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Pangender is a term for people who feel that they cannot be labeled as male or female in gender. These people feel that they are; mixed gender, identify equally with "both" genders, are both male and female, feel that they are genderless or feel that they are some other gender all together. The term is meant by the queer community to be one that is inclusive and means "all genders".

Whereas sex refers to someone's anatomy, gender is more about someone's sexual identification or orientation. Gender refers to the roles and qualities that society associates with being either male or female.

In some cases, these individuals are able to live with the majority of the physical characteristics they were born with, but frequently displays the outward appearance, behavior and/or clothing of the opposite gender. In other cases, they were born with both sets of genitalia. Pangendered individuals are happy living "in between" and have no desire to live exclusively as one gender or the other. Problems arise with pangendered individuals because often gender identification is so closely intertwined with sexual gratification making it a difficult subject to talk freely about. Because of the sexual aspect it can become easy for others to dismiss them as "fetishists" and ignore the gender identification aspects of their make up.

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