Here at the Psychology Wiki, we encourage people who have various conditions to share their experiences. This can teach health professionals and academics more about how each condition feels. It can also help other people with these conditions learn coping tips and feel less alone.
Want to read other people's stories? Check out our experiences category or scroll down to the list of subcategories.
Would you like to share your story? Please take a close look so you understand the purpose and our privacy recommendations.
Sharing your story can give others insights. It can help people with the same condition(s), health professionals, students, etc. We hope to learn learn how best to cope with different conditions, ways in which other people have recovered (if applicable), and personal aspects that academia doesn't always cover.
Our goal is to foster an environment of respect, curiosity, and learning. We hope that psychology as a discipline will benefit from this gathering of ideas, emotions, and experiences.
You might write about:
- What you've gone through
- What you want clinicians and other experts to know
- Your experience getting treatment, what worked, and what didn't
- Your advice for people with the same condition(s) and/or their caregivers
This is your post and you choose the topics!
However, this isn't:
- A support group, counseling, or therapy
- A place to put a cry for help (see crisis hotlines)
- Mostly Zen's experience with depression
- "Things I wish non-autistics knew" by Luna Rose
- Unhappy Larry's experience with depression
Privacy, editing, and deletion[]
Your privacy is important. We won't ask for or share your personal information (aside from needing to enter an email address to make an account).
If you feel more comfortable sharing your story using a sockpuppet (alias) account, that's okay!
For blog posts (recommended)[]
- Editing: You have the freedom to edit your post whenever, from typo fixes to overhauls. You don't need admin help.
- Vandalism protection: This is an automatic feature of blog posts. Other people (besides admins) can't edit your post.
- Deletion: First, blank the contents so people can't see them. Then ask an admin (Psychology Wiki, or if no one is available, staff) to delete the post if you want its history gone too.
For user page articles[]
- Editing: Ask an admin to edit your page. Tell the changes you'd like made.
- Vandalism protection: Ask an admin to protect the page so it can't be edited anymore.
- Deletion: Ask an admin to delete the page. (You must be logged in using the same account.)
Would admins ever edit my story?[]
Usually, no. However, wiki admins reserve the right to edit for reasons like:
- Typos or readability issues (e.g. breaking up giant paragraphs)
- Removing offensive/inflammatory language
- Protecting your privacy if they think you're at risk
- Other judgment calls
If you want to contribute your story or personal experience to the Psychology Wiki, please follow the instructions below:
First, log in either with your regular account or with your special sockpuppet account.
Blog post method (recommended)[]
- Go to "Explore" underneath the "Psychology Wiki" name near the top left of your screen. Hover and click "Recent Blog Posts."
- Right above the list of blog posts, at the top right, you'll see a button that says "+ Create Blog Post." Click it.
- Type up your blog post. You can use normal wiki features like images and links.
- Add the {{Experience blog post}} template (Insert > Template) for a customizable header.
- Add one or more relevant categories to your blog post. This helps people find your post. Check the Personal experiences category for a list of categories.
Your blog post title is your choice. You can write as many blog posts as you want.
User page method[]
While this method was the only way to do things in this wiki's early days, we suggest using a blog post instead since it's more versatile.
- Add this link somewhere on your User page: [[User:YOUR-USERNAME-HERE/Experience]].
- Once the page from that link is working, use that page to write your experience.
- Add an {{Experience blog post}} or {{Experiencepage}} template to the top of the page.
- Contact an administrator: Lifeartist, Mostly Zen or Jaywin to let them know you have written an experience.
We will then protect your story/experience page so that other people cannot change it. We will add category tags and fix any issues (e.g. missing header template).
Writing tips[]
To help people read and learn from your experience, we recommend the following:
- Break up big blocks of text. Short and medium paragraphs are easier to read.
- Use subheadings in longer posts to organize your thoughts.
- Check for typos and unclear wording.
- Consider making more than one post if you have many topics to talk about. Make as many as you like!
Clear writing helps people focus on the meaning of your words and remember what you said.
Your experience will show up in the category page(s) for the relevant experience. For example, if you wrote about depression, alcoholism, and going through CBT, then it will appear in all three categories.
We hope you enjoy sharing your experiences with other users of this site and that you find reading the other experiences here to be beneficial. Please do not hesitate to contact an administrator if you have any comments, questions, or concerns!
New to wikis? See the Beginner's Guide to Wikis.
Experience types[]
We don't have experience indexes for every condition yet. We hope to gain more over time.
You can share your experiences with treatment (therapy/medication/home remedies) and the condition itself.