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Oral contraceptives are medications taken by mouth for the purpose of birth control.
Two types of female oral contraceptive pill are widely available:
- The combined oral contraceptive pill contains oestrogen and a progestogen, and is taken once per day.
- The progestogen only pill contains only a progestogen, and is also taken once per day.
Emergency contraception pills ("morning after pills") are taken at the time of intercourse, or within a few days afterwards.
Other types of female oral contraceptive are experimental or only available in limited areas:
- Mifepristone is an antiprogestogen which has been used as a daily oral contraceptive in investigational clinical trials.
- Ormeloxifene (also known as Centchroman) is a selective oestrogen receptor modulator which is taken one to two times per week. Ormeloxifene is approved as an oral contraceptive only in India.
- Male oral contraceptives do not currently exist, although several possibilities are in various stages of research and development.
Attitudes toward oral contraception[]
Effects on sexual behavior of oral contraceptives[]
Effects on mate choice[]
There is some evidence that oral contaceptives can affect mate selection. One study has shown women taking them tend to choose reliable, caring and steady men, rather than more exiting types [citation needed]. They suggest that the hormones in the tablets move women towards those who would make good fathers..
Mood and oral contraception[]
See also[]
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