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Eye dilate

Pupillary response

Pupillary response or dilation of the pupil is a physiological response that widens the size of the pupil of the eye via the iris dilator muscle. It can have a variety of causes. It may be a reaction to exposure to light.

Or it may indicate interest in the subject of attention or indicate sexual stimulation.[1] The pupils contract immediately before someone falls asleep.[2]

A pupillary response can be intentionally conditioned as a Pavlovian response to some stimulus.[3]

The latency of pupillary response (the time in which it takes to occur) increases with age.[4]

Use of central nervous system stimulant drugs can cause dilation of the pupil.[5]

In ophthalmology, intensive studies of pupillary response are conducted via videopupillometry.[6]

Psychological factors associated with pupil dilation[]

See also[]


  1. Hess, Eckhard H.; Polt, James M. (5 August 1960), "Pupil Size as Related to Interest Value of Visual Stimuli", Science 132 (3423): 349, doi:10.1126/science.132.3423.349, PMID 14401489 
  2. Lowenstein, Otto; Feinberg, Richard; Loewenfeld, Irene E. (April 1963), "Pupillary Movements During Acute and Chronic Fatigue: A New Test for the Objective Evaluation of Tiredness", Investigative Ophthalmology (St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Company) 2 (2): 138–157, 
  3. (1938). "The Pupillary Response Conditioned to Subliminal Auditory Stimuli". Ohio State University.
  4. Podolak, Edward; Feinberg, Richard (September 1965) ([dead link]), Latency of pupillary reflex to light stimulation and its relationship to aging, Federal Aviation Agency, Office of Aviation Medicine, Georgetown Clinical Research Institute, pp. 12, OCLC 84657376, 
  5. Jaanus SD (1992), "Ocular side effects of selected systemic drugs", Optom Clin 2 (4): 73–96, PMID 1363080 
  6. Ishikawa, S.; Naito, M.; Inaba, K. (1970), "A new videopupillography", Ophthalmologica 160 (4): 248–259, PMID 5439164 

Further reading[]

  • Aboyoun, D. C., & Dabbs, J. M., Jr. (1998). The Hess pupil dilation findings: Sex or novelty? : Social Behavior and Personality Vol 26(4) 1998, 415-419.
  • Ahern, S., & Beatty, J. (1979). Pupillary responses during information processing vary with Scholastic Aptitude Test scores: Science Vol 205(4412) Sep 1979, 1289-1292.
  • Ahern, S. K. (1978). Activation and intelligence: Pupillometric correlates of individual differences in cognitive abilities: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Albert, D. J., & Madryga, F. J. (1980). An examination of the functionally effective spread of 4ml of slowly infused lidocaine: Behavioral & Neural Biology Vol 29(3) Jul 1980, 378-384.
  • Altman, F., Bernick, N., & Mintz, D. L. (1972). Pupil responses of addicts in treatment to drug culture argot: I. Auditory presentation of double entendre words: Psychonomic Science Vol 28(2) Jul 1972, 79-80.
  • Ambler, B. A., Fisicaro, S. A., & Proctor, R. W. (1976). Temporal characteristics of primary-secondary message interference in a dichotic listening task: Memory & Cognition Vol 41(6) Nov 1976, 709-716.
  • Ambler, B. A., Fisicaro, S. A., & Proctor, R. W. (1977). Information reduction, internal transformations, and task difficulty: Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society Vol 10(6) Dec 1977, 463-466.
  • Anderson, C. J., Colombo, J., & Shaddy, D. J. (2006). Visual Scanning and Pupillary Responses in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology Vol 28(7) Oct 2006, 1238-1256.
  • Antikainen, J., & Niemi, P. (1983). Neuroticism and the pupillary response to a brief exposure to noise: Biological Psychology Vol 17(2-3) Sep-Nov 1983, 131-135.
  • Arundel, G. P. (1974). An exploratory study of pupillary dilation as a measure of difference in attitude of three groups of educators toward orthopedically handicapped children: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Ashe, J. H. (1978). Efferent control of pupillary dilation: The functions of the parasympathetic and sympathetic pupillomotor system in control of spontaneous, evoked, and conditioned pupillary dilation in the cat: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Ashe, J. H., Cassady, J. M., & Weinberger, N. M. (1976). The relationship of the cochlear microphonic potential to the acquisition of a classically conditioned pupillary dilation response: Behavioral Biology Vol 16(1) Jan 1976, 45-62.
  • Ashe, J. H., Cooper, C. L., & Weinberger, N. M. (1978). Mesencephalic multiple-unit activity during acquisition of conditioned pupillary dilation: Brain Research Bulletin Vol 3(2) Mar-Apr 1978, 143-154.
  • Ashe, J. H., Cooper, C. L., & Weinberger, N. M. (1978). Role of the parasympathetic pupillomotor system in classically conditioned pupillary dilation of the cat: Behavioral & Neural Biology Vol 23(1) May 1978, 1-13.
  • Atay, F. M. (1995). A differential-delay equation arising in the modelling of the pupil light reflex. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
  • Atchison, D. A., Scott, D. H., Joblin, A., & Smith, G. (2001). Influence of Stiles-Crawford effect apodization on spatial visual performance with decentered pupils: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Optics, Image Science & Vision Vol 18(6) Jun 2001, 1201-1211.
  • Atchison, D. A., Scott, D. H., Strang, N. C., & Artal, P. (2002). Influence of Stiles-Crawford apodization on visual acuity: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Optics, Image Science & Vision Vol 19(6) Jun 2002, 1073-1083.
  • Backs, R. W., & Walrath, L. C. (1992). Eye movement and pupillary response indices of mental workload during visual search of symbolic displays: Applied Ergonomics Vol 23(4) Aug 1992, 243-254.
  • Bailey, B. P., Busbey, C. W., & Iqbal, S. T. (2007). TAPRAV: An interactive analysis tool for exploring workload aligned to models of task execution: Interacting with Computers Vol 19(3) May 2007, 314-329.
  • Bando, T., Takagi, M., Toda, H., & Yoshizawa, T. (1992). Functional roles of the lateral suprasylvian cortex in ocular near response in the cat: Neuroscience Research Vol 15(3) Nov 1992, 162-178.
  • Barbur, J. L., Harlow, A. J., & Sahraie, A. (1992). Pupillary responses to stimulus structure, colour and movement: Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics Vol 12(2) Apr 1992, 137-141.
  • Bartley, S. H. (1943). Some parallels between pupillary 'reflexes' and brightness discrimination: Journal of Experimental Psychology Vol 32(2) Feb 1943, 110-122.
  • Beall, B. S. (1977). The expressed and physiologically measured attitudes to alcoholic beverages of female social drinkers and non-drinkers: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Beall, S. (1977). Pupillary responses as a measure of attitudes about alcoholic beverages: Perceptual and Motor Skills Vol 45(3, Pt 1) Dec 1977, 751-756.
  • Beatty, J. (1982). Task-evoked pupillary responses, processing load, and the structure of processing resources: Psychological Bulletin Vol 91(2) Mar 1982, 276-292.
  • Beatty, J., & Wagoner, B. L. (1978). Pupillometric signs of brain activation vary with level of cognitive processing: Science Vol 199(4334) Mar 1978, 1216-1218.
  • Bednarczyk, G. S. (1984). Pupillary and digital vascular responses to stress in migrainous and non-migrainous subjects: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Bell, R. R. (1973). The potential of the pupillary response in business research: An investigation of methodology and autonomic contamination: Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Berlucchi, G., & Strata, P. (1964). The problem of a true consensual light reflex in birds: Archives Italiennes de Biologie 102(1) 1964, 29-35.
  • Bernhardt, P. C., Dabbs, J. M., & Riad, J. K. (1996). Pupillometry system for use in social psychology: Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers Vol 28(1) Feb 1996, 61-66.
  • Bernick, N., Altman, F., & Mintz, D. L. (1972). Pupil responses of addicts in treatment to drug culture argot: II. Responses during verbalization of visually presented words: Psychonomic Science Vol 28(2) Jul 1972, 81-82.
  • Berrien, F. K., & Huntington, G. H. (1943). An exploratory study of pupillary responses during deception: Journal of Experimental Psychology Vol 32(5) May 1943, 443-449.
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  • Bianca, R. (2005). Neural pathways that mediate an autonomic response (dilatation of the pupil) to vaginocervical stimulation in the rat. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering.
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