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Aggression is a form of the destructive individual, biological or social behavior.
The reason of social or political aggression was studied by Karl Marx, but his suggestion, that the reason of the war is the private ownership, empires spreading - struggle for economical influence, was not full enough, because there are some more reasons of the political aggression. Among them - historical memory, the revenge inhabits, fanaticism and extremism of some wings of different religions, the strong man's model and image produced by media, and even psychology of politicians. Democratic societies have more possibilities to stop aggresion - the world peace movement demonstrations consists of hundred thousands protesting citizens. The peace supporting orginisations like the green parties and moovements or Russian mothers against the war in Chechnia supports peace process. Psychology of the social aggression was studied by philosopher Erich Fromm, considering mainly fascizm.
The Soviet aggression against the Baltic states was described and studied by many sovietologists. The ocupation of the Baltic States was performed according to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (August 23, 1939). Now, the problem of social group aggression in the Europe is related to some neonazzi organisations, racism, fascism, and cultural differences among Christian and moslim people.
- Erich Fromm. The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, 1973.
Anti-fascist websites[]
- British anti-fascist website
- The Political Economy of Fascism - From Dave Renton's anti-fascist website
- Antifašistická Akcia Bratislava-Antifacism Action Brataslava. Slovak anti-facism website
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