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Victor Skumin 1995 Nepal-1-

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Research studies conducted in Nepal[]

  • Abas, M., Baingana, F., Broadhead, J., Iacoponi, E., & Vanderpyl, J. (2003). Common mental disorders and primary health care: Current practice in low-income countries: Harvard Review of Psychiatry Vol 11(3) May-Jun 2003, 166-173.
  • Abe, G. (2006). Review of Nepalese Humor: Humor: International Journal of Humor Research Vol 19(3) 2006, 380-382.
  • Aceijas, C., Stimson, G. V., Hickman, M., & Rhodes, T. (2004). Global overview of injecting drug use and HIV infection among injecting drug users: AIDS Vol 18(17) Nov 2004, 2295-2303.
  • Acharya, L., Upadhya, K. D., & Kortmann, F. (2006). Mental health and psychosocial support aspects in disaster preparedness: Nepal: International Review of Psychiatry Vol 18(6) Dec 2006, 587-592.
  • Acharya, P. P., & Alpass, F. (2004). Birth Outcomes Across Ethnic Groups of Women in Nepal: Health Care for Women International Vol 25(1) Jan 2004, 40-54.
  • Agarwal, A., & Tripathi, K. K. (1984). Influence of prolonged deprivation, age and culture on the development of future orientation: European Journal of Social Psychology Vol 14(4) Oct-Dec 1984, 451-453.
  • Agha, S., Gage, A., & Balal, A. (2007). Changes in perceptions of quality of, and access to, services among clients of a fractional franchise network in Nepal: Journal of Biosocial Science Vol 39(3) May 2007, 341-354.
  • Agha, S., Karim, A. M., Balal, A., & Sosler, S. (2007). The impact of a reproductive health franchise on client satisfaction in rural Nepal: Health Policy and Planning Vol 22(5) Aug 2007, 320-328.
  • Allendorf, K. (2007). Couples' reports of women's autonomy and health-care use in Nepal: Studies in Family Planning Vol 38(1) Mar 2007, 35-46.
  • Allendorf, T. D. (2000). Local residents' perceptions of protected areas in nepal: Beyond conflicts and economies. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Anderson, R., & Mitchell, E. M. (1984). Children's health and play in rural Nepal: Social Science & Medicine Vol 19(7) 1984, 735-740.
  • Andrews, J. (2006). Research in the ranks: Vulnerable subjects, coercible collaboration, and the hepatitis E vaccine trial in Nepal: Perspectives in Biology and Medicine Vol 49(1) Win 2006, 35-51.
  • Aryal, R. H. (1991). Socioeconomic and cultural differentials in age at marriage and the effect on fertility in Nepal: Journal of Biosocial Science Vol 23(2) Apr 1991, 167-178.
  • Aryal, T. R. (2007). Age at first marriage in Nepal: Differentials and determinants: Journal of Biosocial Science Vol 39(5) Sep 2007, 693-706.
  • Axinn, W. G. (1991). The influence of interviewer sex on responses to sensitive questions in Nepal: Social Science Research Vol 20(3) Sep 1991, 303-318.
  • Axinn, W. G., & Barber, J. S. (2001). Mass education and fertility transition: American Sociological Review Vol 66(4) Aug 2001, 481-505.
  • Axinn, W. G., & Yabiku, S. T. (2001). Social change, the social organization of families, and fertility limitations: American Journal of Sociology Vol 106(5) Mar 2001, 1219-1262.
  • Babikian, S., Emerson, L., & Wynn, G. H. (2007). Significance of cultural beliefs in presentation of psychiatric illness: A case report of selective mutism in a man from Nepal: Military Medicine Vol 172(11) Nov 2007, 1213-1216.
  • Bajracharya, S. A. (2008). A country of hearsay and rumor: Kings, strongmen, and rumor in the urban Nepali political imaginary. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Baker, R., & Hinton, R. (1999). Do focus groups facilitate meaningful participation in social research? Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Baker, R., Panter-Brick, C., & Todd, A. (1996). Methods used in research with street children in Nepal: Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research Vol 3(2) May 1996, 171-193.
  • Baker, R., Panter-Brick, C., & Todd, A. (1997). Homeless street boys in Nepal: Their demography and lifestyle: Journal of Comparative Family Studies Vol 28(1) Spr 1997, 129-146.
  • Banjade, A. (2008). Community radio in nepal: A case study of community radio Madanpokhara. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Barber, J. S. (2004). Community social context and individualistic attitudes toward marriage: Social Psychology Quarterly Vol 67(3) Sep 2004, 236-256.
  • Barber, J. S., & Axinn, W. G. (2004). New Ideas and Fertility Limitation: The Role of Mass Media: Journal of Marriage and Family Vol 66(5) Dec 2004, 1180-1200.
  • Barber, J. S., Biddlecom, A. E., & Axinn, W. G. (2003). Neighborhood Social Change and Perceptions of Environmental Degradation: Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 25(2) Nov 2003, 77-108.
  • Barber, J. S., Pearce, L. D., Chaudhury, I., & Gurung, S. (2002). Voluntary associations and fertility limitation: Social Forces Vol 80(4) Jun 2002, 1369-1401.
  • Barker, K. (2004). Diffusion of Innovations: A World Tour: Journal of Health Communication Vol 9(Suppl1) 2004, 131-137.
  • Barnett, L. (2006). Creating and using video for teaching child development and the care of young children: Learning from experience: Infant Observation Vol 9(2) Aug 2006, 179-189.
  • Bauer, T. G., & McKercher, B. (2003). Sex and tourism: Journeys of romance, love, and lust. New York, NY: Haworth Press.
  • Beach, K. (1995). Activity as a mediator of sociocultural change and individual development: The case of school-work transition in Nepal: Mind, Culture, and Activity Vol 2(4) Fal 1995, 285-302.
  • Beach, K. D. I. (1996). A cultural-historical study of learning and development: The arithmetic practices of rural Nepali adolescents and adults in transition between school and work activities. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Beall, C. M., & Goldstein, M. C. (1982). Biological function, activity and dependency among elderly Sherpa in the Nepal Himalayas: Social Science & Medicine Vol 16(2) 1982, 135-140.
  • Beall, C. M., & Goldstein, M. C. (1982). Work, aging and dependency in a Sherpa population in Nepal: Social Science & Medicine Vol 16(2) 1982, 141-147.
  • Beall, C. M., & Goldstein, M. C. (1986). Age differences in sensory and cognitive function in elderly Nepalese: Journal of Gerontology Vol 41(3) May 1986, 387-389.
  • Beall, C. M., Goldstein, M. C., & Feldman, E. S. (1985). The physical fitness of elderly Nepalese farmers residing in rugged mountain and flat terrain: Journal of Gerontology Vol 40(5) Sep 1985, 529-535.
  • Beine, D. K. (2001). Ensnared by aids: Cultural models of aids and underlying cognitive illness schemata in Nepal. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Berry, E., Kessler, J. B., Fodor, J. T., & Wato, M. (1983). Intercultural communication for health personnel: International Journal of Intercultural Relations Vol 7(4) 1983, 377-392.
  • Best, D. L. (2001). Gender concepts: Convergence in cross-cultural research and methodologies: Cross-Cultural Research: The Journal of Comparative Social Science Vol 35(1) Feb 2001, 23-43.
  • Bhattacharya, N. (1998). Students' perceptions of problem-based learning at the B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal: Medical Education Vol 32(4) Jul 1998, 407-410.
  • Bhattarai, K., Conway, D., & Shrestha, N. (2005). Tourism, Terrorism and Turmoil in Nepal: Annals of Tourism Research Vol 32(3) Jul 2005, 669-688.
  • Bhawuk, D. P. S., & Udas, A. (1996). Entrepreneurship and collectivism: A study of Nepalese entrepreneurs. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Bickel, B. (1997). Spatial operations in deixis, cognition, and culture: Where to orient oneself in Belhare. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bickel, B., Bisang, W., & Yadava, Y. P. (1999). Face vs. empathy: The social foundation of Maithili verb agreement: Linguistics Vol 37(3) 1999, 481-518.
  • Biddlecom, A. E., Axinn, W. G., & Barber, J. S. (2005). Environmental Effects on Family Size Preferences and Subsequent Reproductive Behavior in Nepal: Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 26(3) Jan 2005, 183-206.
  • Biswas, A., See, D., Kogon, M. M., & Spiegel, D. (2000). Hypnotizability and the use of traditional Dhami-Jhankri healing in Nepal: International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Vol 48(1) Jan 2000, 6-21.
  • Blowers, G. H., & Turtle, A. M. (1987). Psychology moving East: The status of Western psychology in Asia and Oceania. Boulder, CO ; Sydney, NSW, Australia: Westview Press; Sydney University Press.
  • Boehnke, K., Stromberg, C., Regmi, M. P., Richmond, B. O., & Chandra, S. (1998). Reflecting the world "out there": A cross-cultural perspective on worries, values and well-being: Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology Vol 17(2) Sum 1998, 227-247.
  • Boggess, J. E. (1977). Social behavior of the Himalayan langur (Presbytis entellus) in eastern Nepal: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Bohara, A. K., Mitchell, N. J., & Nepal, M. (2006). Opportunity, Democracy, and the Exchange of Political Violence: A Subnational Analysis of Conflict in Nepal: Journal of Conflict Resolution Vol 50(1) Feb 2006, 108-128.
  • Borries, C. (1997). Infanticide in seasonally breeding multimale groups of Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) in Ramnagar (South Nepal): Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology Vol 41(3) Sep 1997, 139-150.
  • Borries, C., Launhardt, K., Epplen, C., Epplen, J. T., & Winkler, P. (1999). Males as infant protectors in Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) living in multimale groups: Defence pattern, paternity and sexual behaviour: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology Vol 46(5) Oct 1999, 350-356.
  • Boulay, M., Storey, J. D., & Sood, S. (2002). Indirect exposure to a family planning mass media campaign in Nepal: Journal of Health Communication Vol 7(5) Oct-Dec 2002, 379-399.
  • Boulay, M., & Valente, T. W. (2005). The Selection of Family Planning Discussion Partners in Nepal: Journal of Health Communication Vol 10(6) Sep 2005, 519-536.
  • Boyden, J., De Berry, J., Feeny, T., & Hart, J. (2006). Children Affected by Armed Conflict in South Asia: A Regional Summary. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Boyer, P., & Ramble, C. (2001). Cognitive templates for religious concepts: Cross-cultural evidence for recall of counter-intuitive representations: Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal Vol 25(4) Jul-Aug 2001, 535-564.
  • Bradley, C. (1984). The sexual division of labor and the value of children: Behavior Science Research Vol 19(1-4) 1984-1985, 159-185.
  • Brauner-Otto, S. R. (2008). Health services, schools, attitudes, and contraceptive use: Tests of a theoretical model among rural Nepalese. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Breger, R., & Hill, R. (1998). Cross-cultural marriage: Identity and choice. New York, NY: Berg.
  • Brilliant, G. E. (1983). Determinants of cataract surgery utilization in Nepal: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Brown, S., Black, F., Vaidya, P., Shrestha, S., Ennals, D., & LeBaron, V. T. (2007). Palliative care development: The Nepal model: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management Vol 33(5) May 2007, 573-577.
  • Capper, S. A., Ginter, P. M., & Swayne, L. E. (2002). Public health leadership & management: Cases and context. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Carlaw, R. W., Pande, B. R., Vaidya, K., & Nakermi, B. (2006). Early childhood experience in Nepal: A study of sickness, treatment and mortality: International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol 27(3) 2006, 219-230.
  • Castelino, P. (2005). Factors influencing career choices of South Asian Americans: A path analysis. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Chalise, H. N., & Brightman, J. D. (2006). Aging trends: Population aging in Nepal: Geriatrics & Gerontology International Vol 6(3) Sep 2006, 199-204.
  • Chalise, H. N., Saito, T., Takahashi, M., & Kai, I. (2007). Relationship specialization amongst sources and receivers of social support and its correlations with loneliness and subjective well-being: A cross sectional study of Nepalese older adults: Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Vol 44(3) May-Jun 2007, 299-314.
  • Chao, R. (2007). Rethinking Language Policy and Cultural Identity: PsycCRITIQUES Vol 52 (28), 2007.
  • Chen, X., French, D. C., & Schneider, B. H. (2006). Peer relationships in cultural context. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Chodon, Y. (2008). Tibetan women and higher educational experience: An exploratory study. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Choe, M. K., Thapa, S., & Mishra, V. (2005). Early marriage and early motherhood in Nepal: Journal of Biosocial Science Vol 37(2) Mar 2005, 143-162.
  • Choe, M. K., Thapa, S., Podhisita, C., Raymundo, C., Lin, H.-S., & Achmad, S. (2004). The teen tobacco epidemic in Asia: Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand: Journal of Youth Studies Vol 7(1) Mar 2004, 73-87.
  • Chowdhury, A. N., & Rajbhandari, K. C. (1995). Koro with depression in Nepal: Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review Vol 32(1) 1995, 87-90.
  • Christian, P., Bentley, M. E., Pradhan, R., & West, K. P., Jr. (1998). An ethnographic study of night blindness "ratauni" among women in the Terai of Nepal: Social Science & Medicine Vol 46(7) Apr 1998, 879-889.
  • Cleland, J., & Jejeebhoy, S. (1996). Maternal schooling and fertility: Evidence from censuses and surveys. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Cole, P. M., & Tamang, B. L. (1998). Nepali children's ideas about emotional displays in hypothetical challenges: Developmental Psychology Vol 34(4) Jul 1998, 640-646.
  • Cole, P. M., Walker, A. R., & Lama-Tamang, M. S. (2006). Emotional Aspects of Peer Relations Among Children in Rural Nepal. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Corrigan, J. (2004). Religion and emotion: Approaches and interpretations. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Crawford, M., & Kaufman, M. R. (2008). Sex trafficking in Nepal: Survivor characteristics and long-term outcomes: Violence Against Women Vol 14(8) Aug 2008, 905-916.
  • Crawford, M., Kerwin, G., Gurung, A., Khati, D., Jha, P., & Regmi, A. C. (2008). Globalizing beauty: Attitudes toward beauty pageants among Nepali women: Feminism & Psychology Vol 18(1) Feb 2008, 61-86.
  • Crishna, B., & Prajapati, S. B. (2008). Comparative policy brief: Status of intellectual disabilities in Nepal: Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities Vol 5(2) Jun 2008, 133-136.
  • Croes, K. D. (2008). Nature of a nation: Monarchy, development, and culture in Nepal's Annapurna Conservation Area Project. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Curtale, F., Siwakoti, B., Lagrosa, C., LaRaja, M., & et al. (1995). Improving skills and utilization of community health volunteers in Nepal: Social Science & Medicine Vol 40(8) Apr 1995, 1117-1125.
  • Dasen, P., Mishra, R., Niraula, S., & Wassmann, J. (2006). The development of geocentric spatial language and cognition: Enfance Vol 58(2) 2006, 146-158.
  • Davis, C. V. (2007). Can developing women produce primitive art? And other questions of value, meaning and identity in the circulation of Janakpur Art: Tourist Studies Vol 7(2) Aug 2007, 193-223.
  • de Jong, J. T. V. M. (2005). Commentary: Deconstructing critiques on the internationalization of PTSD: Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry Vol 29(3) Sep 2005, 361-370.
  • Delle Fave, A., & Massimini, F. (2004). Bringing Subjectivity into Focus: Optimal Experiences, Life Themes, and Person-Centered Rehabilitation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Desjarlais, R. R. (1989). Healing through images: The magical flight and healing geography of Nepali shamans: Ethos Vol 17(3) Sep 1989, 289-307.
  • Desjarlais, R. R. (1991). Dreams, divination, and Yolmo ways of knowing: Dreaming Vol 1(3) Sep 1991, 211-224.
  • Desjarlais, R. R. (1991). Poetic transformations of Yolmo "sadness." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry Vol 15(4) Dec 1991, 387-420.
  • Desjarlais, R. R. (1992). Yolmo aesthetics of body, health and "soul loss." Social Science & Medicine Vol 34(10) May 1992, 1105-1117.
  • Dhungana, B. M. (2006). The lives of disabled women in Nepal: Vulnerability without support: Disability & Society Vol 21(2) Mar 2006, 133-146.
  • Dixon, P. (1999). Towards a public health response for preventing the spread of HIV amongst injecting drug users within Nepal and the development of a treatment, rehabilitation and prevention programme in Pokhara: International Journal of Drug Policy Vol 10(5) Nov 1999, 375-383.
  • Domino, G., & Regmi, M. P. (1993). Attitudes toward cancer: A cross-cultural comparison of Nepalese and US students: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Vol 24(4) Dec 1993, 389-398.
  • Duberman, L., & Azumi, K. (1975). Sexism in Nepal: Journal of Marriage & the Family Vol 37(4) Nov 1975, 1013-1021.
  • Duncan, E., Gidron, Y., Shrestha, R. P., & Aryal, T. (2005). Correlates of post-traumatic stress and physical symptoms in Nepali adults under political turmoil: Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies Vol 2005(1) 2005, No Pagination Specified.
  • Dutta, M. J., & Basnyat, I. (2008). The case of the radio communication project in Nepal: A culture-centered rejoinder: Health Education & Behavior Vol 35(4) Aug 2008, 459-460.
  • Dutta, M. J., & Basnyat, I. (2008). The radio communication project in Nepal: A culture-centered approach to participation: Health Education & Behavior Vol 35(4) Aug 2008, 442-454.
  • Dyssegaard, B. (2000). Emerging educational programs for deaf students in Mongolia and Nepal: A special report. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Earth, B., & Sthapit, S. (2002). Uterine prolapse in rural Nepal: Gender and human rights implications: A mandate for development: Culture, Health & Sexuality Vol 4(3) Jul-Sep 2002, 281-296.
  • Eller, L. S., & Mahat, G. (2003). Psychological Factors in Nepali Former Commercial Sex Workers with HIV: Journal of Nursing Scholarship Vol 35(1) 2003, 53-60.
  • Eller, L. S., & Mahat, G. (2007). Predictors of life satisfaction in HIV-positive Nepali women: JANAC: Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Vol 18(5) Sep-Oct 2007, 17-26.
  • Ellis, M., Manandhar, N., Shrestha, P. S., Laxman, S., Manandhar, D. S., & Costello, A. M. d. L. (1999). Outcome at 1 year of neonatal encephalopathy in Kathmandu, Nepal: Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Vol 41(10) Oct 1999, 689-695.
  • Emmelkamp, J., Komproe, I. H., Van Ommeren, M., & Schagen, S. (2002). The relation between coping, social support and psychological and somatic symptoms among torture survivors in Nepal: Psychological Medicine Vol 32(8) Nov 2002, 1465-1470.
  • Evans, D., Buxton, D. C., Borisov, A., Manatunga, A. K., Ngodup, D., & Raison, C. L. (2008). Shattered Shangri-la: Differences in depressive and anxiety symptoms in students born in Tibet compared to Tibetan students born in exile: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology Vol 43(6) Jun 2008, 429-436.
  • Evans, D., Buxton, D. C., Borisov, A., Manatunga, A. K., Ngodup, D., & Raison, C. L. (2008). "Shattered Shangri-la: Differences in depressive and anxiety symptoms in students born in Tibet compared to Tibetan students born in exile": Erratum: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology Vol 43(7) Jul 2008, 592.
  • Fave, A. D., Lombardi, M., & Massimini, F. (2003). Disability and development: Individual and cultural issues. Lengerich, Germany: Pabst Science Publishers.
  • Fricke, T. (2005). Taking culture seriously: Making the social survey ethnographic. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Fricke, T., Axinn, W. G., & Thornton, A. (1993). Marriage, social inequality, and women's contact with their natal families in alliance societies: Two Tamang examples: American Anthropologist Vol 95(2) Jun 1993, 395-419.
  • Frohlick, S. E. (2003). Negotiating the "Global" within the Global Playscapes of Mount Everest: Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology Vol 40(5) Dec 2003, 525-542.
  • Furr, L. A. (2005). On the Relationship between Cultural Values and Preferences and Affective Health in Nepal: International Journal of Social Psychiatry Vol 51(1) Mar 2005, 71-82.
  • Galea, S., & Vlahov, D. (2005). Handbook of urban health: Populations, methods, and practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co.
  • Galea, S., & Vlahov, D. (2005). Integrative Chapter: The Health of Urban Populations. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co.
  • Gandhi, K. (2008). Review of Fluid bonds: Views on gender and water: Women's Studies International Forum Vol 31(5) Sep 2008, 413-414.
  • Gautam, T., van Dick, R., & Wagner, U. (2001). Organizational commitment in Nepalese settings: Asian Journal of Social Psychology Vol 4(3) Dec 2001, 239-248.
  • Gautam, T., Van Dick, R., & Wagner, U. (2004). Organizational identification and organizational commitment: Distinct aspects of two related concepts: Asian Journal of Social Psychology Vol 7(3) Dec 2004, 301-315.
  • Gautam, T., Van Dick, R., Wagner, U., Upadhyay, N., & Davis, A. J. (2005). Organizational citizenship behavior and organizational commitment in Nepal: Asian Journal of Social Psychology Vol 8(3) Dec 2005, 305-314.
  • Geary, C. W., Burke, H. M., Castelnau, L., Neupane, S., Sall, Y. B., & Wong, E. (2007). Exposure to MTV's global HIV prevention campaign in Kathmandu, Nepal; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Dakar, Senegal: AIDS Education and Prevention Vol 19(1) Feb 2007, 36-50.
  • Geary, C. W., Burke, H. M., Castelnau, L., Neupane, S., Sall, Y. B., Wong, E., et al. (2007). MTV's "Staying Alive" global campaign promoted interpersonal communication about HIV and positive beliefs about HIV prevention: AIDS Education and Prevention Vol 19(1) Feb 2007, 51-67.
  • Geary, C. W., Burke, H. M., Johnson, L., Liku, J., Castelnau, L., Neupane, S., et al. (2008). Personal involvement of young people in HIV prevention campaign messages: The role of message format, culture, and gender: Health Education & Behavior Vol 35(2) Apr 2008, 190-206.
  • Geary, C. W., Burke, H. M., Neupane, S., Castelnau, L., & Brown, J. D. (2006). Does MTV Reach an Appropriate Audience for HIV Prevention Messages? Evidence from MTV Viewership Data in Nepal and Brazil: Journal of Health Communication Vol 11(7) Oct-Nov 2006, 665-681.
  • Gibbon, M., & Cazottes, I. (2001). Working with women's groups to promote health in the community using the Health Analysis and Action Cycle within Nepal: Qualitative Health Research Vol 11(6) Nov 2001, 728-750.
  • Gittelsohn, J., Shankar, A. V., West, K. P., Jr., Faruque, F., Gnywali, T., & Pradhan, E. K. (1998). Child feeding and care behaviors are associated with xerophthalmia in rural Nepalese households: Social Science & Medicine Vol 47(4) Aug 1998, 477-486.
  • Gittelsohn, J., Shankar, A. V., West, K. P., Ram, R. M., & Gnywali, T. (1997). Estimating reactivity in direct observation studies of health behaviors: Human Organization Vol 56(2) Sum 1997, 182-189.
  • Gojanur, N., & Ismail, K. (2004). "Culture-bound syndromes: The story of dhat syndrome": Commentary: British Journal of Psychiatry Vol 185(3) Sep 2004, 261.
  • Goldstein, M. C., Schuler, S., & Ross, J. L. (1983). Social and economic forces affecting intergenerational relations in extended families in a Third World country: A cautionary tale from South Asia: Journal of Gerontology Vol 38(6) Nov 1983, 716-724.
  • Goldstein, M. C., Tsarong, P., & Beall, C. M. (1983). High altitude hypoxia, culture, and human fecundity/fertility: A comparative study: American Anthropologist Vol 85(1) Mar 1983, 28-49.
  • Gongal, R., Vaidya, P., Jha, R., Rajbhandary, O., & Watson, M. (2006). Informing patients about cancer in Nepal: what do people prefer? : Palliative Medicine Vol 20(4) Jun 2006, 471-476.
  • Grant, M. B. (1991). The relationship of teachers' MBTI to their interactions with a Level III interactive videodisc program, "Exploring Nepal," and teachers' reactions to its possible classroom implementation: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Gray, J. N. (1989). The household in Nepal: Social and experiential crucible of society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Gray, J. N., & Mearns, D. J. (1989). Society from the inside out: Anthropological perspectives on the South Asian household. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Gunther, A. C., & Storey, J. D. (2003). The influence of presumed influence: Journal of Communication Vol 53(2) Jun 2003, 199-215.
  • Haider, W. (2008). Introduction to the special issue on "international perspective of human-wildlife conflicts: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Vol 13(1) Jan-Feb 2008, 1-2.
  • Hall, A. (1990). Services to blind persons in Nepal: Issues facing a developing country: Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Vol 84(6) Jun 1990, 309-315.
  • Hardman, C. E. (2004). Emotions and Ancestors: Understanding Experiences of Lohorung Rai in Nepal. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Harper, D. C. (1997). Children's attitudes toward physical disability in Nepal: A field study: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Vol 28(6) Nov 1997, 710-729.
  • Harris, P. L., Nunez, M., & Brett, C. (2001). Let's swap: Early understanding of social exchange by British and Nepali children: Memory & Cognition Vol 29(5) Jul 2001, 757-764.
  • Harris, P. L., Olthof, T., Terwogt, M. M., & Hardman, C. E. (1987). Children's knowledge of the situations that provoke emotion: International Journal of Behavioral Development Vol 10(3) Sep 1987, 319-343.
  • Hart, L. A. (1994). The Asian elephants-driver partnership: The drivers' perspective: Applied Animal Behaviour Science Vol 40(3-4) Jun 1994, 297-312.
  • Hart, L. A. (1997). Tourists' effects on drivers of working Asian elephants: Anthrozoos Vol 10(1) 1997, 47-49.
  • Hepburn, S. J. (2002). Touristic forms of life in Nepal: Annals of Tourism Research Vol 29(3) Jul 2002, 611-630.
  • Heubner, A. M., & Garrod, A. C. (1993). Moral reasoning among Tibetan monks: A study of Buddhist adolescents and young adults in Nepal: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Vol 24(2) Jun 1993, 167-185.
  • Hinton, R. (2000). Seen but not heard: Refugee children and models for intervention. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hoelter, L. F., Axinn, W. G., & Ghimire, D. J. (2004). Social Change, Premarital Nonfamily Experiences, and Marital Dynamics: Journal of Marriage and Family Vol 66(5) Dec 2004, 1131-1151.
  • Hoge, E. A., Tamrakar, S. M., Christian, K. M., Mahara, N., Nepal, M. K., Pollack, M. H., et al. (2006). Cross-Cultural Differences in Somatic Presentation in Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Vol 194(12) Dec 2006, 962-966.
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