Psychology Wiki

Assessment | Biopsychology | Comparative | Cognitive | Developmental | Language | Individual differences | Personality | Philosophy | Social |
Methods | Statistics | Clinical | Educational | Industrial | Professional items | World psychology |

Our Mission with Psychology Wiki is to give all people of the world free access to the sum total of psychology knowledge as developed within our scientific discipline. We envisage that complete and free access, combined with the user collaboration model, will eventually allow for the development of an integrated model of psychology across the different fields of the science.

In order to achieve this we need a Psychology Wiki program of works

Our Vision[]

The Psychology Wiki's mission is to create an online peer revewed resource placing the entire body of psychology knowledge in the hands of its users, be they academics, practitioners or users of psychology services.

In doing so we are looking to address three issues. Firstly, psychology is composed of different and competing paradigms and perspectives, with researchers in different areas being unable to form an integrated model. Secondly, much of our knowledge is costly to access due to the restrictive nature of the journal-subscription model and the limited availability of free research papers in libraries and electronic databases.Thirdly, current psychology has a pronounced anglophone bias.

We look to work on the first problem by gathering psychology knowledge into one place, so creating a meta textbook. Articles can then be extensively cross linked, easily explaining terminology of one sub-discipline to a researcher in another, facilitating integration and discussion and allowing for the generation of new hypotheses and new theoretical models.

We address the second issue by citing the most relevant references in our discipline linking them to full text. Where this is not possible we will develop fuller, more useful summaries of papers than is currently available in abstracts. As each paper becomes freely accessible, it will have its own discussion page. We hope to stimulate more active debate on individual papers.

We address the third issue by encouraging input from other cultures in order to construct an international psychology which will be translated into the main languages of the world.

The overall aim is to have the full corpus of psychology knowledge freely available to all on the desktop.

In order to do this we need your help. The task of unifying our discipline into an integrated and modern body of knowledge is too large for any small group of individuals. Only through the combined work of our entire psychology community will this task be possible.

We urge you to contribute to this project in any way you can.

See also[]