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The prestriate cortex (aka circumstriate cortex or extrastriate cortex) is the visual association cortex that surrounds the primary visual cortex. It receives fibres from both there and the superior colliculus.[1]

Brodmann areas 17 18 19

Extrastriate cortex is shown in yellow (Brodmann area 19) and orange (Brodmann area 18). Striate cortex (Brodmann area 17) is shown in red.

It is the region of the occipital cortex of the mammalian brain located next to the striate cortex (which is also known as the primary visual cortex). In terms of Brodmann areas, the extrastriate cortex comprises Brodmann area 18 and Brodmann area 19, while the striate cortex comprises Brodmann area 17.

In primates, the prestriate cortex includes visual area V2, visual area V3, visual area V4, visual area MT (sometimes called V5), and visual area DP.

The prestriate cortex is the locus of mid-level vision. Neurons in the prestriate cortex generally respond to visual stimuli within their receptive fields. These responses are modulated by extraretinal effects, like attention, working memory, and reward expectation.

See also[]


  1. Reber, A.S. & Reber, E.S. (2001). Dictionary of Psychology. London:Penguin