsychology Vol 12(2) Apr 1998, 208-217.
  • Ashworth, A. R. S. I. (1996). Mental representations of faces and their transformations. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Asoodeh, M. M. (1994). Static visuals vs. computer animation used in the development of spatial visualization. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Astur, R. S., Tropp, J., Sava, S., Constable, R. T., & Markus, E. J. (2004). Sex differences and correlations in a virtual Morris water task, a virtual radial arm maze, and mental rotation: Behavioural Brain Research Vol 151(1-2) May 2004, 103-115.
  • Bajric, J., Rosler, F., Heil, M., & Hennighausen, E. (1999). On separating processes of event categorization, task preparation, and mental rotation proper in a handedness recognition task: Psychophysiology Vol 36(3) May 1999, 399-408.
  • Bakan, P., & Mizusawa, K. (1963). Effect of inspection time and direction of rotation on a generalized from of the spiral aftereffect: Journal of Experimental Psychology Vol 65(6) Jun 1963, 583-586.
  • Band, G. P. H., & Miller, J. (1997). Mental rotation interferes with response preparation: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance Vol 23(2) Apr 1997, 319-338.
  • Barnes, J., Howard, R. J., Senior, C., Brammer, M., Bullmore, E. T., Simmons, A., et al. (2000). Cortical activity during rotational and linear transformations: Neuropsychologia Vol 38(8) 2000, 1148-1156.
  • Barolo, E., Masini, R., & Antonietti, A. (1990). Mental rotation of solid objects and problem-solving in sighted and blind subjects: Journal of Mental Imagery Vol 14(3-4) Fal-Win 1990, 65-74.
  • Bauer, B. (2005). "Two- and three-dimensional mental rotation tasks lead to different parietal laterality for men and women": Comment: International Journal of Psychophysiology Vol 57(3) Sep 2005, 151-152.
  • Bauer, B., & Jolicoeur, P. (1996). Stimulus dimensionality effects in mental rotation: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance Vol 22(1) Feb 1996, 82-94.
  • Beech, J. R. (2001). A curvilinear relationship between hair loss and mental rotation and neuroticism: A possible influence of sustained dihydrotestosterone production: Personality and Individual Differences Vol 31(2) Jul 2001, 185-192.
  • Bejar, I. I. (1990). A generative analysis of a three-dimensional spatial task: Applied Psychological Measurement Vol 14(3) Sep 1990, 237-245.
  • Belanger, H. G., Kirkpatrick, L. A., & Derks, P. (1998). The effects of humor on verbal and imaginal problem solving: Humor: International Journal of Humor Research Vol 11(1) 1998, 21-31.
  • Bell, S., & Saucier, D. (2004). Relationship Among Environmental Pointing Accuracy, Mental Rotation, Sex, and Hormones: Environment and Behavior Vol 36(2) Mar 2004, 251-265.
  • Bennett, D. J. (1994). Mental scaling: Retinal or environmental frame of reference? Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Berns, G. S., Chappelow, J., Zink, C. F., Pagnoni, G., Martin-Skurski, M. E., & Richards, J. (2005). Neurobiological Correlates of Social Conformity and Independence During Mental Rotation: Biological Psychiatry Vol 58(3) Aug 2005, 245-253.
  • Bertamini, M., Friedenberg, J., & Argyle, L. (2002). No within-object advantage for detection of rotation: Acta Psychologica Vol 111(1) Jul 2002, 58-81.
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  • Bhat, R. B., & Sanes, J. N. (1998). Cognitive channels computing action distance and direction: Journal of Neuroscience Vol 18(18) Sep 1998, 7566-7580.
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