Psychology Wiki

A minute is equal to 60 seconds


Yoctoseconds to nanoseconds[]


A yoctosecond is equal to 10^-24 (Septillionth) seconds. It is a small amount of time. 1000 yoctoseconds makes 1 zeptosecond.Symbol is ysec


A Zeptosecond is equal to 10^-21 (Sextillionth) seconds. It is a small amount of time. 1000 Zeptoseconds makes 1 attosecond.Symbol is zsec.


A Attosecond is equal to 10^-18 (Quintillionth) seconds. It is a small amount of time. 1000 Attoseconds makes 1 femtosecond. Symbol is asec.


A Femtosecond is equal to 10^-15 (Quadrillionth) seconds. It is a small amount of time. 1000 Femtoseconds makes 1 picosecond. Symbol is fsec.


A picosecond is equal to 10^-12 (Trillionth) seconds. It is a small amount of time. 1000 Picoseconds makes 1 nanosecond. Symbol is psec.


A nanosecond is equal to 10^-9 (Billionth) seconds. It is a small amount of time. 1000 nanoseconds makes 1 microsecond. Symbol is nsec.

Microseconds to Deciseconds[]


A microsecond is equal to 10^-6 (millionth) seconds. It is a small amount of time. 1000 microseconds makes 1 millisecond. Symbol is usec.


A millisecond is equal to 10^-3 (thousandth) seconds. It is a small amount of time. 1000 milliseconds makes 1 second.symbol is msec.


A centisecond is equal to 10^-2 (hundredth) seconds. It is a small amount of time. 100 centiseconds makes 1 second. Symbol is csec.


A decisecond is equal to 10^-1 (tenth) seconds. It is a small amount of time. 10 deciseconds makes 1 second. Symbol is dsec.

Seconds to Megaseconds[]

Second (unit)[]

A second is equal to 1/60 of a minute. It is a small amount of time. 60 seconds makes 1 minute and 10 seconds makes 1 dekasecond. Symbol is sec.


A dekasecond is equal to 1/6 of a minute or 10 seconds. It is a small amount of time. 6 dekaseconds makes 1 minute and 1000 dekaseconds make 10 kiloseconds. Symbol is dasec.


A hectosecond is equal to 1 40/60 minutes or 100 seconds. It is a small amount of time. 10 Hectoseconds make 1 kilosecond. Symbol is hsec.


A kilosecond is equal to 1000 seconds. It is a medium amount of time. 1000 Kiloseconds make 1 Megasecond. Symbol is ksec.


A Megasecond is equal to 1,000,000 seconds. It is a large amount of time. 1000 Megaseconds make 1 Gigasecond. Symbol is Msec.

Gigaseconds to Yottaseconds[]


A gigasecond is equal to 1,000,000,000 seconds. It is a large amount of time. 1000 gigaseconds make 1 Terasecond. Symbol is Gsec.


A Terasecond is equal to 1,000,000,000,000 seconds. It is a large amount of time. 1000 Teraseconds make 1 petasecond. Symbol is Tsec.


A petasecond is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000 seconds. It is a large amount of time. 1000 petaseconds make 1 Exasecond. Symbol is Psec.


A Exasecond is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 seconds. It is a large amount of time. 1000 Exaseconds make 1 Zettasecond.Symbol is Esec.


A Zettasecond is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 seconds. It is a large amount of time. 1000 Zetta seconds make 1 Yottasecond. Symbol is Zsec.


A Yottasecond is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 seconds. It is a large amount of time. Symbol is Ysec.


This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it. A minute is 60 seconds which is equivalent to 6 dekaseconds. 60 minutes make 1 hour.


This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it. A hour is 60 minutes. 3600 seconds. 24 hours make 1 day. 3.6 kiloseconds is an hour.


This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it. A day is 24 hours. 7 days make a week.86400 seconds (86.4 kiloseconds) make a day.365 days make a year


This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it. A week is 7 days. Usually 4 weeks make a month. But month varies.


This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it. A month is 3-4 weeks. Has 30 or 31 days (except February which has 28 (29 in leap years)).


This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it. A year is equal to 365 days, 12 months. 10 years make a decade.


This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it. A decade is equal to 10 years, 120 months. 10 decades make a century.


This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it. A century is equal to 100 years,1200 months. 10 centuries make 1 Millennium.


This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it. A Millennium is equal to 1000 years,12000 months, 10 centuries.