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Professional Psychology:
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Psychology Journals ·
- Here is a selection of psychology journals published throughout the world.
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Open Access journals[]
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Electronic Journals and Periodicals[]
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Lists by subject area[]
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Japanese Psychological Research [418]
- Journal for the Education of the Gifted [419]
- Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society [420]
- Journal for Specialists in Group Work [421]
- Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour [422]
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology[423]
- Journal of Abnormal Psychology[424]
- Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan
- Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling [425]
- Journal of Addictive Diseases[426]
- Journal of Adolescence [427]
- Journal of Adolescent Research [428]
- Journal of Adult Development Journal
- Journal of Affective Disorders [429]
- Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma [430]
- Journal of Aging and Health [431]
- Journal of Aging and Social Policy [432]
- Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics [433]
- Journal of Analytical Psychology [434]
- Journal of Analytic Social Work [435]
- Journal of Anxiety Disorders [436]
- Journal of Applied Behavioral Science [437]
- Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis[438]
- Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
- Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research [439]
- Journal of Applied Probability [440]
- Journal of Applied Psychoanalysis
- Journal of Applied Psychology [441]
- Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities [442]
- Journal of Applied Social Psychology [443]
- Journal of Applied Statistical Reasoning [444]
- Journal of Applied Statistics [445]
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research[446]
- Journal of Attention Disorders [447]
- Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders [448]
- Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia [449]
- Journal of Behavioral and Neuroscience Research
- Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry [450]
- Journal of Behavioral Decision Making [451]
- Journal of Behavioral Education [452]
- Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research [453]
- Journal of Behavioral Medicine [454]
- Journal of Business & Economic Statistics [455]
- Journal of Business & Psychology [456]
- Journal of Child & Adolescent Group Therapy [457]
- Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology [458]
- Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse [459]
- Journal of Child & Family Studies [460]
- Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines [461]
- Journal of Child Psychotherapy [462]
- Journal of Child Sexual Abuse [463]
- Journal of Classification [464]
- Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology[465]
- Journal of Clinical Child Psychology [466]
- Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine [467]
- Journal of Clinical Geropsychology [468]
- Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology [469]
- Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, The [470]
- Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis [471]
- Journal of Clinical Psychology[472]
- Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings [473]
- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology [474]
- Journal of Cognition and Development [475]
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience [476]
- Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation [477]
- Journal of College Counseling [478]
- Journal of College Student Psychotherapy [479]
- Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology[480]
- Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
- Journal of Community Psychology [481]
- Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology [482]
- Journal of Comparative Psychology [483]
- Journal of Computer- Assisted Learning [484]
- Journal of Conflict Resolution [485]
- Journal of Consciousness Studies
- Journal of Constructivist Psychology [486]
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [487]
- Journal of Consumer Psychology [488]
- Journal of Consumer Research [489]
- Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy [490]
- Journal of Counseling and Development [491]
- Journal of Counseling Psychology [492]
- Journal of Couples Therapy [493]
- Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology [494]
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology[495]
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
- Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
- Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics [496]
- Journal of Developmental & Physical Disabilities [497]
- Journal of Divorce
- Journal of Early Adolescence [498]
- Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention
- Journal of Economic Psychology [499]
- Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics [500]
- Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation [501]
- Journal of Educational Psychology [502]
- Journal of Educational Research [503]
- Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk [504]
- Journal of Emotional Abuse [505]
- Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders [506]
- Journal of Employment Counseling [507]
- Journal of Environmental Psychology [508]
- Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
- Journal of Experimental Psychology
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes[509]
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied [510]
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: General [511]
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance[512]
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition[513]
- Journal of Experimental Social Psychology [514]
- Journal of Family Communication [515]
- Journal of Family Issues [516]
- Journal of Family Practice [517]
- Journal of Family Psychology[518]
- Journal of Family Psychotherapy [519]
- Journal of Family Social Work [520]
- Journal of Family Therapy[521]
- Journal of Feminist Family Therapy [522]
- Journal of Forensic Psychiatry [523]
- Journal of Forensic Sciences [524]
- Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy [525]
- Journal of General Psychology [526]
- Journal of Genetic Psychology [527]
- Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry [528]
- Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology [529]
- Journal of Gerontology
- Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry, The [530]
- Journal of Health Psychology[531]
- Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for Adolescents & Children [532]
- Journal of Humanistic Psychology[533]
- Journal of Imago Relationship Therapy, The [534]
- Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health[535]
- Journal of Individual Psychology [536]
- Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities [537]
- Journal of Intellectual Disability Research [538]
- Journal of Intelligent Systems
- Journal of Interpersonal Violence [539]
- Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling [540]
- Journal of Language and Social Psychology [541]
- Journal of Learning Disabilities [542]
- Journal of Loss and Trauma [543]
- Journal of Managerial Psychology [544]
- Journal of Marital and Family Therapy [545]
- Journal of Marriage and Family
- Journal of Marriage and Family Counselling
- Journal of Marriage and the Family
- Journal of Mathematical Psychology [546]
- Journal of Mathematical Statistics & Probability [547]
- Journal of Media Psychology [548]
- Journal of Melanie Klein and Object Relations [549]
- Journal of Memory & Language [550]
- Journal of Mental Health[551]
- Journal of Mental Health Administration [552]
- Journal of Mental Health and Aging [553]
- Journal of Mental Imagery
- Journal of Mind and Behavior [554]
- Journal of Mind and Behavior: Abstracts [555]
- Journal of Molecular Neuroscience [556]
- Journal of Motor Behavior [557]
- Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development [558]
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis [559]
- Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease [560]
- Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, & Psychiatry [561]
- Journal of Neuro-Oncology [562]
- Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences [563]
- Journal of Neurophysiology
- Journal of Neuroscience
- Journal of Neuroscience Online [564]
- Journal of Nonparametric Statistics [565]
- Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology [566]
- Journal of Occupational Health Psychology [567]
- Journal of Online Behavior [568]
- Journal of Organizational Behavior [569]
- Journal of Organizational Behavior Management [570]
- Journal of Online Behavior
- Journal of Parapsychology [571]
- Journal of Pastoral Care
- Journal of Pediatric Psychology [572]
- Journal of Personality [573]
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology [574]
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
- Journal of Personality Assessment [575]
- Journal of Personality Disorders [576]
- Journal of Philosophy of Education [577]
- Journal of Poetry Therapy [578]
- Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions [579]
- Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
- Journal of Pracitical Psychiatry and Behavioral Health [580]
- Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community [581]
- Journal of Primary Prevention [582]
- Journal of Psychiatric Research [583]
- Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience [584]
- Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, The [585]
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment [586]
- Journal of Psychology & Financial Markets [587]
- Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality [588]
- Journal of Psychology & Theology [589]
- Journal of Psychology and Judaism [590]
- Journal of Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences [591]
- Journal of Psychology, The [592]
- Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment [593]
- Journal of Psychopharmacology [594]
- Journal of Psychophysiology [595]
- Journal of Psychosomatic Research [596]
- Journal of Psychotherapy Integration [597]
- Journal of Psychotherapy Praxis & Research [598]
- Journal of Quality Technology [599]
- Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy [600]
- Journal of Regression Therapy [601]
- Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology [602]
- Journal of Research in PersonalityJournal of Research in Personality [603]
- Journal of Research in Reading [604]
- Journal of Research on Adolescence [605]
- Journal of Research Practice
- Journal of Rural Community Psychology[606]
- Journal of Russian and East European Psychology [607]
- Journal of School Psychology [608]
- Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy [609]
- Journal of Sex Research
- Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology [610]
- Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology [611]
- Journal of Social and Personal Relationships[612]
- Journal of Social Issues [613]
- Journal of Social Psychology [614]
- Journal of Social Service Research [615]
- Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology [616]
- Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, The [617]
- Journal of Statistical Education[618]
- Journal of Statistics Education [619]
- Journal of Systemic Therapies [620]
- Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry[621]
- Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
- Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis [622]
- Journal of the American Medical Association [623]
- Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association[624]
- Journals of the American Statistical Association [625]
- Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior [626]
- Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences [627]
- Journal of the History of the Neurosciences [628]
- Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society [629]
- Journal of the Learning Sciences [630]
- Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand [631]
- Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology [632]
- Journal of Time Series Analysis [633]
- Journal of Transactional Social Psychology [634]
- Journal of Transpersonal Psychology [635]
- Journal of Traumatic Brain Injury [636]
- Journal of Traumatic Stress[637]
- Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education
- Journal of Undergraduate Psychology Research
- Journal of Virtual Environments
- Journal of Vision
- Journal of Vocational Behavior[638]
- Journal of Youth & Adolescence [639]
- Journal on Developmental Disabilities [640]
- Pain (journal) [702]
- Papeles del Psicologo [703]
- Pastoral Psychology [704]
- Peabody Journal of Education [705]
- Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology [706]
- Peace Research: The Canadian Journal Of Peace Studies [707]
- Perception (journal) [708]
- Perception and Psychophysics[709]
- Perception Online [710]
- Personal Relationships [711]
- Personality & Individual Differences[712]
- Personality and Individual Differences
- Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin [713]
- Personality and Social Psychology Review [714]
- Personnel Psychology
- Perspectives [715]
- Perspectives on Psychological Science
- Pharmacopsychiatry [716]
- Philosophical Psychology [717]
- Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology [718]
- Physician and Sportsmedicine, The [719] Full online journal
- Physiology & Behavior [720]
- Podium : Vakblad voor educatie en communicatie over natuur en leefomgeving/Quarterly Journal on Environmental Education & Communication [721]
- Political Psychology [722]
- Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation (PARE)
- Pre- & Perinatal Psychology Journal [723]
- Prevention & Treatment- APA electronic journal. now defunct
- Prevention Researcher [724]
- Professional Psychology [725]
- Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
- Progress: Family Systems Research and Therapy [726]
- Progress in Behavior Modification [727]
- Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry [728]
- [729]- (e-journal)
- Psicologia & Giustizia: The Italian Review of Forensic Psychology
- [730] - (e-journal) [731]
- PSYART - (e-journal)
- Psybernetika--An Electronic Student Journal [732]
- PSYCHE[733] - (e-journal)
- Psyche (journal) [734]
- PsychNews International [735]
- Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought [736]
- Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy [737]
- Psychoanalytic Abstracts [738]
- Psychoanalytic Dialogues [739]
- Psychoanalytic Inquiry [740]
- Psychoanalytic Psychology [741]
- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy [742]
- Psychoanalytic Review [743]
- Psychoanalytic Studies - (e-journal) [744]
- Psychoanalytic Study of the Child [745]
- Psychobiology (journal) [746]
- Psychodynamic Counselling [747]
- Psychohistory Review, The [748]
- Psychologica Belgica[749]
- Psychological Abstracts [750]
- Psychological Aspects of Human Sexuality [751]
- Psychological Assessment [752]
- Psychological Bulletin [753]
- Psychological Inquiry [754]
- Psychological Medicine [755]
- Psychological Methods [756]
- Psychological Perspectives [757]
- Psychological Record
- Psychological Research. Psychologische Forschung [758]
- Psychological Review [759]
- Psychological Science [760]
- Psychological Science Agenda [761]
- Psychological Science in the Public Interest
- Psychologie & Computers [762]
- Psychologische Beiträge [763]
- Psychologische Rundschau [764]
- Psychologischer Journals [765]
- Psychologist, The- House magazine of British Psychological Society
- Psychology & Aging [766]
- Psychology and Developing Societies [767]
- Psychology and Health [768]
- Psychology and Marketing [769]
- Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
- Psychology, Crime, & Law [770]
- Psychology, Health, and Medicine [771]
- Psychology in Spain
- Psychology Online Journal
- Psycoloquy
- Psychology of Addictive Behaviors [772]
- Psychology of Music [773]
- Psychology of Women Quarterly [774]
- Psychology in the Schools [775]
- Psychology, Psychiatry, and Law [776]
- Psychology, Public Policy, and Law [777]
- Psychology Software News [778]
- Psychometrika [779]
- Psychoneuroendocrinology[780]]
- Psychonomic Bulletin & Review [781]
- Psychnology
- Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
- Psycho-Oncology [782]
- Psychopathology (journal) [783]
- Psychopharmacology (journal) [784]
- Psychophysiology (Journal) [785]
- Psychosomatics [786]
- Psychosomatic Medicine [787]
- Psychotherapie - Zeitschrift für Moderne Psychotherapie & Gesellschaft
- Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics [788]
- Psychotherapy Finances [789]
- Psychotherapy Patient, The [790]
- Psychotherapy Research [791]
- Psychotherapy: Theory\Practice\Research\Training
- Psycoloquy Journal [792] - Behavioral and Brain Sciences -an online journal
- PsycSCAN: Applied Psychology [793]
- PsycSCAN: Behavior Analysis & Therapy [794]
- PsycSCAN: Clinical Psychology [795]
- PsycSCAN: Developmental Psychology [796]
- PsycSCAN: Learning Disorders and Mental Retardation [797]
- Psynopsis - Canada's Psychology Newspaper [798]
- Psyplomacy[]
- Public Opinion Quarterly [799]