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Description The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III) is a psychological assessment tool intended to provide information on psychopathology, including specific disorders outlined in the DSM-IV. It is composed of 175 true-false questions . It was created by Theodore Millon, Carrie Millon, Roger Davis, and Seth Grossman.

The test is modeled on four scales

  • 14 Personality Disorder Scales
  • 10 Clinical Syndrome Scales
  • Correction Scales (which help detect inaccurate responding)
  • 42 Grossman Personality Facet Scales (based on Seth Grossman's theories of personality and psychopathology)

When would I use this test? The MCMI-III is a Class C test which requires at least a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Education, Human Resources, Business, or closely-related field. Once attaining the above credentials, one would use this test in varying settings including private practice, clinical settings, mental health settings, and correctional settings.

What does the test measure: The MCMI-III measures DSM-IV-related personality disorders and clinical syndromes.

Which population is it intended for:

  • It is intended for adults (18 and over) with at least an 8th grade reading level.

Describe norms available:

  • The test was originally normed on a sample of 998 male and female adults with a wide variety of clinical disorders. The later corrections report was normed on a sample of 1,676 inmates in a correctional setting.

Type of test administration: The MCMI-III can be purchased by mental health professionals and scored either by hand, online, or mailed in.

Time taken to complete the test:

  • It takes 25-30 minutes to complete

Report formats available?

Reference for the original studies of this instrument

References of studies that have used this instrument

See also[]

External links[]