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A bibliography of books and articles about Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). All entries here should be substantially about NLP or its applications, or make significant points specifically about NLP.
In Author:Publication Year sequence
- Andreas, Steve & Charles Faulkner (Eds.) (1996). NLP: the new technology of achievement, New York, NY: HarperCollins. ISBN 0688146198.
An applied introductory book, with exercises.
- Bandler, Richard & John Grinder (1975a). The Structure of Magic I: A Book About Language and Therapy, Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books. ISBN 08314-0044-7.
Seminal work in Bandler and Grinder's early development of the process of NLP. Attempts to model successful therapeutic skills using Chomsky's Transformational Grammar linguistic theory to explain the relationship between a clients speech and the underlying experiences. Introduction of the Meta-Model.
- Bandler, Richard & John Grinder (1975b). Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications. ISBN 091699001X.
- Bandler, Richard & John Grinder (1979). Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming, Moab, UT: Real People Press. ISBN 0911226192.
The first popular introduction to NLP, it is primarily an edited transcription of a seminar given by Bandler & Grinder in the early days of NLP. While some members of the NLP community still regard this as one of the best and most readable introductions to NLP, it is quite dated and contains little of the many techniques and models that have been subsequently developed. Many others in the NLP community therefore have more regard for it as an historical document within NLP.
- Bliemeister, J (1988). Empirische Uberprufung zentraler theoretischer Konstrukte des Neurolinguistischen Programmierens (NLP) (Empirical verification of central theoretical constructs of neurolinguistic programming (NLP).). Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie, Forschung und Praxis 17(1): 21-30.
Abstract: This author reports a study that examined some of the central theories of NLP as applied by German (sic) psychologists Bandler and Grinder. Subjects' eye movements were videotaped as subjects answered questions designed to activate the subjects' representational systems. Other questions were apparently controls. The results did not support NLP theoretical predictions.
- Bostic St Clair, Carmen & John Grinder (2002). Whispering in the Wind, Scotts Valley, CA: J & C Enterprises. ISBN 0-9717223-0-7.
- Dilts, Robert B & Judith A DeLozier (2000). Encyclopaedia of Systemic Neuro-Linguistic Programming and NLP New Coding, NLP University Press. ISBN 0-9701540-0-3. Two volumes, 1600 pages of "history, biography & related knowledge [and] the steps to techniques and procedures".
- Dilts, Robert B, Todd Epstein, Robert W Dilts (1991). Tools for Dreamers: Strategies for Creativity, Palo Alto, CA: Meta Publications. ISBN 0916990265.
- Dilts, Robert B (1992). Cognitive Patterns of Jesus of Nazareth, Ben Lomond, CA: Dynamic Learning Publications. ISBN -.
- Druckman, Daniel & John A Swets, (Eds) (1988). Enhancing Human Performance: Issues, Theories, and Techniques, Washington DC: National Academy Press. ISBN 0309037921.
See On-line edition pages 138-149. Retrieved 25 Aug 2005
Extract from conclusions "One widely known technique, neurolinguistic programming, was examined in some detail. Two general questions were asked. First, does NLP work? There is insufficient information to provide a definitive answer to this question; all the evidence that does exist is either neutral or negative. Second, if aspects of NLP have potential merit, by what means do they achieve their results? The committee concluded that the potentially positive aspects are not unique to NLP and are not related to what is offered as a theoretical underpinning to an empirically developed set of procedures." p149.
- Grinder, John & Judith DeLozier (1987). Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius, Scoots Valley, CA: Grinder & Associates. ISBN 1555520227.
- Grinder, John (2003). Interview in London on New Code of NLP, Inspiritive, Sydney Australia. -.
See [1] for interview on NLP modeling, NLP epistemology, and training.
- Grinder, John & Judith DeLozier (1987). Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius, Scoots Valley, CA: Grinder & Associates. ISBN 1555520227.
- Bostic St Clair, Carmen & John Grinder (2002). Whispering in the Wind, Scotts Valley, CA: J & C Enterprises. ISBN 0-9717223-0-7.
Fundamentals of NLP, epistemology, research into NLP, and the historical context of discovery.
- Grinder, John & Richard Bandler (1975). The Structure of Magic II: A Book About Communication and Change, Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books. ISBN 0831400498.
- O'Connor, Joseph & Ian McDermott (1996). Principles of NLP, London, UK: Thorsons. ISBN 0722531958.
- O'Connor, Joseph & John Seymour (1993). Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People, London, UK: Thorsons. ISBN Aquarian Press1855383446.
A no-hype introduction to NLP.
Journal Articles[]
In Author:Publication Year sequence
- Bradley, E J & Heinz J Biedermann (1985). Bandler and Grinder's Communication Analysis: Its historical context and contribution.. Psychotherapy, Theory and Research 22: 59-62.
- Platt, Garry (2001). NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming or No Longer Plausible?. Training Journal May 2001: 10-15.
See NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming or No Longer Plausible? Retrieved 24 Aug 2005.
- Morgan, Dylan A (1993). Scientific Assessment of NLP. Journal of the National Council for Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy Register Spring 1993: -.
See Dylan Morgan bio Retrieved 25 Aug 2005 and Scientific Assessment of NLP Retrieved 24 Aug 2005. - Von Bergen, C W, Barlow Soper, Gary T Rosenthal, Lamar V Wilkinson (1997). Selected alternative training techniques in HRD. Human Resource Development Quarterly 8(4): 281-294.
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