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Social psychology: Altruism · Attribution · Attitudes · Conformity · Discrimination · Groups · Interpersonal relations · Obedience · Prejudice · Norms · Perception · Index · Outline

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Social acceptance is an aspect of social behavior it is the degree to which an individual is actively brought into social interactions by others, in individual and or group relationships. Barriers to social acceptance may be prejudice, stigma.

Social acceptance effects children, teenagers and adults. It also can affect people of all ages with mental disabilities because social acceptance determines many decisions people make in life.

Among children and teenagers, they do a lot of things to try and be accepted among friends, also known as peer pressure. Peer pressure determines sometimes how they do their hair and decides what clothes they wear. It also determines what they are willing to do to as far as smoking, drinking, swearing and much more, to be accepted by those whose friendship they value.

Adults do some of the same things out of the desire for the acceptance and approval of their friends. To be one of the gang, they do some of the same things like drinking, swearing or taking drugs just to fit in. They base fashion on the latest tips from magazines and fashion experts.

Social acceptance could be defined as the fact that most people, in order to fit in with others, look and act like them. Or sometimes it’s a term that refers to the ability to accept, or to tolerate differences and diversity in other people or groups of people.

When it comes to mental disabilities, social acceptance plays a big role in recovery. Social acceptance is important because many people don’t understand mental illness so they don’t know how to embrace their friends or other people who have a disease. Leaving these people with feelings of not being accepted in groups of friends.

Social acceptance may in time lead to social approval

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