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The emergent field of movement studies (MS) is concerned with why and how people move. Previously only associated with the field of kinesiology, the new MS field aims beyond the study of how human muscles and other bodily systems work, develop, and interact to include qualitative analytical theories, such as Laban Movement Analysis, and embodiment methods, such as the Bartenieff Fundamentals (sm).

The expanded field is indebted to the movement theories created by Rudolf Laban (1879–1958) in the first half of the 20th century, which represent the DNA of human movement behavior. Laban's theories have been further developed by his followers, notably Warren Lamb, as an independent researcher, Irmgard Bartenieff, the founder of the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (New York City, USA), Lisa Ullman, at the Art of Movement Studio (Manchester, UK), and Valerie Preston-Dunlop, at the LABAN, the Performing Arts University (London, UK), and are constantly evolving through the work of distinguished CMAs and CLMAs.

Laban Movement Studies, currently one of the strongest categories of movement studies, include Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF), and introductions to Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP), Body-Mind Centering (BMC), and Choreological studies. Anatomy and kinesiology studies are pre-requisites to advanced studies in Laban Movement Studies.

Applications of Laban Movement Studies include:

  • Individual and Group Movement Pattern Assessments
  • Movement Profile
  • Leadership Development
  • Style Analysis
  • Choreography and Dance
  • Character Development for Theater
  • Body-Mind Connections
  • Dance/Movement Therapies
  • Movement Analysis for Cross-Cultural Relationships, and more.