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The Rewind Technique, also known as the Fast Phobia Cure and Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation (VKD), since 2001 Is reported to be to be a highly effective treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other post-trauma symptoms. Clients are said to get markedly better after just a few sessions with some making a dramatic improvement after just one session.
The technique has been known for some time but there has had renewed interest due to its advocacy within the Human Givens approach
The rewind procedure[]
Relaxation is induced and clients are asked to recall or imagine a place where they feel totally safe and at ease. Their relaxed state is then deepened and they are asked to imagine that, in their safe place, they have a TV set, a video player and a remote control.
They are then asked to imagine themselves watching the TV screen, without actually seeing the picture, enabling them to create a significant emotional distance.
Clients are then asked to watch themselves watching a ‘film’ of the traumatic event they encountered. The film starts where the trauma occured and finishes at the point at which it ended when they felt safe again.
They are then asked to imagine pressing the remote control rewind button, enabling them to see themselves travelling very quickly back through the traumatic event from safe point to safe point. Then they watch the same images but with their fingers pressed firmly on the fast forward button.
This process is repeated at a speed, controlled by the individual, for as many times as needed until the scenes evokes no emotion.
The client is then prepared for facing the feared setting in the future (eg driving a car after an accident). They are asked to imagine a scenario in which they are experiencing the previously traumatic memories but doing so in a confident and relaxed manner.
Once accomplished, the client is brought out of relaxation and the rewind is completed.