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Cognitive Psychology: Attention · Decision making · Learning · Judgement · Memory · Motivation · Perception · Reasoning · Thinking - Cognitive processes Cognition - Outline Index
Nonverbal meaning is meaning ascribed to nonverbal inputs, for example gesture, dance, architecture, clothes on washing lines. It differs from nonverbal communication.
Symbol and metaphor[]
The decoding of such information depends in part on understanding or socially constructing the symbolic systems underlying the production of the material, and the significance of metaphorical content embedded consciously or unconsciously by the producers of the inputs.
Effects of neurological deficits on understanding nonverbal meaning[]
Nonverbal meaning in psychosis[]
In psychosis part of peoples difficulty may be that they read a meaning into objects. For example, the colour and order of clothes on a washing line may signal the winner of the general election, or a horse race or the imminent arrival of aliens.
See also[]
- Body language
- Intercultural competence
- Intuition
- Kinesics
- Meaning (non-linguistic)
- Metacommunicative competence
- Paralanguage
- Proxemics
Further reading[]
- Brannon, E. M., & Roitman, J. D. (2003). Nonverbal representations of time and number in animals and human infants. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
- Haskell, R. (2001). Deep listening: Uncovering the hidden meanings in everyday conversation. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing.
- McLaughlin, J. T. (1989). The relevance of infant observational research for the analytic understanding of adult patients' nonverbal behaviors. Madison, CT: International Universities Press, Inc.
- McNeill, D. (2005). Gesture and thought. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Mehrabian, A. (2008). Communication without words. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers
- Rapoport, A. (1988). Levels of meaning in the built environment. Ashland, OH: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
- Beattie, G., & Shovelton, H. (2002). An experimental investigation of some properties of individual iconic gestures that mediate their communicative power: British Journal of Psychology Vol 93(2) May 2002, 179-192.
- Berckmans, P. R. (1996). Behavioral expression and related concepts: Behavior and Philosophy Vol 24(2) Fal 1996, 85-98.
- Bucci, W. (1984). Linking words and things: Basic processes and individual variation: Cognition Vol 17(2) Jul 1984, 137-153.
- Buller, D. B., & Aune, R. K. (1987). Nonverbal cues to deception among intimates, friends, and strangers: Journal of Nonverbal Behavior Vol 11(4) Win 1987, 269-290.
- Crowe, S. F. (1997). Deterioration in the production of verbal and nonverbal material as a function of time is contingent upon the meaningfulness of the items: Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology Vol 12(7) 1997, 661-666.
- Dumont, C., & Ska, B. (2000). Pantomime recognition impairment in Alzheimer's disease: Brain and Cognition Vol 43(1-3) Jun-Aug 2000, 177-181.
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- Ericsson, K. A. (2002). Towards a procedure for eliciting verbal expression of non-verbal experience without reactivity: Interpreting the verbal overshadowing effect within the theoretical framework for protocol analysis: Applied Cognitive Psychology Vol 16(8) Dec 2002, 981-987.
- Erkkila, J. (1997). From the unconscious to the conscious: Musical improvisation and drawings as tools in the music therapy of children: Nordisk tidskrift for musikkterapi - Nordic Journal of Music Therapy Vol 6(2) 1997, 112-120.
- Feldman, R. S., Coats, E. J., & Spielman, D. A. (1996). Television exposure and children's decoding of nonverbal behavior: Journal of Applied Social Psychology Vol 26(19) Oct 1996, 1718-1733.
- Foa, U. G., Foa, E. B., & Schwarz, L. M. (1981). Nonverbal communication: Toward syntax, by way of semantics: Journal of Nonverbal Behavior Vol 6(2) Win 1981, 67-83.
- French, P. (1981). Comparability of verbal and nonverbal measures of affective meaning in bilinguals' two languages: Perceptual and Motor Skills Vol 52(1) Feb 1981, 251-254.
- Gallagher, H. L., Happe, F., Brunswick, N., Fletcher, P. C., Frith, U., & Frith, C. D. (2000). Reading the mind in cartoons and stories: an fMRI study of 'theory of the mind' in verbal and nonverbal tasks: Neuropsychologia Vol 38(1) Jan 2000, 11-21.
- Gampel, Y. (1993). Access to the non-verbal through modelling in the psychoanalytic situation: British Journal of Psychotherapy Vol 9(3) Spr 1993, 280-290.
- Giannini, A. J., & Fellows, K. W. (1986). Enhanced interpretation of nonverbal facial cues in male rapists: A preliminary study: Archives of Sexual Behavior Vol 15(2) Apr 1986, 153-156.
- Griffith, P. L., Robinson, J. H., & Panagos, J. M. (1981). Perception of iconicity in American Sign Language by hearing and deaf students: Journal of Speech & Hearing Disorders Vol 46(4) Nov 1981, 388-397.
- Heffner, R. S. (1977). Developmental auditory agnosia in retarded adolescents: A preliminary investigation: Brain and Language Vol 4(4) Oct 1977, 521-536.
- Horgan, T. G., & Smith, J. L. (2006). Interpersonal Reasons for Interpersonal Perceptions: Gender-incongruent Purpose Goals and Nonverbal Judgment Accuracy: Journal of Nonverbal Behavior Vol 30(3) Sep 2006, 127-140.
- Ickes, W. (1995). How Much Can We Say Without Words?: PsycCRITIQUES Vol 40 (2), Feb, 1995.
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