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Variation in the physical appearance of humans is believed by anthropologists to be an important factor in the development of personality and social relations in particular physical attractiveness. There is a relatively low sexual dimorphism between human males and females in comparison with other mammals. However humans are acutely sensitive to variations in physical appearance for reasons of evolution. Some differences in human appearance are genetic, others are the result of age or disease, and many are the result of personal adornment.
Some people have traditionally linked some differences in personal appearance such as skeletal shape with race, such as prognathism or elongated stride (but this is a controversial and sensitive matter). Different cultures place different degrees of emphasis on physical appearance and its importance to social status and other phenomena.
Physiological differences in human physical appearance from individual to individual[]
- Height, body weight, skin color, sexual organs, moles, hair color and type, eye color, nose shape, body shape, body deformations, mutilations and other imperfections such as amputations, scars, and wounds. Genital modification and mutilation is particularly common in some cultures.
Long-term physiological changes in an individual[]
Short-term physiological changes in an individual[]
- Blushing, crying, fainting, sexual arousal, reddening of the skin due to increased blood flow due to exertion. Sweating, Shivering, skin color changes due to sunshine.
Clothing and personal effects[]
- clothing, including headgear and footwear; some clothes alter or mold the shape of the body (e.g. corset, bra)
- style and colour of haircut
- cosmetics, body paintings
- body modifications, such as body piercings and tattoos
- decorative objects (jewelry)
- medical or body shape altering devices (e.g. tooth braces, bandages, hearing aids, calipers, cervical collar, glasses, gold teeth)
Physical appearance in childhood and adolecence[]
Physical appearance and physical health conditions[]
See also[]
- Beauty
- Blushing
- Body image
- Clothing
- Common human variations
- Cosmetic technique
- Eigenface
- Face perception
- Facial features
- Facial symmetry
- Fashion
- Fluctuating asymmetry
- Hair coloring
- Nudity
- Mimicry (biology)
- Physical attractiveness
- Physical disfigurement
- Physique
- Plastic surgery
- Posture
- Recognition of human individuals
- Sexual attraction
- Social aspects of clothing
- Social role of hair
- Somatypes
- Ugliness
- Vanity
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- Miles, H. E. (1981). Effective personal presentation in job interviews: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Myers, O. L. (1996). Effects of interscholastic athletic involvement on the personal development of black male high school students. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences.
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External links[]
- A discussion of the possible effect of physical appearance on personality development at
- Page with a list of links to discussions of the role of physical appearance in sexual selection and evolution. We need to link to their links directly, having read them, as this page is a blizzard of pop-up ads
- S. Ghirlanda, L. Jansson, M. Enquist; "Chickens Prefer Beautiful Humans", Human Nature, Volume 13, Number 3 (2002) pp. 383-389
Human topics |
Behavior • Biology • Anatomy • Communication • Evolution • Genetics • Appearance • Culture • Civilization • Society • Technology • Art • Mind • Nature • Condition • Development • Sexuality |
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