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Nepiophilia aka infantophilia is the sexual attraction towards babies and toddlers (aged 0-4/5 years). Empirical research[1][2][3] suggests that nepiophilia is at least as rare among pedophiles as pedophilia is among ephebophiles so that pedophilia and nepiophilia appear to be clearly distinguishable from each other, however pedophiles primarily oriented towards children of the other sex appear to be more prevalently driven secondarily towards babies and toddlers of the other sex as well than pedophiles primarily oriented towards children of their own sex.[4][2][3] Due to this, some scientists hold that pedophilia oriented towards the other sex is more likely to be regarded as pathological than pedophilia oriented towards the own sex.[4]
In primitive societies (such as among the native populations of South-East Asia or America), nepiophilia appears to be a common orientation especially in females that generally actively pursue this orientation frequently.[5][6][7]
See also[]
- ↑ Bernard, Frits (1985/2002). Pedophilia: A factual report, Books Reborn, ISBN 1-877051-17-9
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Lautmann, Rüdiger (1994). Die Lust am Kind - Portrait des Pädophilen ("Erotic interest in minors - A portrait of pedophilia"), Hamburg, Klein Verlag, ISBN 3-89521-015-3 (in German)
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Vogt, Horst (2006). Pädophilie - Leipziger Studie zur gesellschaftlichen und psychischen Situation pädophiler Männer ("Pedophilia - Leipzig study on the societal and mental situation of pedophile males"), Lengerich, Pabst Science Publishers, ISBN 3-89967-323-9 (in German)
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 McConaghy, Nathaniel (1993). Sexual Behaviour: Problems and Management, New York, Plenum, p. 312
- ↑ Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Gisela (1980). Mannbarkeitsriten: Zur institutionellen Päderastie bei Papuas und Melanesiern ("Manly rites: On institutional pederasty in Papuas and Melanasians"), Ullstein Materialien, Frankfurt/Main. ISBN 3-54-835066-6 (in German)
- ↑ Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Gisela (1984). Der Weibmann - Kultischer Geschlechtswechsel im Schamanismus, eine Studie zur Transvestition und Transsexualität bei Naturvölkern ("Effeminate men: Cultic sex change in shamanism, a study on transvestism and transsexuality in primitives"), Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag (Reihe Fischer Wissenschaft), Frankfurt/Main. ISBN 3-596-27348-X (in German)
- ↑ Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Gisela (1988). "The Paedophile Impulse: Toward the Development of an Aetiology of Child-Adult Sexual Contacts from an Ethological and Ethnological Viewpoint", Paidika - Journal of Paedophilia, no. 2, 1988
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